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A big thank you to the Enormous Elk team Greetings everyone,

I just felt like sharing this story and at the same time, give my thanks to the Enormous Elk team for creating this masterpiece of a game.

I have accidentally stumbled upon this game many years ago, when I was just a kid, perhaps 12 or 13 years old. Considering that I had no income to speak of, and I came from a country that paying money for video games was a luxury that not many could afford (Romania) at that time, the model adopted by this studio in which they would offer a older version of their game for free, with the possibility to donate, was a blessing and a breath of fresh air.

I have many fond memories and cool stories with this little game, and with each update, and as I grew older, I would find myself returning to Unreal World in order to check what cool features have been implemented.

Now, 15 years later, I return once more. Older, with a family of my own, a job and a new house, to repay the debt that I have owned for granting me the pleasure of playing this game.

Bought a official copy off steam, and started a new campaign, and all I can say is that the nostalgia of it all hit me hard, as well as the random wolf that decided to attack me from behind my character while butchering another wolf.

Once again, a big thank you to the Enormous Elk team, and a big thank you for the business model you follow. You managed to make my childhood a little bit more brighter.


December 23, 2022, 01:41:35 AM
Re: Human combat system is really off---enemy are fighting like zombies Strong edge (or tear, yes I mean you Mr. Wolf) attack to neck is usually 1 hit instant death for PC and NPCs if there is no significant armour there (I don't think I have seen many mail cowls on Njerps). There is this massege about almost tearing the body part off. Happens also with broadhead arrows (including to animals as large as reindeer and at least smaller bears), and it can happen even to otherwise unharmed and fresh mobs. Point attacks are in my experience less instantly lethal, which is why I tend to choose axes over spears (and often bring broadheads if I know I'm going to fight Njerps or robbers and need to make my shots count).

I have never, ever missed with attack on unconscious mob (yellow text on attack screen), and I suspect such attacks automatically roll extra damage dice as well. You sure the mob was actually unconscious?

In general the main trick to URW combat is exhaustion management. Your opponents run all the time in combat situations, while you can choose not to. If they are not running they are attacking every turn (while you can choose not to, in which case you most likely move backwards so that your opponent has to run bit more). Exhausted mobs will have penalty to their attacks, they drop down easy and when they become unconscious they are unlikely to recover in reasonable time. You can essentially consider it equivalent of damage that just heals quicker, in that sense even moving backwards (and not even making a counterstrike) is a damaging attack on your enemies, and it has 100% hit chance.

November 27, 2023, 01:29:39 PM
Re: My fight game  So I have these bubble 'cars' zooming around for atmosphere, Until now!

And Taxi service

November 27, 2023, 08:50:34 PM
Give the "arrow-tip" treatment to javelins In other words, allow us to manufacture bone javelin-heads, buy iron javelin-heads and ability to manufacture javelins using them. Then we can choose to use simple sharpened point as now, or make a more proper javelin with the new heads. With this I believe javelin making should also be moved under the carpentry skill, allowing player to manufacture fine and masterwork javelins with proper tips. Possibly staff making should too, to make it harder to get the proper materials for good quality javelin.

I don't think the stat line of the weapon needs to change, as the point attack is already excessive for sharp wooden stick.

December 16, 2023, 09:17:05 PM
Re: Confused on whether or not I can craft fine clothing. Clothing items are capped at decent, because in real life, it takes about a month to make an article of clothing, but in the game you can make it within a day. I think this may change once clothing becomes a pausable task.

I think this cap is throug a separate mechanic, not related to common skill. Using fine cords won't change the quality of the clothing beyond decent. I've made perfect cords before.

It is a waste of your fine furs to craft clothing items, unless you are just starting out and in danger of freezing. If you are freezing, make clothes now, there will be more fine furs later.

May 22, 2024, 09:56:25 PM
Summarizing shingles, showcasing tree species based timber Let's sum up and showcase a few recently mentioned crafting related ambitions with some screenshots.

As mentioned earlier we'll be featuring a new light source, shingles. They are thin and flat oblong pieces of pine wood which were burnt to produce light - especially for lighting up houses during the dark time of the year.
         Shingles are lit by using [a]pply command. Once a shingle is burning you can drop and set it wherever the light is needed, or carry it with you. Traditionally shingles were burnt in a specific stand that kept them in a good angle for proper burning, but in the game the dropped burning shingles are imagined to be inserted between the wall logs or set firmly in place by some other means.
         One shingle burns for about 30 minutes in the game so for continuous lighting a new one needs to be lit before the previous one fades out. This sort of shingle replacement is done automatically if your character is located beside the burning shingle and there's a stack of new shingles nearby on the ground. You character then automatically replaces and lights a new shingle when necessary, and you don't need to worry about maintaining the lighting even if the task you were doing would take a long time.

Here a cabin is lighted up by two shingles burning in place. There's also a stack of shingles on the ground and if the character remains beside it a new shingle is automatically lit when the previous one fades out.

Shingles can be crafted by the player character, and they may be needed in quite amounts during the dark season. An axe and a knife and suitable block of wood are needed for splitting the shingles. The preferred tree species is pine so our shingle splitting requirements will look like this.

A block of pine wood is required for splitting the shingles.

Currently the felled trunks in the game are all of the same generic wood type, and tree species don't have much difference in crafting.
But now that is going to chance as we'll be adding tree species property for big trunks and assorted timber products. At the first stage this addition only covers big trunks and
slender tree trunks will remain generic, but in the future also the slender tree trunks will get the tree species property.
         So, upon felling big trees the tree species now gets derived into the produced tree trunk. As a result the tree trunks are now called as pine tree trunk, birch tree trunk or spruce tree tunk - depending on what species of tree was felled. There are also different tree trunk tile graphics for pine tree trunk, birch tree trunk and spruce tree trunk. The basic timber products made of big trunks eg. blocks and boards will now start to inherit the tree species resulting in eg. "pine boards" or "block of birch wood". And so the tree type will now start to affect to what type of wood is needed/preferred for crafting this or that. Some tree type preference adjustments based on this addition will be made to craftable items in the next version and it will continue to grow more detailed in the versions to follow.

Here our character has felled big spruce, pine and birch trees and they appear on the ground like this.

The coding focus remains in the pausable crafting transition, but it also seems to grow more complex and comprehensive as we advance.

These are future adjustments - not yet functional in current version 3.84.2

July 10, 2024, 02:45:23 PM
Re: Summarizing shingles, showcasing tree species based timber
A preemtive question: Are you updating the punt quest to specify and require a particular kind of tree trunk, or are you updating the fulfillment test to check against any type of trunk?
I would probably go towards a specific kind of tree, given that the quest giver is rather particular in the request, so a species restriction would seem reasonable.

Asked because it's the kind of thing that can break as a result of splitting trunks up while still easy to miss the dependency.

This haven't been yet considered, as there are some underlying ambitions regarding punts. See, at some point - as the pausable crafting proceeds - we will introduce punt crafting for the player character as well. It's just so that when it happens the punts will be made out of big aspen trees, and currently there are no big aspen trees in the game.
So, none of the current big tree species isn't really a preferred species for making a punt so it feels a bit in vain to add specification just to change it later when there will be aspen trees. We'll see how the actual work order will go, but for now I think the punt quest may remain the same and any generic trunk will do - if it's cut under the specific quest related conditions.

July 11, 2024, 04:41:56 PM
NPCs offering herbal knowledge? When interacting with extremely friendly NPCs (maybe housewives?), it seems like they could offer some sort of herbal information, the way that some old men will tell you what the weather is like. Something along the lines of "did you know that milkweed can be applied to wounds?" or "the mushrooms over there are called sand mushrooms, and they are very poisonous."

It might even give some of the village women useful information they could share with the PC.

August 01, 2024, 07:03:04 PM
Re: NPCs offering herbal knowledge? This kind of game world tips and information from NPCs to PC would surely make things more lively. We've got several similar ideas on our to-do lists, but can't quite say when they might end up in the game.

August 09, 2024, 07:00:19 PM
Highlighted Sprites Hello.

This 'mod' adds highlights to animals and their tracks.
It was initially just an experiment due to getting eye-strain during short sessions.

I found that it helped, so I finished highlighting the rest of the animals
(small objects are in progress, but not included in this version).

If you're intrigued, give it a go.
And if you've got any suggestions, let me know, nothing's set in stone.


August 17, 2024, 08:47:24 PM