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Containers, like bags The game has fixed number of different items you can carry, even if thous items all weight 0.1lbs. That means you could max out your items with bunch of small, light items and only 1 of each (feathers, herbes, dif. quality arrows, etc), making your total carry weight is like 30lbs or less. Thous items in real life you could put in your coat pocket.
Would recommend bags or similar containers for them, makeable from leather and fur with tying equipment and using a blade like knife (best would be fisherman´s knife for its thin long blade) and/or buyable from people and settlements.
The bags should work like other conatiners (skins, pots, mugs), that when you put something in it the weight increases, also the max weight it can hold should be low.
The player could use them with "a" button for apply and then new window would open (like for pots, skins, mugs) giving the option to put stuff into it (opens your inventory screen to choose items) or take stuff out (opens the bag to take stuff out).
Also a buildable containers would be nice, like some boxes (made from boards and tying equipment, using a blade for carving) to put stuff into so your house won´t look like a crows nest, usable like packing on animals with "p" to pack and "G" to get.

May 29, 2017, 01:32:22 PM
Quality detemination I've been trying to figure out how the game decides what quality produced items are so I can better tune the %X% quality modifier in my mods.  Did a lot of testing, and here's some of my results summarized.  All of this was done with diy modded test items, so it might be different with cooking.

Both the base skill of the craftsman and the quality modifier affect the distribution of quality for items.  When a craftsman makes an item, there's a roll for how well they crafted the item, and there are four categories - two good and two bad.  The base skill of the craftsman determines what quality item is produced for each of those four categories.  They work like this, with the min base skill of 5% and max base skill of 95%:

Base SkillPoorBadGoodExcellent

This table is independent of the quality modifier in each recipe.  That means there's a couple of natural breakpoints:  craftsmen need at least 20% skill to make decent items, 40% to make fine items, and 70% to make masterwork items.

Where the quality modifier for each recipe comes in is calculating how likely each of these categories is.  Add the modifier to the character's base skill and restrict it to be between 5% and 95%, which we'll call the adjusted skill.  The adjusted skill is the likelihood of getting a good or excellent roll when you craft.  One-fifth of those good or excellent rolls are excellent (rounded down).  Same way for the bad two categories:  100% minus your adjusted skill likelihood of a poor or bad result, with one-fifth of those rolls being poor (rounded down).  Then you look up in the table to transform those categories into actual item qualities.

As an example, suppose you're crafting with carpentry skill level 77% and making an item with quality modifier 30%.  The adjusted skill is 95% (77 + 30, rounded down to 95).  So 1% of the time(100 - 95 / 5), you'll make a rough item, 4% of the time a decent item, 19% a masterwork (95 / 5) and 76% a fine item.

July 11, 2017, 11:56:58 PM
Re: Forest maids (possible quest spoilers) I've never caught her after having her spawn, but I have a method that, for me, lets her spawn basically every time I try, including after finishing the quest (which didn't require receiving her gift, just seeing her once, extra dialogue with quest giver for having her speak with you). This works sleeping on snowed-over ground I knew to be mossy right outside my cabin, ~5 tiles from a lake, and it works in the dead of summer, miles and miles from home in the middle of a swamp. It's even made her show up at about 6pm in winter, as I was sleepy and it was dark enough for her to spawn already. She would also come back to the same spot several nights of trying to catch her in a row, so long as I didn't offend her by trying to talk. She won't trust you for a few days when you try that.

EDIT: The quest can only be failed by allowing time to expire without performing the ritual. Also you can complete the quest simply by seeing her, but there is extra dialogue with the quest giver if you don't frighten her off and allow her to speak with you. As I recall from someone on the old forum who DID get her item, it will disappear if you tell anyone about it, so if there is even more additional dialog with the quest giver when you catch her, using it might make your hard-won item disappear.

Building the fire and sleeping both have to be done on mossy ground, and the fire must be lit before midnight. After placing EXACTLY seven spruce twigs on the spot you want the fire, on top you build the rest large enough to burn well into the next day, usually an entire tree trunk and about 200 branches. Light it up and go to sleep nearby, not necessarily right next to the fire, just on mossy ground within the light. She shows up almost every time and begins her little routine of luring you into the woods. Of course, I also keep on as good of terms as I can with the spirits and usually bless the tree I cut down for the fire if I haven't done it somewhere else too recently.

Be careful in winter, I had a Forest Maiden lure me out onto soft ice and to my death by drowning. Could be the easiest way to catch her if the ice is thick enough, there are no obstructions to your vision, and you might be able to risk trying to ski after her rather than taking a torch.

July 25, 2017, 01:36:55 AM
Choose the starting Culture based on skills Here is a short commentary/guide to the starting cultures, based on the simple analysis of the starting skill bonuses/maluses. This should help any beginner looking to make things smoother for themselves.. or harder, if masochistic :)

  • Reemi, Sarto, Kaumo and Kiesse are quite versatile tribes, with bonuses far outweighing the maluses. Good choice for beginners, especially if the right tribe is chosen for a specific play style (eg, choose Sarto for agriculture-related characters, Kaumo for warriors and active hunters, Reemi for trappers and Kiesse for the prototypical woodsman.)
  • Owls have many maluses (which reduces their versatility in using multiple weapons and wood/construction stuff, but also fishing), but are probably the best active hunters (Kaumo is easier to play overall but takes more grinding to raise some important skills). This is your bow-sniper character, able to track down quickly the prey, kill it and produce high-quality hides, as well as identify useful herbs.
  • Seal tribes are not as bad as you would think from their -4. They are the best spear-users, club-users, fishers and "shamans". Their stealth bonus is also good. They make fun (and reality-appropriate) seal-hunters if you don't go the easy way (eg, traps): sneak up, throw your javelin/spear and club to death. I enjoyed playing as one.
  • Driik seem very "poor", but they have the best sword, shield and crossbow bonuses. Most other tribes have maluses there, or at best a zero. They might make for interesting atypical characters.
  • Islanders are the best weather predictors.. which is sadly useless (maybe for some quests? not sure). They can only swim, fish and carve wooden objects better than default, and have plenty of important maluses. More "carpentry" options (eg, fishbone carvery?) might make them more appealing in the future.
  • Kuikka are essentially lesser Owl that can fish very well (like Islanders and Seal-tribe), and carve wooden objects decently. Never got interested in playing as one.
  • Koivulanen.. these are weird. They have good Agriculture, like the Sarto, and also small tracking&trapping bonuses. They have a bonus to the least used weapon, the flail. That's it - however, they also lack significant maluses. Herblore & Physician only. So they make for the real average man, which can be interesting for the expert player.

Source of the above: the ini_skills.txt shipped with the game. I uploaded it on the wiki for easy consultation.

I found the actual file a bit hard to read - a table works much better. Also, I prefer a bonus/malus view (eg, difference compared to the default) instead of the absolute numbers.

It would be great to also have a table for attribute bonuses.. what we have was found empirically a long time ago and I'm not sure how accurate it is.

I find, however, that when planning a character I care more about the skills than the attributes, since I'm a heavy roller to get high values (or I even correct the attributes manually, if I can't be bothered to roll). So it doesn't affect me overmuch.

(URW version 3.4)

August 28, 2017, 04:00:35 PM
Re: Homeland Robbers (Spoiler) I found them, in what can only be described as the most galling way possible.

I started marking lines and doing systematic sweeps of areas whether I'd been there or not. I started where I had spent the least amount of time. I felt like I had hit 90% of the squares, so I figured that chances were I had been where they were and just not seen them somehow (it is winter and very forested). I marked a sweep and said it would be my last (this was a lot of hours in the Real World).

All of a sudden, I noticed humans on the zoomed out map in an area I had already been through a fair bit and not that far from where I had built my searching shelter. I manage to find their tracks, saw nothing, then noticed they were surrounding me. Now for the most galling part... when they talked to me they called me "frequent visitor". They're all dead now, and rightly so.

September 21, 2017, 03:57:30 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I got into a scuffle with a bunch of pigs out in a bog, all while I had a boat strapped to my back. I don't know why but I found it really funny.

I was on my way to a distant village to see their sage, and the best way to get there is to carry my raft across a wide open bog to a lake, paddle across the lake and then up a river. Well on my way across the mire, I ran into a herd of wild pigs. Seeing an opportunity, I tossed some javelins into the herd, lightly wounding one of them. I spent the next several minutes chasing pigs all over the swampy morass, eventually wounding another one and separating it from the rest of the herd.

I was still carrying the heavy raft during all of this, since I didn't want to drop it and forget where I left it during the chase. My character was tired, and I was trying to line up a killing throw against that isolated, wounded pig. Right at the exact instant I was ready to throw, I took a heavy blow from behind me. It made me jump in my chair. One of the other pigs had separated from the herd, charged me and rammed itself right into my backside! I didn't even know they could do that (I'm still fairly new to this game). It knocked the javelin right out of my hands. It kept attacking me as I frantically pulled out my spear, and it caused a pretty serious injury to my arm along with some minor ones. For a minute I thought I was gonna get torn apart by pigs, but I managed to stab it and it took off running.

I turned around and continued the chase against the other wounded pig, and even though I was injured and over-encumbered, I managed to keep up with it until it had exhausted itself, then finished it off. The mental image I had of my big burly Kaumo guy chasing and getting knocked around by pigs while running through a bog with a boat strapped to his back made me laugh.

October 17, 2017, 06:42:51 AM
"The Challenge" "The Challenge" is simple:

Survive one winter!


...under rules and terms listed below:

1) Character creation
-Random culture
-Do not re-roll your stats, go with first generated ones
-Improve any skills you like

2) Map generation
-You are lost, do not look where you start, it has to be random. Best you can do is close your eyes and press "r" for random starting location and then "e" for start.

3) Scenario and game course
-Hurt, helpless, and afraid (and naked, explained later)
-The UnReal World

4) Start
-As I said, you are naked, take all clothes off ("T" then "+" then press space)
-You have nothing with you, drop all items on ground ("d" then "+" then press space)
-Destroy all ("D" and keep confirming discard with Enter button until all is gone)
-Yes, you are naked and have nothing apart of will to survive (and few wounds to heal)

5) Rules
-Do not zoom out with Enter, do not even peek, you are lost, remember? Travel only on zoomed in map
-Do not use big map "F6"
-You can peek on a peak (you can use Enter to take a look around only when standing on top of the mountain but you cannot walk on zoomed out map), you can ignore this rule, but personally I think it's fair to take a look from top of mountain.
-If you get to village by any luck, you can start to travel on zoomed out map
-Survive whole winter
-Have fun!

"The Challenge" is doable, I've done well few times but died of my stupidity in half way through like:
-chased big game and get drown under broken ice
-frozen to death as were not enough lucky to get fire started, should have think about fire earlier
-attacked sleeping Njerpez and get killed - what a nightmare!! ;)

Now I've got new char but it's carving for water and I cannot fine any.
I could give you few tips but I don't want to spoil your experience.

Please post below your stories if you ever dare to try "The Challenge".

- do not use mods, you can have them, just don't use them during first winter.

(also edited point4.2 to clearly state that you start with nothing at all)

November 02, 2017, 12:40:47 PM
Re: Kotas You can build a kota as big as you want if you build a lot of frames and have enough fur/hides for walls/flooring.

In my diagram, I put a box around the tiles representing the dimensions of a one-square interior kota and x is the tile you build the frame on. I colored the floor sections in grey and walls in orange. You'll need to build your frames apart by 1 or 2 tiles depending on the dimensions you want and all you need to do is build walls at the outside edges of the frames. I remember seeing somebody's picture of their livestock kota fence on one of the pages on the old forum's What's Going On In Your Unreal World? thread. It's a really good idea because predators can't break kota walls.
Edit: This is the post I was thinking:

November 25, 2017, 03:20:57 AM
Re: Kotas Hey, someone took inspiration from my fortress!  ;D

For regular kota, you can have a 5x5 layout: the frame in the very centre, a 1-tile walkway around that, and a layer of wall/door on the outside.

For oversized kota buildings, think of it as very slowly painting your kota into existence from one side to the other. Plan out the trail your frame will go to build your kota and build the floors and walls around and behind (but not in front! frames can't go on floors) the frame, moving it one square away each time. You will always end up with one ground space when your kota is done.

For walls, you can go two ways about it. Contiguous walls (like in the old post) take more time, but are prettier. You'll build 3 wall sections every time you lay a frame. Don't build corner walls and move the frame just enough to continue the wall with another 3 walls. Repeat as needed.
If you don't care about aesthetics, you can build the corner walls and save time on assembling/disassembling the frame.

Whatever you do to get your oversized kota, there's one thing to remember: never build a wall next to a frame unless you want the frame to stay.

Edit: Pictures!

These are the standard kota layouts. You'll probably never see #3 in villages.

This is how to build a 7x7 kota (5x5 floor space). Lighter blue and yellow are where you will build walls and floors relative to where the frame (dark green) currently is; dark blue and yellow are previously-built walls and floors. The thin lines are the floor coverage of the framework.

This is how to build a kota wall:

November 29, 2017, 03:25:08 PM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority When marriage is added, I would like gay marriage to be a thing too - or at least partnerships of some kind where two people would go off and live together and make a life together.
December 31, 2017, 08:17:02 AM