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Re: Cattle Pulled Sled Yes, this is on the list of future plans by the devs.
March 26, 2020, 03:28:28 AM
Village Food Status and Charity (both ways) I understand the most recent update adds the option for villagers to refuse excess food goods in trades if their village is well stocked.

This brought me to a new idea that villagers' food stocks could naturally fluctuate and lead to different relationships or even "mini quests" in the process.

If the village has plenty of food and the PC is starving and has a decent relationship with the village, how about some occasional offers of food to the PC when they chat with villagers? Or increased chance of chores quest being offered to give PC trading credit?

On the reverse side, if the village is doing poorly ("bad hunting" or "crops failed this summer") perhaps there could be an opportunity for the PC to earn status/gratitude/friends by gifting some of their food supplies? Some of my long termers have pretty astronomical amounts of food hoarded and it would be nice to have a social purpose for it.

March 26, 2020, 10:09:15 AM