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Messages - ineedcords

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Mod Releases / Re: [3.63] [3.62] URWCharacterMenu v1.0.3c
« on: July 29, 2021, 12:33:36 PM »
Any news on an update for 3.7.0, I tried to see if the current version of the mod works with the beta, and no dice.  :'(

I love all your work and wish you the best.
Workaround: you can create the character in v.3.63 and then upgrade to v.3.70 to play that char.

Gameplay questions / Re: squeezing damage?
« on: July 26, 2021, 09:53:24 PM »
There are some hints in urw_combat.txt file, note the emboldened line:
rg -i squeeze | tail -n5
messages\urw_combat.txt:// value: POINT/EDGE/BLUNT/POINT/BITE/CLAW/SQUEEZE
messages\urw_combat.txt:// PAW, SQUEEZE, HOOF, ANTLER, HORN, TUSK, BEAK
messages\urw_combat.txt:// for previous version compatibility also use: paw,squeeze,horn,hoof,tusk,antler,beak
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:to crush]
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:paws grab]

And in the game log, squeeze damage (crush) attack by a bear manifests itself as so:
msglog.txt:(000000):29gh:[T]{05C8047C}      | The female bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush TWO truck.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush Dolores.
msglog.txt:(000000):q5hj:[T]{049503CA}      | The female bear tries to crush Dolores.

Suggestions / Re: Ability to select starting position
« on: July 23, 2021, 03:50:38 PM »
Following the discussion at about Nights scrpt to allow better chice of starting position as a option, is it possible to add some similar code to the vanilla game? The script requires Microsoft .Net to work which limits it usefulness on other systems and even some none technical windows users have problems, if it was in urw as an option, in some form, then it would be cross platform and better integrated.
I think it's a good idea as people can already do an approximation of this eventually even in vanilla game (without requiring 3rd party mod/addon) simply by pressing the UrW key to get another random location, n times. This feature would just provide convenience and save time.

Mod Releases / Re: [3.70b Beta] [3.63] URWSSSelector v1.0.3
« on: July 23, 2021, 01:35:45 AM »
Why isn't this an integral part of the game in the first place?  :D
If click-n-pick spawn position feature was added to the vanilla game, I would use it. I don't think it is cheating as it is not much different than changing random spawn position several times until you get one you like (similar to character creation time dice re-rolling).

Probably not added because nobody suggested it in the suggestions thread. Feel free to do so :)

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: [3.61] High CPU usage on GNU/Linux
« on: July 21, 2021, 08:46:14 PM »
Is an update pending to be released soon?
I am not sure when the official new version will be ready however if you are suffering badly from this high cpu usage bug on linux, consider the beta option perhaps?

It is already beta3 so it is not bleeding edge anymore and should provide you with a stable-ish gaming experience without eating your cpu non-stop.
Like any other beta it may contain other bugs though so it would be wise to take a back up of your savegame before trying it.

v.3.70beta3 announcement thread:

Gameplay questions / Re: Idle cpu consumption
« on: July 21, 2021, 08:42:11 PM »
This might be a bug, maybe it should be moved to that section?
Sorry for the delay in getting this moved... As I am replying almost a year late, it's probably too late -and most likely counter productive- to move this thread now (see below).

For anyone seeing this issue/thread mid-2021 onward, here is the post from Sami which says the issue is likely fixed now:

As of today, I understand there is no official new version incorporating the fix however if one is suffering badly from this, no need to wait, as one can try the v.3.70 beta3.
Like any other beta, this one too comes with the usual beta warning. Back up your savegame first and expect other potential issues:

Suggestions / Re: vitamins
« on: July 20, 2021, 07:22:51 PM »
i am suggesting the player character to has to eat fish/meat products for fat-soluble vitamins and vegetable sources (maybe excluding grain) to get water-soluble vitamins.
Sorry to be a naysayer but my first thought after reading this is "it won't really add much but it will put extra burden on player for little gaming value" however I will watch this thread to find out what others think...

Have NPC stack caps always been a thing? I don't recall it from the last time I played, but I might just not have loaded them with much stuff.
Due to the age of this game, other than the devs, not many people can tell you whether <xyz> has always been that way however what I can tell you is, in 2013 (version 3.17 era) someone was already complaining about the "inability to push 21st stack-item on to the bull".
( ref: )

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: weather weird
« on: July 15, 2021, 01:45:00 PM »
i created the char in 3.7b3
i play in 3.7b3
I see, so it is definitely not a migration issue then.
I am not aware of any other weather bugs (other than the migration one which is already fixed as far as we know and clearly not the relevant one in your case).

See this post from Sami (dev):
If the only issue in your game is that "it is too cold", it could be just a particularly cold year (without any bugs).

I will watch this thread to see what Sami says about this...
If you are keen to share a savegame publicly perhaps proactively post it somewhere, share the link in this thread, so that it is ready for his review whenever he has time to look into this.

Edit: I've edited the thread subject to clarify version and that it's not a migrated character.

Not bugs / Re: [3.70b Beta] Big bull has very low carry weight
« on: July 15, 2021, 12:57:37 PM »
I just obtained a big bull named Moostache. I tried loading him up with my gear but it seems he reaches capacity at only 55-ish pounds. Pictures and save file upload for reference:
As per Galgana it's the stack limit you hit and not the "carry weight limit". I think the limit is 20 "stacks".

As suggested in the other post, you can buy a second animal of burden.
Alternatively you can try to load heavy stuff on to the bull but keep light stuff on your person, such as "loop snare". That is of course a small weight but it is taking 1 out of 20 slots on the bull; it's a wasted slot.

To workaround the stack limit, I personally have 4 bulls in my current game, one as armoury, one as non-cooling-cellar, one as fur-carrier, the last one is to carry any big game carcass to the nearest processing plant (i.e.: "waterside shelter with cellar").

Edit1: @White Hair , as we already know this is "not a bug" I will move this thread now to the "Not a bug" section of the forums, find it here:

Edit2: Added this question & thread to the Tips, Tricks, FAQs thread, here:

Solved'n'fixed bug reports / Re: weather weird
« on: July 15, 2021, 12:52:01 PM »
Hello in my game 3.70b i am currently having the issue that its fully snowy, 2 degrees C and whole world is still frozen in the middle of summer.
I looked for and do not have WEATHER.DAT in my character folder, so i cannot delete it.
Any ideas how to fix?

1) On what version of the game did you create this character?
(i.e.: is it a brand new character created in the version you are playing or is it a migrated character)

2) Which "3.70b" are you running?
(There are three of them beta1, beta2, and now beta3 as announced in this post: )

A suggestion valid only if you are not on the latest beta (beta3) already: do you want to try backing up your savegame just in case, then upgrading to the latest beta (beta3) and trying again to see if the issue persists?

Bug reports / Re: Item Disappearance on Crash
« on: July 13, 2021, 12:31:50 AM »
Glad you sorted it out and I think that small cheat was very justified (so wasn't a cheat after all!).

I only tested version 3.70beta on Windows so far and no play-time stability issues. There are several news.txt pages worth of improvements (added mechanics) and I think this beta version is a massive improvement overall. Definitely recommend taking a backup of your savegame first then giving it a go - if you have time to test, with a savegame backup you won't lose anything anyway.

As a FYI this entry is from news.txt (v.3.70beta3):
- fixed: high CPU usage, especially on some Linux and OSX systems

        The game reached very high CPU usage on some systems, which is now hopefully fixed. It was related to reading incoming SDL events which are now waited rather than constantly polled.
I don't know if this is actually related to your current stability problem at all. If you would like to investigate perhaps you can try checking system load in console with 'w' command or 'top' command etc. (if not a console guy, alternatively you could use "Mac equivalent of Microsoft Windows task manager" sorry I can't remember the name of it now).
Looking at CPU load right after a crash, does trend data show excessive CPU usage with a sudden massive drop after game crash?

Overall, even if your issue is not the one mentioned above (and even if you see no stability improvement), by upgrading you would be taking advantage of newly added nice mechanics (too many to list but checkout news.txt postupgrade).

There is one known issue to be aware of: [3.70b] Hanging when changing setting at start

There *was* another known issue but I think it is fixed in latest beta3; the wildly fluctuating weather issue affecting only migrated characters.
If you do experience it, out this thread and just delete one file to get rid of the issue:

Bug reports / Re: Item Disappearance on Crash
« on: July 12, 2021, 09:50:44 PM »
Sorry to hear that. I played a few hundred hours on Mac with zero crashes, I am not sure what could be the culprit in your setup. Hopefully someone more experienced with Mac crashes (or devs) will comment on this...

Meanwhile, the only thing I can recommend is frequent manual backups of the savegame directory - again this won't help against crashes but at least you will be able to go back to a known-good-state, at worst losing few minutes of game play rather than whole playthrough.

Edit: and welcome to the forums :)

Off-topic / Re: Moon and sun in the sky at the same time?
« on: July 12, 2021, 10:55:29 AM »
The way the sun and the moon are represented got me thinking about when solar eclipses might have been visible in the years of the game.   I found these PDFs

And I think this one is the one for URW:
While there is nothing with textual material, for a richer experience one could use software these days; two are referenced below although I'm sure there are many others.
Software can help simulate position on earth and then look up to the virtual sky to see celestial body positions, including but not limited to Sun and Moon.

These type of simulations, even those that let you change date & time probably won't go back to Iron Age Finland but we are in the game-level simulation domain anyway - scientific-level simulation correctness is probably unnecessary here.

First software is free, the other one is commercial (no affiliation) but strongly recommended to anyone with an interest in astronomy - it's the lego of stars.
EDIT: I forgot to say, if one is mildly interested but can't be bothered to download & install, there is a web version, here:

"Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope."

Universe Sandbox
"Universe Sandbox is a physics-based space simulator. It merges gravity, climate, collision, and material interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet. Create, destroy, and interact on a scale you've never before imagined. Rated Overwhelmingly Positive from over 11,000 Steam reviews."

Just fired up Stellarium & took a screenshot, just to give an idea:

Off-topic / Re: Moon and sun in the sky at the same time?
« on: July 11, 2021, 05:20:20 PM »
Regardless of where you are on planet earth, you wouldn't see sun and moon together "that much" - without providing any objective data, to me, it feels like they are hanging out together too much in this version of the game. I could be wrong though, haven't done any extensive testing on that.

Even if I am right, this is just the first version of this feature (even a beta) so it might be improved in future versions to provide a more realistic cycle.

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