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Re: Buoidda's Crafts 1.6.2 (Help) You should probably start by using a bow and not a leather belt as base object. Maybe you could create a projectile by slamming two rocks together and the base object for that projectile would be an arrow, so basically you would shoot a blunt arrow with your sling. But you could also shoot this projectile with a regular bow, so you should use some discipline as player.
Sling with bow skill is strange.  :-\

September 05, 2017, 05:23:59 AM
Re: Buoidda's Crafts 1.6.2 (Help) Just an idea based on metagaming - why not "flail" skill? The movement is kind of related (rapidly "swinging" a weight linked to a string), but most importantly it's a quite unused skill, since most cultures have flail skill penalties. Only three cultures have flail bonuses: Koivu, Reemi and Sarto. Koivu in particular is the least loved of the cultures, so your sling could be an incentive to select it :)

EDIT: I initially suggested unarmed, but flail is much more "appropriate" for the reasons above.

September 05, 2017, 12:14:35 PM
Re: Buoidda's Crafts 1.6.2 (Help) Yep, you can use the tile of rope or cord by adding this tag:

Code: [Select]
For example, or it-rope for rope, clearly :)

You can even use a custom tile if you save it in the truetile/ folder as a png.

September 05, 2017, 12:36:14 PM
Re: Buoidda's Crafts 1.6.2 (Help) Please post it, I'll give it a try with my Koivulainen :)

How is the range compared to a primitive bow, by the way?

September 05, 2017, 01:31:43 PM