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Messages - GrimmSpector

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Gameplay questions / Re: Elk Horns
« on: April 06, 2022, 11:02:03 PM »
Only male elk have horns, so you've probably bagged females only. The game names the males and females differently.

I wasn't sure if the game did genders, but suspected this may be the case. Seems there's a shortage of males!

Gameplay questions / Elk Horns
« on: April 06, 2022, 03:10:00 AM »
I have bagged a number of elk so far, all in the winter, and not a single one has had horns, do they just not have horns in the winter, or am I just unlucky?

Gameplay questions / Linen Yarn
« on: April 06, 2022, 02:59:22 AM »
I traded with a village, picked up some "linen yarn (150 ft)", and some "hemp yarn (150 ft)". However, when I try to make cloth, I have the options of Nettle, Flax Linen and Hemp Linen, no just Linen. And when I try either of the Linen options it tells me it's not the right kind. What the heck is this? I'm guessing there's nothing I can do and I've wasted trade resources.

Gameplay questions / Re: Companions carrying?
« on: April 06, 2022, 01:50:23 AM »
Have you tried “Chat & deliver(give? Not on computer at the moment to verify)”?
If you give weapons to followers, and they use them in fight, they might not relinquish them later, other stuff you should be able to get back easily.

Ah, that's so easy! Worked like a charm, thanks!!

Gameplay questions / Companions carrying?
« on: April 03, 2022, 11:53:05 PM »
Can companions help me carry stuff? I took one hunting, and we bagged an elk, but I can't carry it all, and it's a long way back home, so I won't be able to return for whatever I have to leave behind. I've tried [p]ushing stuff into them like a pack animal, but that doesn't seem to work.

Gameplay questions / Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%?
« on: April 03, 2022, 08:25:52 PM »
Yup, basically this whole playthrough I've been testing things to learn, 3.70/3.71. I've consistently been unable to go beyond 4 skills raised in one day, and I'd spend half a day or more on something like climbing or swimming, so it's pretty definitive, I don't think my luck can be quite that bad. :p
Interesting... It could be that you were indeed that unlucky. Alternatively 3 limit you speak of is still active maybe. I would love to know if there is such a limit in latest version.

o   <---

What's sacrificed above and marked with an arrow is a silver ring  ;) May the the spirits ( @Sami @Erkka ) guide us on the matter of whether 3-skill-gains-max-per-day limit exist or not.

So I can say that I got a 5th skill with a + for the first time, despite many efforts to do so before, so it seems there may not be a cap on how many different skills though the 3% max per seems to hold. I am guessing having other skills improve my adjust the calculation for your chance to improve other skills, seems like it at least.

Gameplay questions / Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%?
« on: April 03, 2022, 03:31:15 AM »
The game course for skill improvement @PALU mentioned is archery, with skill already at 100:
it might be easier to obtain crossbow and improve that instead… my characters tend to have low luck with triggering skill increases in archery above 90.

I've been trying to improve it over winter, and gone through all my bowstrings, ran out of material to make new ones :(

Wish there was an archery target! I've tried active hunting and can't hit the broadside of an elk.

Gameplay questions / Re: [Spoilers] Meeting the Forest Spirits
« on: April 03, 2022, 03:26:36 AM »
After sacrificing some silver, I’ve always waited on the ant hill. Hasn’t failed to summon the Old Man so far with that. If doing this in winter, without moon light, I tend to light up an entire trunk or 3-5 slender ones. Helps with freezing temps too

Yeah I found another ant hill where I plan to do this soon, thanks!

Gameplay questions / Re: Feeding dogs
« on: April 02, 2022, 03:19:54 PM »
Yes, withes are very useful for food processing, in particular very early on when you don't have any alternatives.

If I remember correctly, salmon is the largest fish, followed by trout and then pike.

I could use a lot of the cord for other things if I realized this lol, though I'm tempted to not use withes for food processing, seems too easy ... hmmm.

Gameplay questions / Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%?
« on: April 02, 2022, 03:18:31 PM »
Max 3 gains in each skills per day has been the rule for many years, and I have not seen any indication that it shouldn't be valid still.

As far as I know, there is no such thing as skill rust in the game, but if I understand it correctly, the algorithm that gradually reduces the chance of gaining a skill point does not reach zero at a skill level of 100, so you can still "improve" the skill, but the cap of 100 means that "improvement" does nothing, as the skill remains at 100. It does, however, have one application: there's a skill course task to improve a skill (or maybe several such tasks), and this "improvement" allows you to meet the skill course requirement even if you're already at 100.

That makes sense! Thanks.

Gameplay questions / Re: [Spoilers] Meeting the Forest Spirits
« on: April 02, 2022, 02:57:25 AM »
I'm deep into the winter, and got this mission from one of the Sages at a nearby village. I found an ants nest, and waited until "Night", and stood on top of the nest and sacrificed a bit of a silver bracelet I'd purchased. Then I sat in a nearby Spruce post I'd setup for the occassion, beside a bonfire I setup to keep me warm. I waited the entire night, and deep into "Early morning". No spirit appeared. Is there a failure chance? Did I do something wrong? Meeting the water spirit was really easy and worked the first try. Silver ain't cheap!
You can find some things to check + some suggestions by the dev here (check for nearby traders/villages which apparently spook the spirit):

This post, in another similar thread suggests visual is important - did you have a big bonfire (or an active torch) to be able to see?

I did mention the bonfire in the initial post, it shed light as far as the ant hill and a good area around me. It's possible they spawned in the nearby trees and I could never see them? I don't know.

I don't see any villagers/traders near the area during the day, but I may not always see them on the map. And there's no "activity" in the area I'm at. I'm a good distance from any village or my own settlement.

Gameplay questions / Re: Feeding dogs
« on: April 02, 2022, 02:52:13 AM »
Fish cuts exist with mods<snip>
Well, then, it becomes a different gameworld with different rules. I do not know about that mod/its rules/its impact on dog feeding etc.
If you put the mod name someone with that mod can help you maybe. Alternatively you could post under mod's thread if there is one here (or on Steam forums/elsewhere).

<snip>As far as I understand trout and salmon are some of the best nutrionally, but pike are bigger?
On the same official wiki, on the Pike page, we see the following (emphasis mine):
Pikes are a type of large fish. They are one of the more common types of large fish and weigh around 5 -7 lbs. You get them by active fishing with an angling rod in a lake. Pikes do not fill as much hunger as a trout or salmon; nevertheless, they are an important source of food. Roasting them on a fire luckily doesn't require any devices like a cooking pot or pan.
Salmon is best, trout is second best I believe; (as mentioned on the wiki) pike is not bad either (based on size values of each fish, may or may not be the biggest but definitely not the most nutritious).
When going for maximum bang for buck (when drying/smoking/salting fish) using Salmon exclusively could be a good idea but it of course depends on many other factors whether you have adequate fishing-net network to provide that much Salmon before the first (untreated) Salmon-batch goes bad, combined with your ability to use rest of fish in a meaningful way (feeding dogs/selling fresh quickly/treating to sell -rather than keep in your stocks- etc.).

One other thing to consider is the tying equipment update. I do not know if you played in that era but tying equipment were much more valuable in some past versions (hence its permanent impact in my psyche and my nickname) so in earlier versions especially in the early days of a character, for each piece of string consumed in food treatment, you wanted to get max calories.

In contrast, these days you can relatively quick and easily convert year-round-available saplings to tying equipment which then can be used in food treatment (smoking/drying etc.) therefore at least for me, big fish sub-type does not matter that much anymore (pike/trout/salmon); I just treat them all and push to the cellar network as there is a mountain of tying equipment now.

Edit: Typo

It's the BAC mod, if I recall it effectively makes them meat cuts with the nutrition of pike.

Geez, I should probably read more of the official wiki, thanks.

And yeah I played when getting cord was limited to leather and was super hard to get a hold of, didn't get very far lol! I suspected that's where your name originated! 19 cuts per string.

I thought withes couldn't be used for smoking/drying, I've only been using them in traps and fences which I thought was the point of them, geez I've been missing out!

Gameplay questions / Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%?
« on: April 02, 2022, 02:41:22 AM »
<snip>nor have I noticed any skill degrade, but I don't pay that close attention to the numbers to recall if I lost a % in one of the many skills.<snip>
Personally I have never seen skill degradation either.

<snip>I've also through experimentation found that you can't gain skill points in more then 4 skills per day<snip>
Have you systematically (and for a reasonably long amount of time), tested this on a recent version of the game by creating a weak-in-easy-to-skill-up-skills (swimming/skiing etc.) and consistently trying to skill up more than 3 or 4 skills in a single day?

If not, it is still possible (and in my opinion more likely), that there is no such "prevention mechanism" in the game but you simply run out of time (i.e.: date changes) after improving 3 skills and before 4th skill is also executed enough times to get a random-skill-increase in that one, too.

Without source code access, I am only speculating here. I am also thinking, there is no sane reason (that I can think of) to add such a ceiling as time itself is already a ceiling enough and a good enough ceiling as well, due to the opportunity cost

I know the limit previously in the wiki for gains per day was 3 on some previous version, so I know the cap exists.
Well, if it was on the wiki, it probably was correct then. I did take a quick look at Skills page and was not able to see a limit. Also checked all edits, back to version 1 and could not find anything then either.
Of course, it could be on another page or on one of the alternative wikis.
Do you have any wiki link or idea, where on the wiki was it? Was it on the official wiki or another wiki?

Yup, basically this whole playthrough I've been testing things to learn, 3.70/3.71. I've consistently been unable to go beyond 4 skills raised in one day, and I'd spend half a day or more on something like climbing or swimming, so it's pretty definitive, I don't think my luck can be quite that bad. :p

I think it was the fandom wiki some time ago, which is the unofficial one so who knows how old. It could've potentially been a forums post and I'm mistaken, I can't seem to find it at the moment. Haven't looked at any wiki edits myself.

Gameplay questions / Re: Skill gain in a skill at 100%?
« on: April 02, 2022, 12:54:17 AM »
This is happening with my skiing skill, preventing other skill upgrades during the day, I'm assuming there's some skill rust mechanic and I'm losing a fraction of a percent everyday and it's being restored??
I am guessing you have no evidence of your hypothesis: "skill gain in skillX is preventing skill gain in skillY" (without having access to game's source code, how can you have "evidence" of it is unknown to me anyway).

As far as I can tell, it is a simpler mechanic than you think and it goes like this: executing actionX triggers a small chance of skill-gain-in-skillX (with zero connection to other skill levels or recent gains in other skills).

This being the case, the only thing than can "prevent" your skill gain in skillX is not executing that skill's relevant activity.
In other words, if you want to gain a skill, keep doing its connected action (tens or hundreds of times) and ignore distractions, such as worrying about your other full (100%) skills.

Edit: wording/clarification

The only "evidence" I have is that the skill keeps gaining most days even though it's at 100%. I haven't noticed it for any other skill, nor have I noticed any skill degrade, but I don't pay that close attention to the numbers to recall if I lost a % in one of the many skills.

I know that executing an action does initiate a chance of skill gain. I've also through experimentation found that you can't gain skill points in more then 4 skills per day, and it seems to be limited to 3 gains (3%) for any individual skill per day.

I know the limit previously in the wiki for gains per day was 3 on some previous version, so I know the cap exists.

Gameplay questions / Re: Feeding dogs
« on: April 02, 2022, 12:52:07 AM »
do they (dogs) eat cuts from a whole fish, instead of just the whole fish, or should I be cutting everything into cuts for them?
Fish cuts do not exist.

I don't even know where to get bream, my nets only catch salmon and trout, and manual fishing has only caught me roaches and perch.
Please see the text below, which covers some of the factors deciding what kind of fish you end up with:
URW Game Encyclopedia description
The official URW in-game encyclopedia (accessed by the F1 key) doesn't have a separate entry for the perch, but in the entry on Fishing, it mentions the perch and perch-fishing in the following paragraph:

The fish to be caught depends on the fishing method, equipment and the fishing site. Different kind of fish live in shallow or deep waters, lakes or rivers. Perches, roaches, breams and pikes are the most common fish living in lakes. Salmons are found only in rivers, and especially in rapids during their spawning season. There are also lavarets, trouts, pike-perches and so on.
source: The official Unreal World wiki

Fish cuts exist with mods, but my question would still apply to a piece of game.

Ah, lake fishing, that makes sense, I've been mostly rapids fishing. As far as I understand trout and salmon are some of the best nutrionally, but pike are bigger? I'll have to try some lake fishing at the nearby lake next spring.

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