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The ability to name or label a peice of equipment Basically, one thing that I've found when amassing loot, is that it's easy to lose track of equipment that you have used oath of iron on if you get multiples of it.  Like the handaxe.  Especially since you can get multiple hand axe's and split into two different piles from robbers without the oath of iron.  It can be easy to lose track of your "main" weapon this way, at least until you end up trying to trade it anyway.

If you could label your equipment somehow, it would be easier to keep track of.  It could be as simple as carving an "x" into the object.  I dunno.

May 26, 2017, 06:31:49 PM
Re: using "reputation" as currency I agree that not having actual currency is a good thing, however I also agree that trying to come up with a balanced trade is often an unnecessary chore.  It could use QoL improvements.  "What of what I have do you want" usually ends up in them asking for your masterwork weapon.  Maybe a feature to ask, "How many of this stack of widgets would you want," or "Among these four different items what would you want"
June 01, 2017, 04:38:38 AM
Re: using "reputation" as currency
I agree that not having actual currency is a good thing, however I also agree that trying to come up with a balanced trade is often an unnecessary chore.  It could use QoL improvements.  "What of what I have do you want" usually ends up in them asking for your masterwork weapon.  Maybe a feature to ask, "How many of this stack of widgets would you want," or "Among these four different items what would you want"

This would definitely be a nice improvement - you could even have it so they ask for more than they would accept if you were making offers.

Honestly, it's a bit silly to me that when I'm trading with someone I can just keep adding 2 cuts of meat at a time until they're satisfied - it would be more realistic if the person I'm bartering with would eventually either say "give me 20 more cuts and we're good", or get annoyed at my guesswork. At some point you could even have them refuse the trade and tell you to either return their goods or quit faffing about and give them a decent offer.

June 05, 2017, 06:37:46 PM
Confirmation before eating unknown items! I would really love to see the game ask for confirmation before I eat that "quaint mushroom" that I've been carrying around to boost my Herblore skill. It asks for confirmation before I try to climb something, and eating unfamiliar herbs or mushrooms is *way* more dangerous!

I managed to survive the Deadly Poisoning this time, but next time I might not be so lucky  :-\

June 05, 2017, 06:49:26 PM
Directions to a sage Would love to have the option to ask directions to a sage. Many smaller settlements don't have a sage living there, but it seems to me like people of this time would have known where the nearest sage lived, in much the same way that frontier towns in America may not have had a doctor, but the townsfolk knew that there was Doctor Jones two towns over for when someone was seriously ill.
June 13, 2017, 06:59:43 PM
Re: Directions to a sage Even better if asking for a sage in a village that has one would give you directions to him (or one of them, if more than one).
That might be expanded to allow you to ask for an adventurer, and probably every profession when at it, as well as for named villagers (in particular those involved in quest).

June 13, 2017, 07:10:20 PM
Smoke From Fires Visible From Distance Could we have smoke on the wilderness map from fires that lasts for the duration of the fire, plus a bit longer after it burns out?

Perhaps smoke could attract other humans just like it would in R/L.

July 08, 2017, 04:11:50 PM
Re: Birch bark for crafting I think there are many excellent things that have been added with mods. Of course it would be great if many of them were added to vanilla. I agree. But keeping in mind this game is a labor of love developed by one man (with help from his friends), he has decided there are many other larger improvements that keep the game growing rather than incorporate mod ideas that can continue to be used as mods easily enough. I completely agree with that course of action. There is only so much time in a person's life!

Give modding a try, it's not that bad  :)

July 27, 2017, 12:12:29 AM
Re: Impossible quest I'll be more direct than trying a joke: It might be a good idea to ask in the Gameplay questions forum about something that seems wrong rather than immediately jumping to the conclusion that the issue is a bug.
July 27, 2017, 05:49:08 PM
More ambient sounds Seeing that the game has such high potential for letting you immerse yourself in the (unreal) world it creates, i think it would be just that more awesome if there were more ambient sounds based on location, season, or time of day, etc. It doesn't have to be something terribly complex. Just a sound file for forest during the day and during the night, one for forest during winter, a village, maybe when near the seaside or a river. Stuff like that.

These days, when i play, i like to keep this running in the background, and i feel it ads a lot to the atmosphere: . And i found another one that will work very well during the winter:

But it would be tedious to change between a night sounds, day sounds, village, seaside etc on Youtube. So that's why i think the game's immersion would profit quite a lot from implementing these soundscapes

August 10, 2017, 12:12:01 AM