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Messages - ineedcords

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General Discussion / Re: How to avoid boredom
« on: September 22, 2021, 07:15:58 PM »
I need rods cabin network is a good project. I often do few winter locations and few summer locations. With stocked shelters on the way.
hey now! I don't need rods :)  I need cords! or more like needed cords... for a long time...

but thanks to Sami & version 3.60 ever since late 2019 I am able to address all my tying equipment needs quite easily, even with a zero-day brand new character! kept the name as a testament to the positive evolution of the game.

General Discussion / Re: How to avoid boredom
« on: September 22, 2021, 01:31:57 PM »
I tried starting several dozen new characters, with different conditions, usually getting harder to play, in case the challenges could overcome the boredom. Usually after 3 months I have reached the point of food security, decide I have won the game<snip>
I do not know if it will keep your interest but starting a mega project (mega-farming/building/Njerp-eradication/...) could be one way to add another several hundred hours to the lifetime of a particular character. With one character, I started building shelter+cellar network at one day walking distance from each other throughout the map and marked each such location with a bookmark on the map. This does take quite a while. Perhaps try a few mega project ideas and see if any of them keep your interest.

My natural instinct is to pull people to UrW and not push them away from it but here is an exception: if no mega project (or challenge) keeps your interest, at this point I would suggest a different activity (or a different game). Miss UrW, come back to UrW, enjoy UrW again.

Not bugs / Reindeer carcass blocking vision when I think it should not?
« on: September 19, 2021, 06:39:56 AM »

This might very well be an accepted limitation of tile based vision system or maybe an accepted simplification of the vision system (that is unlikely to change) but I thought I should report and confirm if it is so...

When standing on flat ground as a tall PC (206 cm tall), if there is a reindeer carcass on the adjacent tile to the PC, the carcass should not block almost any of the PC's field of vision.
To be more clear: I am thinking in none of the 8 directions supported by the game at about 14-16 meter range (or in any range really) there should be a vision block by the carcass. This is of course because of the clearly mismatching height of PC-eye-level vs carcass-height from ground, even if it is a 'big reindeer' carcass.
If the PC were a particularly short character (e.g.: ) a block would make sense but in this instance PC should be seeing over the carcass.

Here is a visual example in the form of a YouTube video:
10:06 link starts playing
10:08 "You hear a bawl of pain from the south". <- At this point, in SSW direction (at about 200 degrees mark) there is a glutton attacking a reindeer which is not visible YET and on my mind at this point it SHOULD be visible.
10:11 PC takes one step towards south which removes carcass-vision-block and the glutton & reindeer become visible.


Mod Releases / Re: [3.63] [3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.3c
« on: September 18, 2021, 06:22:31 PM »
Not so simple if you're using the Steam version; it won't let me download 3.63 because it knows I already did that, even though I subsequently installed the 3.70 Beta-3.  URW is the first game I have played via Steam so if there is a way to have dual installations that I have failed to spot, then I would be happy to hear it!
You are right, Steam will not let you have two version of the same application but luckily for you Steam does not control your computer and you do :)
You of course can get two legal versions of UnrealWorld on your computer using copy and paste method.

You could try the steps below -- it looks like a novel but it's just 4-5 minute work.

Step 1: (An optional but recommended step) First, back up your savegame directory/directories first.
For example if you are playing a character called 'JohnDoe', and if your Steam is installed (on your presumably Windows PC) at the default path ("C:\Program Files\Steam\"), then you want to:
Step 1a: go to the path "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld\" and right click on the "JohnDoe" directory and click COPY and then
Step 1b: go to somewhere else, for example your Desktop, and right click PASTE.
Step 1c: do the same if you have other characters such as "JaneDoe" etc. in the same directory.

Step 2: Go to Steam application, disable the UnrealWorld beta program, thus take your Steam-UnrealWorld installation back to the current latest-and-greatest-STABLE-(non-beta)-version, which is v.3.63.

Step 3a: Using Windows Explorer, go to the directory which contains UnrealWorld game installation directory.
In this example, that would be at the path "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\".
Step 3b: Right click on "UnrealWorld" and click COPY and then
Step 3c: go to somewhere else, for example your Desktop, and right click PASTE.
Now on your desktop you have a UnrealWorld v.3.63 installation.
To be crystal clear this is a duplicate copy and it is forever disconnected from the one that resides in your Steam directory.
If UnrealWorld v.4 is released and you update to it via Steam, the one on your desktop will stay as 3.63.
If you uninstall UnrealWorld via Steam (of course no actual human would ever do that but for the sake of argument let's say insanity took over and you didn't love this game any more ;) ) Steam copy will go away but the Desktop one will stay, unless you manually delete it from your Desktop.

4. Go back to Steam application, choose to activate the beta program once again thus taking your Steam-managed UnrealWorld version back to 3.70beta3 level.
To be crystal clear once more, this step-4 action will update "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld\" but it will not touch the Desktop one.

At this point in time, you should have two things:
1) Inside your Steam-managed UnrealWorld directory, version 3.70beta3. To be clear, it is here -> "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld\"
2) Inside your Desktop UnrealWorld directory, version 3.63. To be clear, it is here -> "C:\Users\<yourWindowsUsername>\Desktop\UnRealWorld\"

With this setup, you can go to v.3.63, create a new character, it will create a new savegame directory for the character, such as:

You modify it with the tool provided by Night in this thread.

You then copy & paste the now-modified version, from: "C:\Users\<yourWindowsUsername>\Desktop\UnRealWorld\<newCharacterName>" into the Steam location, here: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\UnRealWorld\".

If you do try this and all works, enjoy (it should work by the way). Should you experience issues, post here and we will try and help further...

General Discussion / Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
« on: September 18, 2021, 01:07:45 AM »
A blessed hunting session
As a newish character, having just killed an elk & traded some of the roasted meat for preserved ones and the rest for a fishing net, I am content...

I leave the village and find a forest reindeer herd, I aim for the biggest one, both javelins hit making this a very easy kill shortly after. Carcass processing begins...

Then a glutton shows up, attacks another reindeer just half-screen away, hurts it, knocks it unconscious - it is hurting and naturally my heart bleeds. I approach & put it out of its misery, move the new reindeer carcass next to the old one and skin/meat processing resumes...

Then I get interrupted by a lynx, clearly after some food but every time it gets close enough to spot me it just runs away - I ignore it & keep processing the carcasses...

In this very busy part of the forest, next visitor is a calf which clearly misses the two former members of the group and wants to join them. Poor thing, lacking the ability to speak, communicates its intention by standing literally next to me and who am I to say no? A kick later, it joins them happily having its wish granted...

Processing of the two and a half carcasses resume and I keep an eye for the next visitor, surprising nobody else showed up. Now I have a long way ahead to roast the 297 forest reindeer cuts, preserve skins, trade roasted meat before it spoils and so on.

When I am at the nearest village, I will leave a 5 star review for this hunting spot!

Edit: Here is the link to the video for the hunt (with a time jump to the relevant moment):

Suggestions / Re: Putting Out Fires
« on: September 17, 2021, 06:28:33 PM »
You can kick fences down faster than you can deconstruct them.
Walls, no luck.
Zooming out, walking away and hoping for best works ok-ish too.

But yes, dousing with water would be nice. Applying shovel to cover low fires with sand (or wet dirt) would be welcome too.

I think I saw this in game NEWS.TXT earlier, and checking the file I see this:
- removed: possibility to kick down fences
        Old mechanism that wasn't needed nor working properly anymore since we've already got deconstruct option.
I have not tried it recently and do not know if it actually works or not. Have you kicked down any fence recently? Does it still work (despite NEWS.TXT entry)?

General Discussion / Re: RIP, Bul
« on: September 14, 2021, 04:21:25 PM »
Length of fire is not a problem: the same bull (the one that would carry the elk carcass) can be used to easily transfer a nearby fallen tree trunk so that it can be used as fire fuel which will burn for hours. As an optional, nice-to-have preparation step: whenever a fallen tree trunk is located during travels just push it on to the bull (assuming it doesn't already carry one). In worst case scenario, if you never need a big fire on the journey, trunk ends up at your base to be used in the next building project/eventual firewood/for any number of wooden items to be built in the future etc.

Bull falling through is not a problem either: to be crystal clear I cannot claim "it cannot happen in this game ever" but personally as far as I can remember I have never seen a tied bull drown thus on my mind -so far- it is not a possibility, at least not with my playstyle.

Which brings me to the conclusion there is zero visible downside to getting onto thin ice with tied animals as long as one has the guaranteed means to (1)get out of water in a reasonable amount of time (2)get warm quickly. As detailed above, this approach does guarantee both of them as 1 is guaranteed by the presence of punt & paddle (packed on tied bull), 2 is guaranteed by the fire burning ~half screen away.

Gameplay questions / Re: Assign hotkeys to items
« on: September 14, 2021, 01:01:44 PM »
Is it possible to assign specific letters to items? Like, I want to have my fishing rod always be the letter "f" on item menus (drop menu, use menu, ...). So, regardless of the amount of items on my backpack, this item would override letter placement and always be the same letter.

As far as I know, inventory alphanumerical characters is a dynamically produced menu and you cannot assign hotkeys yourself.

While currently it is not possible to do what you asked for, what is possible is working around the limitation by using two things one is the filters and the other one is pick-up time.

You can access your favourite item (fishing rod in this example) via the relevant subcategory like so:
Step #1: i (open inventory)
Step #2: tab (open 'filter inventory')
Step #3: t (filter for sub-category 'tools')
Step #4: a (fishing rod).

Pick-up Time Based List
A particular item appears under first letter 'a' because it is first in the order of pickup-time. This is the key to manually manipulating list-order (and thus alphanumerical auto-hotkey assignments). By dropping items and picking them back up you can manipulate the order they will appear within the filtered sub-category ('tools' category in this case).

Have a play with it and see if it helps...

General Discussion / Re: RIP, Bul
« on: September 14, 2021, 12:44:07 PM »
@Tom H
Sorry to hear that. Wish you a more risk averse approach next time, to see day 1700 and beyond :)

My method:
-Have a tied animal that carries a punt & paddle to get out easy.
-Light a fire before heading out on to the ice so (in the event ice broke) you don't have to try and start a fire under time pressure while approaching a frozen death by the minute.
-Have a bull to push the elk on to so you don't have to deal with it on an icy lake & you distribute the load to your tile & neighbouring tile.

Has any one ever figured out the rough distance a player can hear sounds on the overland map. When I'm trekking along and I hear a wolf howl is that ambience or are there wolves near by, and how near do you think?
In game:
If each howling wolf is actually a live entity in the savegame file perhaps a curious mind can check the distance between player character position and nearest wolf (or wolf pack) object. I am not sure if that is the case and thus whether it is possible to study this aspect, without having access to the game's source code...
Alternatively you might get lucky if Sami or Erkka take an interest in this & reply here with their knowledge.

In real life:
Not your question but I was curious, looks like, based on this source, in ideal conditions, about 10 mile seems to be the consensus:

General Discussion / Re: Hunting gripe
« on: August 07, 2021, 10:08:21 PM »
I really am getting irritated at the current state of hunting.

In the past,<snip>
Welcome to the forums. Now, that's an entrance! :)

Sorry to hear you are frustrated with the game - my post below is not to disprove your points but just to share my point of view...
I personally do not agree with the overall sentiment that active hunting is hard in thick forests as overall animal AI is not that sophisticated and you can easily tire a reindeer herd by simply going around in the general vicinity. You do not need to track an animal perfectly to get a kill - even a semi random search pattern in the area works good enough in my experience. And after a while, when they are breathless (assuming you are not injured/breathless etc.) then they will start dropping like flies.

Furthermore even when it "doesn't work" that shouldn't always be problem either as in general you do not need 100% success rate in your hunts, a more relaxed hunting strategy in which only some hunts end up with kill might be less stressful and more fun as this is a game. Based on the text below it might actually be more realistic not to aim 100% success rate in active hunts (I get that we are not lions but it is provided as an example from the nature):
Lions are the archetypal apex predator, but their hunting success rate strongly depends on the number of lions involved – a single lion hunting in daylight has a success rate of 17-19 per cent, but this increases for those hunting as a group to 30 per cent. Of 1,300 hunts observed in the Serengeti, nearly half involved only one animal, 20 per cent involved two and the rest a group of (normally) between three and eight individuals.
( source: )

Below is an example video, not a particularly methodical one or good hunting in any way, wastes a lot of time (sped up in the video) but in the end, this hunt achieves the ultimate goal of obtaining skin and meat so I call it a success regardless:

If you would like more methodical examples, there are other active UrW hunting videos on YouTube if I recall correctly Jonathan Ferguson posted some complete beginners active hunting tutorials.

Currently if you do find active hunting hard with the current game version, suggesting devs changing the game is one way. As an alternative approach, you might just want to change your methods slightly but unable to suggest something useful specific to you as I don't know how much experience you have with the game and active hunting but if you share your approach in text or even better perhaps record a video and post the link we can maybe discuss? There are a lot of veterans who would be willing to analyse and assist.

Another option is perhaps getting a single dog which will bypass the "difficulty of tracking" problem as you will be simply following the barks instead.

Yet another option is hunting in winter time as it is much easier to tire animals but also much easier to spot tracks on snow - of course this removes half of year so not that great.
I get that last two suggestions are reductive solutions but I cannot think of another solution to the problem you describe without reducing overall difficulty and thus making it even less of a challenge for other players.

Sorry about the gripe, I love this game, it's just disheartening to see another game go this way where they'll make everything stupidly hard but not give us the tools to deal with the simple game limitations that shouldn't be limitations at all.
I think it is a great that you are voicing your feedback. If there is a genuine problem (which I might be missing here) alerting devs is the only way to get it fixed. Hope you stick around and soon start enjoying the active hunting phase of the game once again.

Edit: modified the YouTube hyperlink to skip to the beginning of hunt at 4m11s mark

You are obviously right when pointing out the mismatch between messages and anatomy of a snake. Ideally all messages would fit perfectly to each animal.

Unfortunately as you know this game's dev team is very small (i.e.: 2 men) but project ambitions are not small in any way (as per link below).
Development List / DevPlans:

Due to the resource mismatch, I, for one, am happy to overlook the "Snake rises back on its feet" message without investing any more dev time on it as it is cosmetic only and clear enough to understand what's occurring in the game world at that point in time.

Personally I would prefer the very valuable & limited dev time being invested on other things in the DevPlan list - a few randomly picked examples are 'Blacksmith NPC', 'sheep rearing, breeding, animal husbandry', 'horse-pulled carts' etc.

I acknowledge people have different immersion thresholds and priorities but this is just my opinion - I hope more people contribute with their opinions...

Maybe i'm somewhat stupid, but where to get the 3.70 as i suggest to be a lifetimer since 2005-2006 having bought the game for 20 or 40$? (sorry can't exactly remember date or sum ;-))

Or i'm not a lifetimer?
Your current member state on these forums is visible to all users: just you look at this page and your name in your last post. You will see that you are listed as "Member" whereas the poster above you -Plotinus- is listed as "Honorary Lifetime Supporter Member"; in summary currently you are not designated as lifetimer.

If you paid USD20.00 you probably are not a lifetimer this is based on my assumption that it never was that cheap to become a lifetimer but do check your emails just to confirm the amount you paid years ago - assuming you still have the emails from the purchase day...

If you paid USD40.00 you should be 'Honorary Lifetime Supporter Member' (this is based on Sami's post here: ) and if that's the case, I suggest you find your proof of purchase email in your mailbox and then share the details (name/date etc.) with Sami in an email or forums private message. He then should be able to add you to the relevant group so that in the forums you appear as lifetimer and gain access to lifetimers board (with lifetimer download links etc.).

Hi @Sami

Keyword 'LiberaPay' does not come up in forums search, not sure if you've considered this in the past already but please consider signing up for LiberaPay (a recurrent donations platform).

Why invest another 30 (or 60 minutes) to set it up?
It is open source, it self-funds, doesn't take a cut (processing fees do exist, obviously). While 'image' of companies/projects/people is of course subjective, on my mind, LP is a much better fit for UrW compared to the current donation platform option (PayPal). I am *guessing* some others might also find it a better fit once it gets known better (promoted on Donation page).

PayPal has $25B annual revenue
Patreon (a leading recurring donations platform) has $4B market evaluation.
LP in contrast receives $2037.46 annual donations (based on this week's donation rate). For the curious, more LP stats in spoiler below.
Spoiler: show

Liberapay was launched 5 years ago and has 51,469 users.
The last payday was 3 days ago and transferred £10,147.57 between 9,557 users.
8,568 participants gave money.
1,116 participants received money.
127 participants were both donors and recipients.
On average, people who donate give £0.77 each to 2 other users.

These are copied from their web page, here:

When buying stuff/sending money I personally prefer to go with a known platform (such as PayPal) rather than a never heard of tiny platform and I assume others do also however in this case because it is open source and has been around for 5 years, combined with the tiny financial amounts involved I am happy to use LP.

Disclaimer: Not sure if it makes sense to say this (as it is not a commercial product) but just to be crystal clear I am not involved with LP project, I just like using it to support projects I like and will be happy to use it to set up a small recurring donation for my favourite game also.

I encountered this issue while shopping at a village. I picked up a stack of 11 boards from the ground, which made my character unable to move due to becoming overencumbered with other items in my inventory, so I dropped all 11 boards on the same spot. After exploring the buildings for any other available goods, I noticed many villagers were bunching up near the boards as though intending to pick them up but nobody did. I picked up the boards again and dropped them indoors, which made the crowd disperse.

It seems that the villagers' AI wanted to reclaim unpaid boards that were dropped outdoors, but the total weight of the stack may have prevented the NPCs from taking them.
Interesting. In recent versions trader group single-person-carry-limit issue has been addressed perhaps this would be the next improvement.
Do you know if it is a reproducable issue or a one-off?

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