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Official Legacy Character Thread (multiplayer urw) Making a new thread for this so that we can have all the pertinent info in the OP. This is a migration of the legacy character thread from the old forum. There are some screenshots and stories of older characters in that thread that you should read but I won't copy here.

In ##urw, we have been playing legacy characters together. This post is to make coordination of the legacy characters easier.

  • When it is your turn, play one month in game, then pass it on to the next person.
  • You have 1 real life month to play your turn. If you don't manage to pass the character on in that time, we will mark you away and send the file you received to the next person in line. You are welcome to come back any time. If you are getting close the deadline it is okay to pass on in the middle of the month, better to pass it on than not.
  • All characters share the same "next" order so that always the person who is next is the person who hasn't played in the longest. New people start at the front.
  • You can do whatever you want during your turn. Ask urwbot for a quest and/or a rule if you aren't sure what to do.
  • Try not to die. Before doing something dangerous, take dogs with you and hire some companions.
  • If you die anyway, let us know what happened, and then we'll make a new character. No savescumming.
  • Before making a new character, check that there is someone to pass the character onto with "urwbot, legacy players"
  • If you want to make a new character, ask urwbot for a hard or insane start like so: "urwbot, start hard" or "urwbot, start insane." Play the full first month of the character's life and have it ready to send before adding it to the bot.
  • Inside the character's folder is _notes.txt with a little history of what happened during the previous months of the character's life. read it when you get the character, then update it before you pass it on.
  • Use map markers to explain stuff like "meat drying by this shelter" or "this village is mad at us" so we know.

How to use urwbot to join the legacy game:

You can talk to urwbot with /msg urwbot COMMAND or urwbot, COMMAND. All commands related to the legacy character start with "legacy"

  • legacy join YOUREMAILADDRESS  - join the legacy game. your email will be kept private except that it will be PMed to the person who has a character to send you. A zipped character folder can be like 10-20MB so make sure you have room in your e-mail for that.
  • legacy leave - stop playing legacy games entirely (first pass on the character you have to someone else though!)
  • legacy away - go on vacation from legacy games. no characters will be sent to you but you can come back later.
  • legacy back - return from away, receive characters again
  • legacy mail - if you are next in line, get the email address of the person to send your character to
  • legacy mail YOURNEWEMAILADDRESS - change your email address.
  • legacy sent - tell urwbot you have sent your character to the next person in line. now you are in line for receiving a new character again.
  • legacy new NAME - you made a new character and want to send it to somebody. Don't do this if there are already 3-4 characters in circulation.
  • legacy next - find out who is next (the title of the chatroom should have this info too)
  • legacy char - find out which legacy characters are alive
  • legacy players - find out who is currently active.
  • legacy died - report to urwbot that your character has died. it will be removed from the roster and you'll be put back in line to wait for a new character.
  • legacy rule NAME - find out the rules for a character.
  • legacy rule RULE - set a new rule for the character that you have.

September 11, 2017, 12:54:41 PM
Don't Go to Stumpmire So, you whipper-snappers think you've worked sixteen winters, and know all the rituals, and heard all me stories, and think you're ready to head out alone, eh? 'Alf you kids will starve in two weeks and the other 'alf o' ye will drown in a damn puddle, come the wet ice! But jist a rare few of ye might end up wishin' ye died natural-like, if'n you think THIS is just another story.

Must a been nigh sixty winters past, when I was greener than you lads, some o' the men that was comin' and goin' tradin' back then took to talkin' about how they was gettin' heaps o' treasure fer workin' up north in Stumpmire. Always somethin' about a new settler, with piles o' loot, givin' it away if'n you was willin' to come to 'is 'ouse 'n chop his trees fer 'im. He'd even feed ye, and give ye an axe, and let ye keep it, if'n you promised to come back. Well, after a while o' this, the men that 'ad left town jist stopped comin' back from Stumpmire, and the ones that was still in town took to stayin' there more permanent-like. Wouldn't say why, they was all quiet about it, and we let them be, seein' as now we was the only place they would trade the pay they was still holdin' onto.

After a couple weeks o' that, the new settler came to see us. He was near seven foot I'd say, and looked like he carried a lot o' weight on his bones, but 'adn't eaten in a few days. Was wonderin' why no one was comin' up to 'is place, still 'ad work needed doin' and still 'ad plenty of goods to pay. The men that 'ad been workin' for 'im before kinda looked down, gave back their axes, and made excuses why'n they couldn' go back with 'im. He got real mad, and offered up a sword fer the man that would go with 'im.

Well, my old cousin Jaqqa visiting from the next town over 'appenned to need himself a sword, and thought he might go with back to Stumpmire. Old Jaqqa was always slow on the uptake, like most of you kids these days... The men that 'ad worked for the settler all sat down to talkin' real hushed like once he and Jaqqa left, and got their things together, and followed after 'em. Yours truly figgered followin' the men who left would be the best way to see what was really goin' on, but now I figger it's best not findin' out some things too direct.

Stumpmire's just north, goes on for miles. Felt like hours walkin' it, but I was bein' careful o' makin' too much noise, and lettin' on to the men that they was bein' followed in turn. They finally got close up enough to the settler's buildsite that I could see it from where I was hidin', but then I heard Jaqqa screamin'. Not no regular screamin' like when you babies see squirrel guts, but real screamin'. I ain't never heard anything like it before or since, and then it just stopped real sudden.

The men was runnin' up to the house then, and I started hearin' shoutin' and noises like a big fight was startin', but then those stopped too. I got as close as I could, hidin' in the trees that was left, and what I saw was worse than all Jaqqa's screamin'. 'Is eyes was put out, and 'is legs was broke, and 'is 'ead was smashed open, and 'is arms was still twitchin'. The new settler 'ad killed the men who followed 'im too, and was cuttin' em up fer meat with 'is back to me. I cracked a twig backin' away and he turned right around and looked at me with these hollow eyes, and what he did was smile. Smile, and hold up a cut of meat from one of the men, and set it on the ground, and when I ran away like anyone with 'alf a brain woulda done, I 'eard 'im recitin' our ritual for sacrificin' an animal, like those men was sheep.

And that's why whatever you boys do on yer way to some bear's belly, don't you go trustin' strangers, and don't you go to Stumpmire.

September 27, 2017, 04:25:51 PM
Re: Poems of the Fallen Drowning

Ominous cracking heard a second too late
Far out from the shore with my mind on a kill
But the ice could no longer hold up my weight
Just as the forest reindeer finally lay still

Breathless was I from chasing after my prey
Across two miles of forest and a mile of ice
I had forgotten what my old man would say
My mind had been on nothing but the bloody prize

But 't was not a bloody prize but a price I would pay
"It offends the spirits to bloody the ice in early spring--"
I heard dad's voice in my mind as I felt my strength sway
"--and 'tis surely your death the spirits will bring."

(Yeah, that happened, a few characters back. Just as the damn reindeer died, it became morning, the ice grew weak and I fell through. And drowned.)

October 02, 2017, 03:37:21 AM
Re: Poems of the Fallen The (not-so-)sage

Once I believed a sage had to be wise
then I saw this fool standing on rather thin ice
The ice broke and so fell he straight in
Got frozen and soaked right down to his skin

The bitter cold addled his quite feeble brain
And he got so tired he could have slept in the rain
Tired enough that on that spot fell he asleep
And drowned in a puddle barely three inches deep.

October 05, 2017, 02:09:11 AM
Re: Other roguelikes I tried The Long Dark in early access because I thought it would scratch my post-apocalyptic itch, but didn't like it.  Too much hopping from fire to fire, spending most of your time playing it safe and keeping warm, not enough time ransacking abandoned cars and old cabins.  In the real world, hunter-gathers spend about two hours a day on survival.  The busy-work stuff that most so-called "survival" games force you to do against unrealistic countdown timers is irritating to me.  Just plunk me somewhere with no time limits and tell me to survive and I'll be happy as a pig in shit.  It's why I enjoy playing URW; if I want to take a day off to go exploring or hunt squirrels or find out where this river leads, I can, and the trap line and fishing nets can wait until tomorrow.
October 19, 2017, 01:12:07 AM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority  I too think that before marriage there is much AI that could/should be filled out.

For NPC's to take a more lively role in the game, imo they need to "act" more like players. Some being friendly, some devious, some trusting, some dishonest and some just down right evil.

 NPC's could/should serve as better wealth sinks. Consuming received foods, "using" /removing traded items, or reselling items at a profit.

 For bonding/marriage there needs to be some overarching danger/human drama/risk to NPC's;
You come home and a stranger has taken up with your spouse and cleaned you out.
A wild animal has attacked your spouse and you must care for them.
Your kid gets lost in the woods.

 Possibly even look at enslavement vs bonding (if this is even historically correct).

This is a deep well topic ;)

December 19, 2017, 01:27:29 AM
Re: Any way to find lost items? Exciting stuff. Thank you for doing the math.

I managed to find the items, although more through random luck than anything else.  I checked the hexidecimal positions to get a good idea of the area, and then simply searched systematically.  Not the most precise, but it worked.  If anybody knows a quicker way, you could still post it here to help others in the future.  I'm just happy to have my stuff :)

May 25, 2018, 09:26:33 PM
Re: Any way to find lost items? If you for whatever reason unable to use msglog method (e.g. deleted msglog.txt), cannot find the items in the spruce maze or for whatever reason trying to dig out a specific item, you can use this complicated method (which require some knowledge of course) to get the exact location of a item in local map:
Spoiler: show

1. open xxx.OBJ
2. find the item
3. each slot is 172 bytes and count the number
4. add 50000 to that number
6. search for that number
7. the structure of this file is
first 8 bytes global location <<< the same thing in msglog
next 4096 for buildings
next 4096 discovered
next 4096 terrain
next 4096 steepness
next 72000 things <<< you are here somewhere
each thing(include items, npc, tracks, etc.) slot contain 36 bytes and the reference number should be the 12th
the exact position in the map are save in first 4 bytes
row column

happy digging

May 26, 2018, 06:50:25 PM
Mini Zoo in Unreal World Finally after spending soo many winter, manage to capture a few animal in unreal world.

The ultimate animal in unreal world. It can destroy the puny fence easily.

Next challange, capturing a nperjez...

June 17, 2018, 11:05:26 AM
Re: Mini Zoo in Unreal World
This is awesome! How'd you do it? Feel like sharing?

For the bear part, he spawn just spawn beside my newly built cabin tiles.

Just simply throw  stone/rock to the bear to get him to follow you into the house.
Club him until unconscious while he in the house.
Deconstruct the door.
Kick his skull again.
Start to build the wall with windows.
Stop building every 30 minutes to 1 hour to kick/punch the bear skull to make sure he dont wake up.
Voila, you now have a bear in the house.

But sadly, the bear will be despawn/dissppear after some times when his timer expired.
Strangely, the bird never get despawn, maybe its located in the village instead of the wilderness settlement.

I even got lucky enough to capture a Npez Maiden in her village. She seem to be ok. Never get despawn.

June 18, 2018, 12:12:40 PM