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Hello world, hello forums Look at that! We do have new UnReal World forums now. Welcome!

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SMF engine is nicely moddable and hosting the forums of our own gives us all the control -- and zero ads.

Credits for forums background image edit goes to Simon "KillerFRIEND", and credits for early forum testing goes to bunch of trusted lifetime members.

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We're quite busy with many different things, so don't expect quick replies to anything these days, but we'll try to keep the forum launch as smooth and painless as possible.
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May 21, 2017, 04:39:50 PM
The ability to name or label a peice of equipment Basically, one thing that I've found when amassing loot, is that it's easy to lose track of equipment that you have used oath of iron on if you get multiples of it.  Like the handaxe.  Especially since you can get multiple hand axe's and split into two different piles from robbers without the oath of iron.  It can be easy to lose track of your "main" weapon this way, at least until you end up trying to trade it anyway.

If you could label your equipment somehow, it would be easier to keep track of.  It could be as simple as carving an "x" into the object.  I dunno.

May 26, 2017, 06:31:49 PM
Re: Regarding dog's behaviour in front of danger I've certainly noticed different personalities in some of my dogs - I wrote a post on it some time ago (possibly the one PALU is referring to) on the old forum:

While it's hard to be sure if the traits are actually there or just the result of confirmation bias, the main traits I've observed that appear to be on a range are:

Courageous versus cowardly (how long the dog continues to fight before fleeing due to wounds)
Gluttonous versus light eater (how long the dog goes before barking for food, stealing food or eating unusual foods)
Aggressive versus calm (how much damage the dog does to prey, quickness to attack, time to calm down, likelihood of attacking its master)
Clingy versus roamer (how far the dog prefers to be from its master, whether glued to your side or entire world tiles away)

Specifically on the courage of dogs in fights, three of the dogs I mentioned in the other post make a good example of the difference with a fight we had with a Njerp. The three dogs all attacked on command without a problem. The Njerp had a blunt weapon and started swinging at the dogs, and almost as soon as the fight started Olli was running away. Rikori stayed fighting until he was unable to stand, at which point he dragged himself away. Likewise, Sammi continued attacking until he also collapsed, at which point he tried to flee. I then stepped in and killed the Njerp (I was almost dead from a previous fight when we stumbled across the Njerp, so I was keeping well back from him). Sammi and Rikori were a mess, both with fractured shoulders, elbows, legs and chests and a bleeding fractured skull for Rik, who spent the next several hours slipping in and out of consciousness before thankfully stabilizing. Olli, when he finally showed up, had a bruised shoulder. Olli did not get fed that night.

May 27, 2017, 02:42:17 AM
Re: Quality of Life (for the Player) Improvements 1.  Changing this would IMHO be much too unrealistic.

2.  I like this suggestion.

3.  You can already do this by canceling the eating before finished. I call it "tasting" the food.

May 27, 2017, 06:34:13 AM
Confirmation before eating unknown items! I would really love to see the game ask for confirmation before I eat that "quaint mushroom" that I've been carrying around to boost my Herblore skill. It asks for confirmation before I try to climb something, and eating unfamiliar herbs or mushrooms is *way* more dangerous!

I managed to survive the Deadly Poisoning this time, but next time I might not be so lucky  :-\

June 05, 2017, 06:49:26 PM
Re: Confirmation before eating unknown items! Yes, and let's have the option to turn the confirmation ON or OFF in urw.ini
June 09, 2017, 12:12:15 AM
Random little additions... Summer days are truly different. Oh how easily one can end up being carried away with all sorts of recreational activities and events. But I'm frequenting the coding chambers as well,  especially on rainy days :) -- and now, instead of organized update post, here's a completely random bunch of few small additions to expect in the next patch:

 - added: skinned/cut/burnt carcass coloring

        Skinned carcasses now appear in fleshy red color.
        Cut or eaten carcasses appear dark reddish, and burnt carcasses blackish depending on the cut/burn degree.
 - added: BUTCHER_CONFIRMATION configuration option

        If the option is enabled a confirmation prompt appears if you try to butcher a carcass before skinning it.
        This is to avoid accidentally cutting up the whole carcass and losing the skin.

        To enable the option add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

 - added: SPEND_DELAY_ADD configuration option

        This option can be used to slow down all the time consuming actions if you find the game turns running too fast for your taste
        during the time spending dialog. The given value is in milliseconds adding that much more delay for each game turn.
        Good value to try slowin things down a bit would be 10 and nobody wants to go for more than 100.

        To use eg. 10 millisecond custom delay add the following line to urw_ini.txt setup file in your installation folder:

 - added: winter skin/fur descriptor

        And as we know winter furs are more valuable, and it's been like that for a long time. Now there's finally
        also an indication of wintertime furs and skins within the item description.
        For example:
        "Fine winter fox fur" or "Poor winter bear-skin"

 - renewed & optimized: drawing of rain and snowfall

        Previously rain and snowfall were drawn in putpixel fashion which was a speed issue on some systems.
        Now rain and snowfall presented by tile graphics, with improved look and fast rendering.

 - added: redrawn 8 directional tiles for watercrafts

        Both punt and raft now appear bigger and prettier in completely redrawn fashion. Credits for these tiles goes to Paulo Spinola.
        Watercraft tile direction changes based on the last actually rowed direction.

July 02, 2017, 08:09:25 PM
Re: Pig in forest cover quest
Sorry if it's a bit of a tangent, but it definitely seems villagers are generated for at least some quest.

Yes, some NPCs are generated on the fly, and some conditions also. Hence let me re-bold, "we dearly try to avoid generating stuff.." and "It doesn't happen so that these Shamans are generated when this quest needs them."(But continuing on this matter is irrelevant in this thread.)

September 07, 2017, 02:46:34 PM
Couple of weight issues Another "let's collect similar issues in one thread 'cause Sil ain't no board-spammer" thread, this time regarding weight issues.

Weight rounding on shown weight:
Displayed weight rounding* is a bit iffy and always rounds up, sometimes to the point of utter ridiculousness.

A pinch of heather flowers is, by my calculation, 0.025 lbs either exactly or so close to it that the difference is less than 0.0001--in other words, utterly negligible. (Did some testing with various amounts of heather pinches and the knowledge that even a minuscule amount over the full lbs causes the displayed weight to be rounded up to the next number.)

40 pinches of heather thus are exactly 1 lbs and the stack has a shown weight of 1lbs.

41 pinches of heather flowers, a weight of 1.025 lbs, is rounded to a displayed weight of 2 lbs.

*The game knows perfectly well the actual exact weight of an item or stack, as shown by various crafting and cooking options requiring set weights of items. The issue is, as far as I can tell, solely in the rounding displayed, not the actual behind-the-scenes weight calculation.

Small animal carcasses occasionally weigh less whole than in parts:
There's various factors in play that decide the exact weight of any particular animal, as well as the weight of however much you get off an animal. It does occasionally happen with small animals that the total parts gotten from a carcass (being fur+meat cuts+fat+feathers if any) weigh more together than the carcass did to start with. This is mostly a well-hidden thing due to the rounding issue described above.

Grisly willow carcass of "2"lbs//1.3lbs*

Rendered to:

No skin (mutilated beyond usage)
No feathers (due to no skinning possible)
2x  willow grouse cut
1x willow grouse fat
for a total weight of a fragment above 2 lbs. (In genuine, not fake-rounded, weight)

*Rounding issue. Going by "Carrying" field in upper right, 1.3 lbs. Rounding there too, but playing with heather flowers showed it has to be within 0.025 lbs of that amount, so let's go with a full 1.3 lbs.

Have witnessed the issue on above-mentioned 1.3 lbs willow grouse giving just over 2 lbs in parts and a small 0.6 lbs squirrel rendering to a little over 1.3 lbs in parts (which made me first look into this, as meat cuts are always 1 lbs exactly and I noticed the carcass weighed less than that), but suspect most of the smaller animals to occasionally have this issue.

Weight of skinned carcasses same as weight of "whole" carcasses:
Skinned carcasses don't have the weight of the skin removed from the carcass' total weight. If, as I suspect, the carcass' entire weight is used to calculate the number of cuts, skinned carcasses may systematically give slightly more cuts than they actually should.

Furthermore, it means that if someone for whatever reason opts to haul around both a skin and the skinned carcass it belonged to (as opposed to either skinning-and-butchering it in one go or moving it to wherever they aim to go before skinning and butchering--which are both probably significantly more common actions than skin-and-carry-the-carcass, but there *are* nonetheless various circumstances in which opting to skin-and-carry is a perfectly valid choice), they're hauling along more weight than ought to be the case. In some cases, it can well mean the difference between being over-encumbered or not.

Small stag carcass of "456"lbs (too heavy to carry, so it hardly mattered in this case, but the principle remains. As I can't carry, I can't determine the exact weight beyond "somewhere between 455-456.0 lbs")

Rendered to

Fine stag skin of "24"lbs//23.3lbs
Small stag carcass (skinned) of "456"lbs//455-456 lbs

Appears to occur with all non-fish animals.

September 28, 2017, 12:09:30 AM
Re: Few questions about trapping and a couple of misc questions Having a high tracking skill definitely helps a lot in seeing enough tracks to actually follow that fleeing animal, even through woodlands. If dealing with an animal that's been hanging around the same area for a while, do occasionally double-check if you're still following the recent, not several days old, tracks.

And be persistent. It can easily take traipsing after that stag for half a dozen overworld tiles before it gets even slightly fatigued. Make tactic use of hiding/not hiding. Don't be afraid to spook an animal to get it to flee and thus tire itself much faster, but at the same time, try not to needlessly spook it in areas where you're likely to loose track of its tracks either due to terrain visibility, track visibility on said terrain or due to presence of many, many other/older tracks.

And don't spook it if you know it'll cost you an opportunity to corral it against a shoreline, fence, closed treeline or the likes.

If you lose the tracks, head back to the last known track and double-check it didn't turn while you headed in a straight line. Look for tracks manually if none are visible. If you really can't find the next tracks, look a bit further out from the last track. Keep in mind whether it's likely to change direction slightly or a lot. Try to consider where it might have gone. Which brings me to my next point:

Almost as important, though, is getting used to various animals and their behaviour pattern. Know what animals can and can't get over fences. What animals are willing to go into the water to escape and which will be corralled nicely against the shoreline. What animals may be chased onto weak ice and drown themselves or at least tire themselves out a lot that way. Whether an animal is likely to head in the same direction for a long while or turn frequently, and whether they're more likely to change direction after hitting an obstacle or just try to get around it and then head for the same direction they were originally going in. Whether they're likely to keep trying to flee even if you've got them cornered, or if they may try to actually defend themselves. If they're group animals, whether they will try to mostly flee in the same direction and then regroup asap, or scatter in all directions and then regroup, have some scatter as others go aggressive and attack you or whether persistence will make it possible to drive one individual from its herd without having the rest nipping on your heels.

In other words, don't hunt a bear like it's a stag, or a forest reindeer like it's a wolf.

September 29, 2017, 08:11:33 PM