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Messages - GreatGoal12

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Gameplay questions / Re: Villagers and stealth
« on: July 20, 2018, 10:37:27 PM »
Two possibilities;
The world is not "active" if you're not in it.

Okay, but, what does it mean?

When was the last time you bathed?

Probably a 3-4 weeks ago, I accidentally dropped into the water, after the ice broken under my weight. Would I really stink so much to get their attention so much?

Gameplay questions / Villagers and stealth
« on: July 20, 2018, 09:54:15 PM »

I don't understand, how stealth works and why villagers in this game are omniscient. They, in some magical way, always know, where I am, and when I am getting closer to their village. I have 79% of stealth skill and I try to come closer to their village at night, while it is snowing. The maximum visibility is 2 tiles away, yet every time I try to come closer, some of them magically wake up, leave their houses and start to go toward the exact place, where I currently am. I obviously do this without being previously seen by them in the last few hours. When this happens and I just wait, they will miraculously come to the next closest tile from me and detect me from there, it's like I am a magnet and they are an iron that inevitably is going to find a magnet, if it's close enough. If I in such situation start to move away from the village going backward and randomly changing direction to left or right, they will still follow me perfectly, replicating all my moves to always take the shortest path to me, as if they had some divine insight telling them exactly, where is my hidding spot. This will happen until I am out of the village's range. I am of course, all of this time "hidden" using stealth, while making almost 0 noises, due to good stealth skill.

So, am I really "hidden" with a stealth skill, if they somehow are always 100% sure, where I am? Without making any noise or having an unsuccessful stealth attempt or being simply detected.

Please, explain someone this phenomenon to me. It really feels unrealistic.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with fishing
« on: July 18, 2018, 06:28:37 PM »
Okay, I see it now, my first question was answered already, I somehow didn't read that part of your answer, but still don't see, how it's last sentence relates in any way to my last question.

I asked, if sacrificing a fish that was prepared in a certain method would grant better results than to sacrifice a raw fish of the same type, as in practice/trade the prepared fish is more valuable, or does it not matter? I guess it probably doesn't matter as with fish types, but wanted to make sure.

Okay, thanks for the help.

Gameplay questions / Re: Problems with fishing
« on: July 18, 2018, 05:19:36 PM »
Thank you guys for all the replies, it was very helpful.

To get out of the hole you're currently in, you'd need to either move to start afresh with new spirits of the water, switch to another food source while the spirits of the water calm down (if they do? The spirit of the water is still incredibly happy with me for the sacrifices in spring, when I fished last, and it's now autumn), or buy fish (salted/smoked/dried/roasted) in a village and sacrifice that. You can also sacrifice the last remainder of a roasted pike in the future.
Note that you can only sacrifice once per day per spirit (plus special ritual sacrifices), and the amount sacrificed doesn't matter, so a roach is as good as a salmon (or, put another way, sacrificing a whole salmon is a waste).

Oh, yeah, I have just gotten myself 32 dried breams through trade with villagers. Should I sacrifice all of them at once or only some part of them or just one? And should I do it everyday from now on? Also, where should the sacrifice take place? Should it be close to the water source or does it not matter, if the subject of sacrifice comes from a particular source (water, forest), in this case - water.

Also, does sacrificing a dried bream would have a bigger effect than sacrificing just a raw bream, since the first one is more valuable or spirits don't care about that, just as they don't with certain fish types?

In addition to angering the spirits of the water, you can also over fish, in particular in small lakes, so the catches dwindle, although they recover if given time.

That could also be the case, but I tried in many, many location with many attempts and it just stopped working. I was also fishing from a sea, because I decided to make my house close to the Njerpez cultural zone, but on the western side of that gulf in the south-eastern region of the map, so there should be a plenty of fishes.

Gameplay questions / Problems with fishing
« on: July 17, 2018, 10:36:57 PM »
Hello everyone,

I have a big problem with fishing currently. It was and is my only source of food, and so far, I was doing quite decent with it. Right now it's 6 weeks to the winter season and I am spending all of my energy on building my first house all the time + fishing, when it is necessary, which was so far an enough good way to supply my efforts. Unfortunately after some time I started to get messages that the waters feel extremely hostile to me, and my guess here is that it is related to spirits being angry at me or me having a bad karma for killing so many fishes for nothing in return (I am still a new player, so don't really have a good idea except for these suppositions, so I might be wrong).

After getting first of these messages, my initial fishing place stopped working, so I started to move few tiles on the F6 map away and fish there. It worked, but I also started to get the same messages after some time. Right now I cannot fish anything at all, I already eaten all of my food that was supposed to be used in case of bad luck with fishing, but with this incredibly bad luck of not fishing anything for 20 or 30 attempts I am currently starving.

My temporary solution was that I sold few short bows for a lot of fishes in a village, but they all are going to be eaten soon, so I need solution for my problem.

Worth of note, I sacrificed 2 or 3 times a roasted pike, but it didn't helped. My fishing skill is 61 and I am using a normal fishing rod. So far it was going all fine, but now fishing seems infeasible for me.

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