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Re: How exactly to make elk leather Word to if advise keep a close I on leather the soaking process takes days and once it is complete the hide will begin to lose quality and rot like normal. I have lost or let many hides go to harsh because I was away roaming when the de-hair process was done
January 18, 2019, 01:22:21 PM
Re: Sami and the Giant Tree (jokes) It's the young pine tree.
January 18, 2019, 05:44:49 PM
Re: Spiky Fences and Fence Gates Sure!
January 19, 2019, 02:01:13 AM
Re: Bugged cooking names
A pea soup becomes "a pot of pea".

And then you drink it.

The English similarity of "pee" as fluid urine makes this a rather colored joke. Yellow in fact.

Well...   this IS a survival game!

January 20, 2019, 12:04:24 AM
Medieval food Maybe not exactly the period the game covers but I have found this videos regarding medieval food and are quite interesting.

Something interesting mentioned in the first video is that salted and dried food had to be boiled at least twice before being edible, that's something that could be implemented in the game. Right now we are mostly chewing that hard leather at least in the vanilla game.

Something else to keep in mind is butchering an animal at the start of winter. The cold stops it from rotting and you have fresh food the whole winter. I had never thought about that.

January 22, 2019, 01:55:43 AM
Re: Torch with no light? Test items based on the torch are lightable, but what I'm looking for is something that's lightable which doesn't produce light. A small glowing ember would not allow me to see inside a cave, for ex, but it would let me light a fire pretty easily and would weigh a lot less than a torch.

Basically looking for a way to carry fire without illumination. No real biggy if it's impossible. I thought just because I can't figure it out doesn't mean a better modder hasn't.  ;)

   - Shane

January 24, 2019, 06:54:50 AM
Re: Torch with no light?
Can you make a recipe using a torch as the base item that produces no light?

I ask because a very ancient way of fire lighting was to have a smoldering ember of something and carry that with you. The torches functionality with lighting a fire would be the in game equivalent, but such things wouldn't produce any light, especially when tucked away in a pack.

   - Shane

Like in "Quest for fire"? No, the game assumes you have flint or something with you all the time.

January 24, 2019, 07:17:08 AM
Re: Modding in valuable metals (Gold, Silver, Copper) for trade.
It's probably impossible to hammer iron into a small ring, lol

Wire making is done by drawing. This meaning to pull the metal through a hole. Then pull through a smaller hole. Repeat until you get the size of wire desired. To do this you would the board with holes and pliers.

BAC has lead in for doing this but I didn't put iron wire in (yet) as the only current use is chainmail. I would need to consume one of the two free menus for chainmail recipes and I want those available for custom modding.

While that's a really good idea, I researched a bit and it seems that we only have a definite timeline for wire-drawing iron after the 12th century:

The following article seems to go further into this, showing that we have no proof that even the greeks and romans drew wire with plates, rather than hammering them:

It also includes some pictures at the end of how gold wires look with some different techniques, and describes about 4 of them. The more malleable metals would be easier to use with some of the techniques than iron, though. Regardless of the material, this doesn't look or sound like an easy endeavour

January 24, 2019, 07:57:35 PM
Re: Torch with no light?
Like in "Quest for fire"?

That's more of a primitive lantern than what I'm talking about.

I'm looking at something more like Otzi the Iceman. He had a dried mushroom that would have contained an ember that burned for days. You keep it wrapped up in something like small piece of leather to exclude as much oxygen as you can - kinda like a miniature charcoal making process.

There are references to things like this at least into Roman times.

But if I can't, then no biggy.

   - Shane

January 25, 2019, 02:22:38 AM