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Messages - Night

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Gameplay questions / Quick question
« on: July 12, 2020, 05:13:14 AM »
Was glancing at some text I usually never read and was wondering what this is reffering to:

Is this an indicator of your current progress/xp towards the next level?

Mod Releases / Re: [3.62] [3.61] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.3b
« on: July 10, 2020, 05:42:44 AM »
While the update was fairly minimal, looks like URWCharacterMenu doesn't want to run on UrW 3.63. Eagerly waiting on the updated version!

Thanks in advance!

Just saw there was a patch, thanks for the headsup ^^. I'll see about adding the XP rate as well, (Found the stars earlier in cheat engine, no clue if they have any effect. possibly?)

Yea, I don't understand why this game decided to build in a suicide command.

 Since files are changed as you play (as time passes) when you close a character, the files have most likely been changed from the point of loading. If you choose to not save "make consistent save" the file data must be abandoned.

Game files get overwritten periodically by the games data, it'd be possible to make an auto-save mod that would periodically backup your characters files and allow for reloading on death.

No it doesn't.  You can just abandon the changes.

 That is not correct. Changes are made to the data files as time passes, No copy of the original data is stored 'aside' and thus "You can just abandon the changes" and thus delete the files aka suicide.

Modding / Re: Mod suggestions - Health and other
« on: May 29, 2020, 11:39:42 PM »
Just throwing my hat in the ring of suggestions for mods or things this creative community may be able to come up with. No personal skill, not responsible.

Health - please ruin my early to mid game with.....

Tooth decay? Abscesses?
Epilepsy - could be brought on by trauma as IRL
PTSD from murder/unsavoury acts - Low days/flashbacks

Disturbed sleep from trauma/guilt - impact on piety/choices in dreams?

Elephant in the room, is cannibalism coming back as an rpg choice?

I can make cannibalism mod with memory editing, but I want to allocate more time for it if I plan on working on it, because I think there's a lot of potential behind it. Was also thinking I'd just add it to the engine I'm working on and just focus on that instead. Swamped with projects.

The rest could probably be done as well.

Gameplay questions / Re: Varied handaxes?
« on: May 28, 2020, 10:46:07 PM »
Is there non-memory access way of telling which is which?
I.e. which has higher blunt, the common or the uncommon?

Other then looking at what others have posted stats wise via scraping the data i don't see much. Would be nice to know though!

General Discussion / Re: Fear the Walking Dead?
« on: May 27, 2020, 09:08:39 AM »
Corpses are also considered items so if you've reached the max item limit for that location, could be the case. sounds unlikely though. If its not the max item limit, maybe it has to do with corpses specifically.

Thought up a way to do modding w/ file editing via HTML 5 & javascript, does anyone have interest in this sort of thing? Would be able to (probably) edit character stats, inventory, item data, map data, etc. Would be mostly intended for users not using Windows, as most of my windows based projects will be the basis of anything I'd be adding to this.

Gameplay questions / Re: Varied handaxes?
« on: May 18, 2020, 09:44:19 PM »
I wonder if they are separated by whether or not they've been used for any purpose? Damaged weapons and shields don't stack, although they usually reflect some damage to them in their graphic.

Anytime an item degrades, a new entry gets generated in the item struct w/ the items new degradation value, as indicted by bar in your inventory of course. I assume the game has some sort of logic to reuse some of these eventually but I could be wrong, I've ran tests w/ eatting food w/ near maximum hunger satisfaction, and noted the new ID's generated when decay occurs, theres quite alot of data in the struct (172 bytes) that can be changed and result in new ID's. Theres also a lot of small obscure data points you wouldn't be able to identify easily, for example, herbs have a single byte of data that refers to the name given to them before they're identified such as, "Mystery Grass". Ropes and cords have a data point for their length, herbs have multiple bytes in flag format to represent their effects, meaning one byte can represent multiple effects, same thing with armor for its coverage values. Its likely you could have hundreds of different variations of an item given enough play time. Arrows seem to be one of the items with the most entries in the item struct.

Gameplay questions / Re: Varied handaxes?
« on: May 17, 2020, 12:42:32 AM »
Any difference in the datastruct of an item will result in a new item being generated with a new ID. Also pretty sure ive seen duplicates, but those handaxes are probably nearly identical with some small difference, for example, there are brand new ID's generated when you equipt an item, as there's one data point in the struct that gets changed to indicate this in your inventory and hotbar with a little icon.

Gameplay questions / Re: Multiplayer - what are your opinions?
« on: May 15, 2020, 06:54:11 PM »
I've thought about MP in depth for quite awhile, there's no real way to implement it into the game in a way that both players could play within the same world, not easily anyways, since the game is based on taking actions in turns, and those turns happen to be very small turns, going between players to sync the world time would be a game-breaker.

There's other ways to go about MP though, for example instead of having two individual players on one map, you could have each individual player on their own map, and then have actions that can affect the other persons game in an "event" based system (trading, robbers, quests, etc).

I don't see a workable PvP version, maybe just for fun if you wanted to setup an arena with generated characters, with no real passive play, just a sort of arcade mode, even then the time system would need to either be replaced or you would have to let AI handle the characters.

Another way you could do it would be a dungeon master vs player style, similar to the event based system only you'd have a DM to play vs instead of another player in which you could reciprocate against.

Another method I've though about was a hot-seat mod where players could share characters over a server, whitelisted to your friends or whatever, could even have a public setting, anywho, you'd have characters on the server anyone or players from list X could play as, and they'd just download the characters folder to their PC, play, and then when they're done playing, save the character and reupload to the server, and mark it as available for other players who have access to that character, I believe players did this manually in the past, but it would be neat to see it handled via code and listed for others to enjoy. Could even handle different game settings and such for character replayability.

There's probably some other things you could do that I haven't thought about yet, but I think this encompasses what would be possible as far as MP is concerned... most of it requiring a massive overhaul to the code, I think the enormous elk team is focused more on content, functionality, and realism so I wouldn't expect to see an official multiplayer for awhile, if at all, but I can only guess :).

Mod Releases / Re: [3.62] [3.61] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.3b
« on: April 28, 2020, 01:55:10 AM »
where is the download link? I couldnt find it :-\

Suggestions / Re: Winter hides
« on: April 25, 2020, 03:35:20 AM »

Daylength, and thus knowledge of the season of the year, is vital to many animals. A number of biological and behavioral changes are dependent on this knowledge. Together with temperature changes, photoperiod provokes changes in the color of fur and feathers, migration, entry into hibernation, sexual behaviour, and even the resizing of sexual organs.

At the moment, temperature doesn't affect Drying or animals' winter pelts. While IMO temperature really should play bigger part. As should sweating then going out/away from in below freezing temperatures.

I believe wet clothing and firewood et cetera are in dev plans. Should go with temperatures too. i.e. plunging in summer lake with clothes on, then working on fields or tree cutting, should keep character going on longer. And wet clothes in winter, well, not going so long.

Good points, lots of biological factors and their implementations could add to the realism.

Maybe some sort of "wet" indicator

Also, humidity would be another variable along with temperature if you want to get the most bang for your buck.

Suggestions / Re: Winter hides
« on: April 25, 2020, 03:13:42 AM »
Shorter daylight hours help to trigger responses of the “master gland” of the body, the hypothalamus, to change behavior or appearance to prepare for the cold. Some animals will increase their food intake to build up fat reserves, allowing them to survive with a decreased food supply. Other animals, such as beavers or red squirrels, create a food cache, meaning they collect extra food when it’s available, store it and then have a supply for the winter

The hypothalamus is responsible for the regulation of certain metabolic processes and other activities of the autonomic nervous system. It synthesizes and secretes certain neurohormones, called releasing hormones or hypothalamic hormones, and these in turn stimulate or inhibit the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland. The hypothalamus controls body temperature, hunger, important aspects of parenting and attachment behaviours, thirst,[2] fatigue, sleep, and circadian rhythms.[3]

Daylength, and thus knowledge of the season of the year, is vital to many animals. A number of biological and behavioural changes are dependent on this knowledge. Together with temperature changes, photoperiod provokes changes in the color of fur and feathers, migration, entry into hibernation, sexual behaviour, and even the resizing of sexual organs.


In mammals, daylength is registered in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which is informed by retinal light-sensitive ganglion cells, which are not involved in vision. The information travels through the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT). Some mammals are highly seasonal, while humans' seasonality is largely believed to be evolutionary baggage.[20][relevant? – discuss]

Still leaning towards light controlling growth with temperature being a secondary factor to fine tune that mechanism.

Also, modern fur farms seem to have structures used to house the animals. How that impacts fur production i have no idea, but you can lookup mink farming for more details on modern fur production, on my phone atm so Im not investigating too much right now.

Gameplay questions / Re: [Question] Max item limit per map tile?
« on: April 15, 2020, 06:45:37 AM »
you start getting warnings about having too many stuff around 1600 distinct items in a tile area, and then if you persist in having too much stuff then your stuff will start disappearing around 2000 distinct items.

I did used to hit the limit sometimes when i planted massive 64x64 farms but now i just plant in every third row and i dont hit the limit

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Gameplay questions / Re: [Question] Max item limit per map tile?
« on: April 15, 2020, 06:39:37 AM »
The limit must be for stacks, not items within stacks. Building log... villa? usually results in high 4-, low 5-digit pile of branches. Running a farm creates tons of items.

Just to clarify I'm talking about within a zoomed in map tile, not an individual tile you place items on, based on the data ive gathered, quantity shouldn't (?) affect this limit, only each unique item per each tile, so if you had 6 sticks and they were placed on 2 separate tiles it would affect the amount of items on the zoomed map tile by +2. This is just my theory based on the data I've seen in memory of course as I've never reached the limit through any means, and therefor have no experience with such.

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