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Messages - GrimmSpector

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Gameplay questions / Re: Nettle Harvesting
« on: April 30, 2023, 01:27:04 AM »
is there a way I can get BOTH the parts needed to make fibre, and the leaves?
Yes. You harvest it (from the agriculture menu) instead of picking (with g). Then you thresh it. The result is all available parts of that plant: Seeds, leaves and straw to make fibre.

Be sure the ones you are trying to harvest are actually mature Nettle, as you can also harvest young nettle that can only be used to make fibre but not threshed.

Ahhh, when I doubt use the agriculture menu, gotcha thanks!!

Gameplay questions / Re: Injured Adventurer
« on: April 29, 2023, 02:46:28 AM »
If he offered you a treasure trove then you need to give the item he asked for, usually it is in the shelter with other stuff you can keep, he will then give you the location of the treasure. He may have offered you some other reward which you will get after returning his spear or whatever, it is your choice to keep his utem or return it.

Yeah I know, I already got him his thing, I just haven't found the location he said the treasure was yet.

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 29, 2023, 02:45:57 AM »
As I understand it throwing does not use any skill, if you throw rocks they seem to use ckub skill, arrows and spears seem to use bow or spear skill, but other items are a bit vague.

My club skill is awful, explains why I can't hit a barn lol

Gameplay questions / Nettle Harvesting
« on: April 29, 2023, 02:45:23 AM »
is there a way I can get BOTH the parts needed to make fibre, and the leaves?

Gameplay questions / Re: How to turn"fistfuls" into "bunches"
« on: April 28, 2023, 05:23:48 PM »
I've run into this too ... haven't made it back but all I'm finding are pinches when they asked for fistfuls, not encouraging. I think it may be because the plants are young?

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:53:52 PM »
You always have a shot... but you have to take it well to survive.

I was starving and freezing but I got lucky, an elk in a snowstorm with just a rock.  Read about it here:

So keep trying.  If you die, follow my hunter's guide with your next Finn, and you should find things much less frustrating  8)

At the start of this run I ran into a bear that attacked me unexpectedly and it foundered in the snow and didn't kill me, just realllly hurt me, otherwise I'd already be dead. An elk with a rock that's pretty impressive! Does throwing use unarmed, or a weapon skill?

Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:52:32 PM »
The game's "yarn" includes the products from various plant based fibers, and so isn't limited to actual (animal sourced) yarn. Thus, you can produce it from nettles, hemp, and linen (I might have forgotten some source).

However, it's not a starting material, as nettles first have to be at least partially grown, and then has to go through retting and drying, which takes over a month.

Yup, I managed to get some from the villages nearby, the villages in Koivula (at least for me) are realllly poor.

Gameplay questions / Re: Injured Adventurer
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:51:19 PM »
It seems on of your problems is that you don't (yet) recognize what heath looks like. If you look at your first image, I believe the tile about 7 tiles to the east is heath (trees on a yellowish ground cover).

In the same image you have a lake, and to the west of the lake you have a couple of hills with three tiles of heath surrounding them.

Yup, the heath description on the wiki did NOT help me here lol, thank you, that helped a lot. I eventually found it. Have no clue where the treasure he promised is, but hey lol I did the quest and that was nice.

Gameplay questions / Re: Roof Water Catcher
« on: April 28, 2023, 04:50:11 PM »
This os a feature of BAC, I have never used it for a woden builings, as Palu says there is usually enough water close by almost all building sites, but for cave dwelling the add n is invaluable, caves are often some distance from water and a day spent installing a rain catch system is a lot of time saved later when you neeed water for cooking and hideworking.

Interesting, that explains a lot, thanks!

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:29:15 AM »
If you were good at fishing, I would suggest fishing - but you've already said you are not good at fishing.

Trapping will take too long to set up a decent fence, you will likely starve before you get anything.

Farming is the same, it takes time to work.

Villages have food, and will trade it for almost anything.  This is the easy way to survive.  Make something, and trade it for a few cuts of food.

Otherwise, you must hunt or die.  Make a couple of javelins and head for open or pine mires.  Zoom in now and then, and look around.  Animals are there and with patience you can get one!

EDIT:  I forgot to say, you're not doing anything wrong.  Struggling to survive is the best bit of the game  :)

I'll try ... thanks. Struggling is one thing, having no shot seemingly is another :-\

Gameplay questions / Roof Water Catcher
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:27:42 AM »
Anyone know how these work? Trying to figure out where to build it and if it's worthwhile or not, which I assume for cooking it would be?

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 28, 2023, 12:06:41 AM »
Sometimes we starve to death or succumb to the cold.  Happens to the best of us. 

Keep fighting while you can though, tomorrow you may get a lucky throw on an elk and cripple it.  Where there's hope...   :D

I build trap fences across bottlenecks between lakes or over peninsulas.  It sounds like you need food badly though, and traps are unlikely to get you it.  Go hunting.  Use javelins or rocks, or a bow if you have one.  Be persistent.  Never give up!

For that I've have to come across and elk, be close enough to throw, and make the throw ... oh and have the spare calories to make another javelin...

I don't think I've EVER caught an animal on foot that I've been hunting, I always loose them in the trees, and I NEVER have seen one in a mire or other open area. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Gameplay questions / Re: Having trouble with trapping.
« on: April 27, 2023, 10:45:30 PM »
I don't have the calories to set up a trap fence, barely surviving :-\ all my traps just stopped catching anything lately, not sure where the best place to build a trap fence would be. A lot of posts I've seen say to find something in the area and then set traps ... but wandering around randomly I don't really run into animals almost at all, except the occasional squirrel. And once I have a bunch of traps out there, the bait rots pretty fast for many.

Spirits are still reasonably happy, but I'm on the verge of starting to starve here :-\

Gameplay questions / Re: Snares need yarn now?!
« on: April 27, 2023, 06:55:29 PM »
Personally I don't like the limited to yarn thing as its not something a survival person could make if its supposed to be wool yarn. It might be a wording thing with yarn being the thin lighter than cord.

Light lever traps to start with work.

Experience taught me when doing long travel to often carry a few loop snares to fill in the gaps amid trees of my shelter area to make a mini-fort. If nothing else its a noise maker. Loop snare s are quick to pack up to take with you at a light weight.

Yeah I've made snares out of all sorts of random things in real life, not always with success obviously.

Gameplay questions / Re: Injured Adventurer
« on: April 27, 2023, 04:31:58 PM »
I can't identify terrain with any certainty unless it's visible (i.e. lit up, but not the grey scale memory). I can see some heath and I can see something that's coniferous, but I'm always uncertain about whether it's forest or mire in that case. I use the looking function to identify the terrain of locations of interest.

Given how few heath locations there are, it ought to be fairly easy to look at each of them and find the ones that have coniferous forest to the north of them (where the shelter should  actually be) and walk into those few tiles from the heath tiles (you might even walk to each heath tile regardless, given how few there are). I've never had any trouble finding the blood scapes by walking through a tile they're present in (zooming in and then out can easily miss them in coniferous tree infested terrain).

In order to actually see each heath terrain tile and identify it and its norther partner may require you to walk there to get close enough to see them on the overmap.

Also, the F6 map is crucial to identify which terrain is within the search area rather than outside of it.

Another search method is to just walk across the overmap from each side to the other in a line, shift the line one step, and repeat until the whole area is covered, identifying the terrain of every tile that might be of interest (and its partner to the north/south), zooming in only on the tiles that are actually of the right type (and I would recommend zooming in on the heath tile and walk to the coniferous tile in order to reduce the risk of zooming in too close to the animal and risk triggering an immediate attack).

I added the F6 view from the second position to that same link.

Where is the heath you're talking about? All I see are mires and forests. Even when I've used L to look at them they say mires. So I'm very confused here.

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