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Messages - ineedcords

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Gameplay questions / Re: Have you bought a hunting horn?
« on: July 06, 2021, 09:43:05 PM »
Keep in mind that villages' inventories slowly refresh with time, so it may be worth going back to Driik or in villages you've already visited to see if they have interesting new things to buy.

I have visited driik 5 times. once a year. I just explored Kaumo again, but there is still no hunting horn. Should I buy all of their products?
I was about to start a new thread on Hunting Horns in vanilla game but then found this older thread & question and decided to revive it instead.

To answer your question looks like one have two routes to obtaining a hunting horn in the vanilla game:
a) either by going to Sartola (rather than Driik) lands and checking villagers and items for sale on the ground inside buildings,
b) or alternatively by attacking a Njerp camp.

Obviously no item spawn is 'guaranteed' so one may not get lucky initially, need to keep trying...

Here is my first hand experience: after not seeing a single one of these semi-mythical tools, in the last week I found two.
1) One was a new character/game that just visited 3 Sartola villages and found one!
2) The other character was also a brand new one, while testing Runaway Slave scenario, I rolled about 26 characters, but only a handful of them actually killed/looted Njerps (rest just took the flight option) and one of the Njerps in the camp had a hunting horn on him!
These finds both occurred on game version 3.70beta although hunting horn availability does not seem to be a recent change as the only mention to hunting horn in news.txt is on line number 14931 for an entry from version: 2.08, released: Jul-31-1995.

After finding two hunting horns in a week and thus confirming with my own eyes that it still exists/spawns in the game, I did a quick wiki & web search and did not find anything on the official wiki on this particular item but I did find a page on the unofficial wiki which says exactly the above (i.e.: obtain from Sartola or Njerp camp).

I hope emboldened bits help other seekers of hunting horns.

Bug reports / Re: [3.70b] Friendly animals fought each others
« on: July 06, 2021, 11:07:04 AM »
I wonder if it can happen when the dog is unleashed or when the sheep (or bull) is leashed to a tree.
Looking back, I think I tried each of the three scenarios I can think of in this last long playthrough with no issues (edit: this lasted, at least for 7 days).

1) While building a large pen in my most recent base for several days I had "4 bulls tied to a tree and 10+ dogs free roaming" and this issue did not occur in my game.

2) Most of the game while travelling I had bulls leashed to me -obviously- and the dogs were free roaming 99% of the time.
(I only tied them when I saw a wolf or was about to attack a Njerp camp and wanted to control engagement etc.)
This probably lasted 1200 days or so, in this 1500+ day character playthrough and again no issues.

3) Fast forward to the last year: when I started losing dogs (probably I was not noticing the warning or maybe it did not appear at all) I changed the tactic and whenever I travel now I keep the dogs leashed to me just like the bulls. This is about 300 days in this last playthrough and again this issue did not occur.

This is a head scratcher.

Bug reports / Re: [3.70b] Friendly animals fought each others
« on: July 05, 2021, 08:02:37 PM »
Did anyone experienced similar thing? Do anyone knows how do I prevent this from happening again? Many thanks.
Very interesting. This has never happened to me as far as I can remember and I am thinking probability-wise I should be a prime candidate to observe this behaviour (or bug) because I usually obtain many dogs (10+) and bulls (3+) as soon as I can afford it so a lot of potential fights. I wonder what factors trigger it.

We don't have a more recent group picture but this one below was taken on our completion day last year when we finally bought a new Njerp camp.
As shown in the picture, I went to get the keys from the current owners (they all came to wish us good luck in our new place) & in the tree line you see dozen dog & bulls - they just wait without biting each other.

In this game, I probably tried not leashing my bull years ago at some point but at the moment cannot remember the last time I left a bull unleashed (without fences). I don't know if it's necessary at this point but definitely a habit.
If free-roaming-bulls is a thing, when travelling around, do you keep your bulls leashed or unleashed?
I keep my dogs leashed or unleashed depending on situation but all bulls (typically 4) are always leashed to me (or, rarely to a tree) but they never free roam ever.
If you have not tried this maybe try that and let us know if helped get rid of this behaviour/bug?

(UPDATE: See my edit below: leashing bulls is necessary. Free-roaming-bulls is not a thing! I have no idea why this bug is happening and no further test ideas either, sorry. Hopefully the devs can shed light on this soon).

Edit: Just bought two test bulls, they both seemed to walk away in zoomed-in map. When I changed to the wilderness map & left the purchase-village behind, I lost both test bulls so I guess that's why I got into the habit of leashing them...

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: Cold weather in midsummer. [3.70b]
« on: July 05, 2021, 02:19:04 PM »
@Sami plugging here as another data point - please let me know if you want me to split to separate thread instead.
Also on Win 10, continuing 3.63-created character on 3.70b1 (then 3.70b2); deleted weather.dat and returned to normal (thanks for the workaround!).

I have a savegame available from before deleting the weather.dat file, that is taken at "5th week before midsummer point".
This character is in a good state to fast-forward for testing purposes (a lot of dried food in cellar + shelter + rapid for water + 12-dog welcoming committee for any potential robber/njerp visitors).

For testing purposes I fast-forwarded this char and now have another test-savegame available that is taken at "12th week before winter season".
In midsummer it appears temperature bar has two distinct states; either goes to 95-100% full or alternatively 45-50% full; almost like flipping coin. I can attach screenshots of last few days if requested.
I never pay attention to weather this much (neither in UrW nor IRL) so I could be wrong but I don't feel like this is normal UrW weather experience.

ineedcords, you have to quit the game for the issue to happen.
Just changing setup options on the run works as usual.

The trick is simply to turn background music off (when it has been initially on) and then quit (the game).
Ah ok that's my bad. As you both say, turning off bgmusic followed by QUIT (on Win10) consistently produces a UrW application freeze indeed.

The old forums are still available under the Tapatalk domain. This migration happened after our new official forums here (though I find it distasteful that the new host begs for donations with wording that sounds like the money will go towards supporting the old forum itself even though it's supposed to be in archival mode).

Everything is mostly there, but character encoding within posts is a bit scrambled for modding content like recipes and flora add-ons.
Attached images seem to be mostly intact, though it's possible that display settings prevent unregistered users from viewing certain ones.
Some media hosts no longer carry files, but you can still download great content like Wickham's Graphical Enhancement Project.
Thanks for the excellent news! First post updated.

I went by what I saw in the NEWS section of this forum which points to domain which is dead.
I guess Sami/Erkka can update that NEWS hyperlink at some point to point at tapatalk domain.
( @Sami & @Erkka FYI)

Off-topic / How to access (some of) the old invision forum messages
« on: July 04, 2021, 03:43:33 PM »
Edit: Updated in light of second post in this thread; to access old forum, simply go to instead of the instructions below.

1) Go to this URL:*/*
2) In the top right corner "Filter results" search box, type in "showtopic"
3) Sort by "Captures", in descending order.
4) Click on a URL to open it - preferably open in a new tab so that you don't lose the original URL list.
5) In the calendar view, click on a date that is circle-marked and then the time-of-day detail in the popup window to visit the page on that date + time.

Some of the snapshots may be "Unable to crawl page" errors but others work so you will be able to see some old posts but many are missing.
The URL in the first post reports: "1,620 URLs have been captured for this domain."

Not too practical and the pages you're really interested are most likely will be missing but for the old timers, might still be a good nostalgia run for a while!

If you have a better archived-view option, please post below.

It can be reproduced reliably, at least on Windows.

The trick is simply to turn background music off (when it has been initially on) and then quit.

If the music was off already, or is playing, quitting works normally.
It's one of the sdl mixer functions that freezes, may work normally on other platforms though.
Well, I am not complaining "why this bug is not working for me consistently?!" :)

Responding just to provide another data point: on my PC (Windows 10) this particular UrW (Steam distribution, 3.70b2), when playing with Setup > Audio/Background Music settings, crashed just once & it never crashed again regardless off what I change & regardless of initial bgmusic setting when the game is launched.

In this short YouTube clip I change settings and as you can see game is just fine
This must be a setup dependent bug then.

I tried it, and game froze exactly as described but then I retried it does not freeze any more (retried 20+ times by now - only froze the very first time).

Are you guys able to reproduce this?

Off-topic / Re: Iron Age Common Names: ideas for next UrW Character
« on: July 03, 2021, 08:37:08 PM »
Thank you for the responses!

You can also find names in the .DAT files in the urw folder, there are six files, sorted by gender and region (north, east, west).
I knew these files and used them for lookup but completely forgot about them - thanks for the pointer! I have updated the OP to point to this post instead.

For anyone interested these below are the exact filenames:

Off-topic / Iron Age Common Names: ideas for next UrW Character
« on: July 03, 2021, 01:10:44 PM »
I was looking for traditional names and found this resource linked below. The web page from 2013 & looks like one that can disappear any time so I did a full quote below, just in case.

I am neither Finnish, nor have any knowledge on the matter so any input from knowledgeable people whether this list makes sense would be appreciated.
Any additions welcome, please post below.

EDIT: See post Plotinus' reply below for list of names supplied by the game split into 3 cultural region files and subcategorised by gender. This post below has the filenames:

Baby Names (Iron Age: Common Names)

These are some of the more common names used in Scandinavia during the Iron Age. Only a few of these are regularly used today.

Female Names
Alfdis, Arnora, Asa, Asgerd, Asleif, Asta, Astrid, Aud, Bera, Bergljot, Bergthora, Dotta, Freydis, Gjaflaug, Grima, Grimhild, Groa, Gudrid, Gudrun, Gunnhild, Gyda, Halldis, Hallfrid, Hallgerd, Hallveig, Helga, Herdis, Hild, Hildigunn, Hlif, Hrefna, Hrodny, Ingibjorg, Ingigerd, Ingirid, Ingunn, Jorunn, Katla, Ragna, Ragnhild, Rannveig, Saeunn, Sigrid, Svala, Thjodhild, Thora, Thorsbjorg, Thordis, Thorfinna, Thorgerd, Thorgunna, Thorhalla, Thorhild, Thorkatla, Thorunn, Thurid, Thyra, Unn, Valgerd, Vigdis.

Male Names
Aki, Alf, Alfgeir, Amundi, Ari, Armond, Arnfinn, Arnlaug, Arnor, Aslak, Bardi, Bergthor, Bersi, Bjarni, Bjorn, Bodvar, Bork, Botolf, Brand, Bui, Egil, Einar, Eindridi, Eirik, Eldgrim, Erlend, Eyjolf, Eystein, Eyvind, Finn, Finnbogi, Fridgeir, Gardi, Geir, Geirmund, Geirstein, Gest, Gizur, Glum, Grani, Grim, Gudmund, Gunnar, Gunnbjorn, Gunnlaug, Hafgrim, Hakon, Halfdan, Hall, Halldor, Hallfred, Harald, Harek, Hastein, Hauk, Havard, Hedin, Helgi, Herjolf, Hjalti, Hogni, Hord, Hrafn, Hring, Hroald, Hrut, Illugi, Ingi, Ingjald, Ingolf, Isleif, Ivar, Kalf, Kari, Karlsefni, Ketil, Knut, Kol, Kolbein, Lambi, Leif, Ljot, Ljotolf, Lodin, Mord, Odd, Ofeig, Ogmund, Olaf, Olvir, Onund, Orm, Otkel, Otrygg, Ottar, Ozur, Ragnar, Rognvald, Runolf, Sam, Sighvat, Sigmund, Sigtrygg, Sigulf, Sigurd, Sigwulf, Skapti, Snorri, Solmund, Solvi, Starkad, Stein, Steinkel, Steinthor, Sturla, Styrkar, Sumarlidi.
retrieved: July 3 2021

I appreciate the effort you put into testing this & posting here to inform the Dev Team.

I see that you only have 3 posts here so this is just for future reference (and no action needed now): in general, it would be better if we consolidate discussions in relevant threads so that both browsing and keyword searching returns less matching threads and browser/searcher can reach the relevant information quicker. This is not always possible -or even easy to detect with thousands of past posts- but in this case there is a thread on this same bug just 3 posts below yours, here:

Congratulations on your escape! Use your newfound freedom wisely...

Weatherlore takes time to master, but it's technically easy: Whenever you need to wait to catch your breath, check the weather and examine the unknown plants you've brought for that purpose (i.e. herb lore training).
Well, that is pretty much all skills "use it to improve it". In practice though, after hitting that button hundreds if not thousands times, I have seen it increase only once.
In my current listing, amongst skills I tried to improve, Weatherlore is not only the most useless but also the only one I failed to ever improve (other than one single exception as mentioned above). I read a similar comment somewhere most likely in this forum although don't have it in hand to quote below now.

I don't engage in the throwing of weapons not intended for it as a training method, both because it's boring and because it doesn't sit well with me from a role playing perspective (while, on the other hand, I strike captured animals to death with the shaft of spears to both train the spear skill and to preserve the skin of the animal, and, even less realistic, use disabled Njerps for bow target practice, aiming for the limbs to get as much training out of them as possible. Not exactly consistent from an RP perspective).
I understand everybody have their own house rules. I think of throwing the weapon as a simple way of "spending time in this art/skill" which is exactly what we do in real life; only the first week in a dojo is magical rest is constant hard work and practice. Throwing is hard work and practice in that <weapon> skill. At least that's the way I see it...

Edit1: I am testing this scenario some more and sharing the results in the form of game session captures/video recordings -so far, without commentary-.
I intend to do 10 attempts, I have already recorded and uploaded 5 of it.
In case anyone is interested, here is the playlist:

Edit2: I have completed my test run on this: in this 10-round test, I ended up with a 70% successful escape rate. All test sessions are available in the YouTube playlist referenced above. I was unable to upload the 10th video today due to daily limit on uploads but hoping to do so ASAP; this 10th test was a quick successful flight, exactly a recurrence of video #7...

The test confirms what PALU posted earlier. One just needs three things to successfully escape in this scenario:
1) A character with high SPEED,
2) A standard RNG and not an unlucky RNG (only in test #6 was I cursed by RNG gods and failed to escape even though I was using the same flight tactic which based on data below clearly is a winning method in general),
3) An iron will to press CTRL+<one-of-the-direction-indicator-NumPad-keys> about 30 times while restraining yourself from any unproductive thoughts such as "fighting it like a man!".

Unreal World 3.70b Runaway Slave Scenario Test Results:
  • Test #1 of 10: Flight & Success
  • Test #2 of 10: Battle & Failure
  • Test #3 of 10: Flight & Success
  • Test #4 of 10: Battle & Failure
  • Test #5 of 10: Flight & Success
  • Test #6 of 10: Flight & Failure   << unlucky, single arrow hit & heavy bleeding.
  • Test #7 of 10: Flight & Success
  • Test #8 of 10: Flight & Success
  • Test #9 of 10: Flight & Success
  • Test #10 of 10: Flight & Success

Thanks for your inputs again, @PALU & @Plotinus

In my experience some other skills are more difficult to improve in-game, such as Carpentry and Weatherlore (even though latter is not useful in any way).
I would prefer to invest a skill point into Carpentry rather than weapons. (Edit: because I find weapon improvement relatively straightforward; it's boring but works OK)
Hideworking is easy to improve in-game but it has a cost which I prefer not to pay, thus another skill point from weapons go into this one (usually).

Well put, 'Rinse & Repeat' could be another good name for this scenario.

I actually did reroll and focus on weapon skills just for this scenario (i.e.: Knife) & tried to get a high speed just for later game (for active hunting, in case I escape) but did not use speed to run away. I will also try that, thank you.

And here's an update from the trenches: in attempt #15, I invested in Stealth and this is the spawn I got right after >:(

Edit: Success! Finally managed to escape on 16th attempt. Looking back rather than bad RNG I guess the problem was attempting to fight it out in a kota.
In the future, for this scenario start, for me there is no reason to focus on any Personal Attribute other than Speed which should be 85-90% or above probably.
No reason to waste initial skill point on stealth or any particular weapon (knife) but instead just "Run, Forest, Run!".
I need to test this another 10-20 times to get a better feel but I'm satisfied for now.
If anyone is interested here is the 16th attempt video without commentary:

In the video, skip to 1m40s for the action.

Edit1: Fix typo.
Edit2: Add clarification note to the weapon section above.
Edit3: Add success report.
Edit4: Replaced original Vimeo video link with YouTube one.

One thing I recommend, if you don't like your ancestors getting overwritten with a bunch of failed attempts, is to look at lastentry.txt. Mine says "10" right now, which means that ancestor 11 is the next to be overwritten (the last 50 ancestors are saved normally). My shortest lived character was Birki, who lived only 1 day. I'd rather Birki get overwritten than some beloved character who lived 2 years, so I can look in those folders for to see which folder is BIRKI's, and then set lastentry.txt to be the number before Birki's folder (or 49, if Birki is in folder 0).
Thanks, I am aware of that and added it to the recent tips & tricks thread here:

In this particular case however after starting with your tip above (initially) I realised it is more hassle than worth so I took a backup of "ancestors" directory and then deleted all subdirectories inside, i.e.: wiped out all ancestors (for the duration of testing).
Once I am done with Runaway Slave scenario, I will simply delete the ancestors directory and bring it back in, from the backed up copy.

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