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Modding Tutorial and Help this is a compilation I created of the games mod tutorial, others modding help, and my own edits. this is how I learned how to mod unreal world and make some custom content and hope it can help someone else. figured I should post it and also set up a section in the new forums for modding help and discussion, I wont be giving help (because I am less experienced than most) but I can try, and I'm sure many others will help if you post your wip mods or problems you run into.
June 18, 2017, 05:47:04 AM
Buoidda's Crafts reworked (balancing?)  Okay, so...

 This is just simple fine tunning on Buoidda's Crafts mod, there probably are a few mispelled items, and some itens without description (am quite sure), mostly because there had a blackout at my home and am quite sure something went unchanged. Yet, the changes are all functional (should).

 I'll try to list the changes I've made:

 Northern bow now needs new craftings.
 Hardwood bows now are easier to make, but need situational luck. Made from hardwood (not hard staff)
 Primitive/Shortbows have a new step in crafting.
 Added bark pelling. (from sufficiency mod)
 Used the already in mod fibres and added a drying recipe before you can make a cord with those, that's because cords made from wet fibres normally break once they dry.
 Dry fibers are used to make an cord.
 Cords are used to make bowstrings.
 Added sinew, sinew fibres, and sinew bowstring. (best quality bowstring)
 Lowered coal yeld ammount to realistic levels. (8%-12% efficiency)
 No more lake scopping ore.
 Lowered ore yeld and increased time to dig the peach up.
 Bog ore yeld roughly 1/5 iron ore. Bog ore is very impure.
 Iron ore yelds roughly 1/3 of Iron. That's due to the impurities the smith (you) will remove from the ore when smelting.
 Iron yelds roughly 1/2 of Wrought Iron. Balance purporse (you're not very experienced, lets alot of metal go to waste)
 Wrought Iron yelds 1/2 of Steel. Balance purporses again
 Steel and Wrought iron are worked into an "unfinished metal piece". BALANCEEE!
 Unfinished Iron pieces are smithed into the various tools head and blades.
 Unfinished Steel pieces are smithed into blades. BALANCE! BALANCE! BALANCE!
 Steel blades are used to make swords and a other weapons.

 I think that's most of it. Please, give feedback on bugs and other stuff that are missing and I will gladly fix.

 Edit: 1.1 Fixed the cloned items in some menus.


August 08, 2018, 02:59:17 AM