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Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? On Day 1 of the 12th week before midwinter point, at his large cabin by the lake at "Black Rapid", Jarrold Kaumolainen successfully forged* a fine small knife on his second attempt. His two dogs, Spot and Rascal, were not impressed.

In the 9 months since his father perished on an unfortunate hunting trip, Jarrold has successfully colonized Black Rapid, met water spirits and forest maids, found milkweed, rescued two wounded adventurers' gear, felled a tree in the rain, passed weird messages between villagers, and done minor chores.

His notable kills include a 4 Njerpez, a lynx, a bear, a dozen forest reindeer, another dozen elk, and countless squirrels, hares, and small birds. He has travelled from his cabin on the edge of Koivula territory to the western shore of the Driik.

His next plan is to forge a fine carving axe, and he's considering an expedition against the Njerpez for next spring.

* Caethan's URW self-sufficency mod

April 18, 2018, 01:08:59 AM
Re: Rauko Enjoying this play-through, thank you for sharing this :)
April 22, 2018, 03:04:20 PM
Summary of the year 2017 added to development history section Summary of the year 2017 has been now added up to the development history section at the homepage.
Our development history section covers overview for each year since the release of UnReal World 1.00b in 1992.

Check it out here:

April 22, 2018, 05:24:59 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I lost a faithful companion on this sad day. Kolja the dog met his unfortunate untimely demise while bravely fighting a ferocious lynx during a hunting trip. May he be remembered for his loyalty, his bravery, and his habit of interrupting my sleep by barking at trapped birds.
April 25, 2018, 10:10:43 PM
Asking NPCs to find quest related persons in villages You know, despite of my lazy posting frequency we are active behind the scenes and adjustments for a next update are on their way.
Lately I've been sorting out mostly the quest related annoyances and confusions arising from locating certain villagers, and their names.

Code: [Select]
- added: ask NPCs to find quest related persons in villages

          You can now ask villagers if certain quest related persons are around. This is done by automatically appearing
          chat options within the common greet dialog. For example:
          "Is Sampsa around?" or "Where can I find Tornia?"
          All the quest related persons, including the original quest giver, are covered within these chat options if you
          are aware of them.
            There are some exceptions though; NPCs who are involved in quests themselves can't be asked for others
          whereabouts, but there are always enough common villages around to assist you.
            When it comes to finding quest related persons in other villages the chat options become available only when
          you are in the right village where the person can be actually found. This can be considered slightly gamey in
          our standards, but it is more helpful that way.

 - adjusted: no more multiple villagers with same names

        Possiblity of two NPCs having the same name within a single village has been removed. In seriously crowded
        clustered villages it is theoretically possible that villagers might run out of unique names, but real chances for
        that to happen are practically non-existent.

 - added: dozens of new northern names

        Due to aforementioned adjustment it was necessary to add lots and lots of new names for northern men and women.

 - improved: NPC name randomization routines

        NPC culture has more distinguishable influence to their given names. There's noticeable variation between
        the eastern and western names, but especially the current wider range of northern names now appear unique
        from rest of the world.

These are future additions not yet functional in current version 3.50 (stable).

April 28, 2018, 05:55:11 PM
Re: Caves Funny enough, just today I've encountered things in two caves despite never having any luck before! The first was a bear... and it killed me, unfortunately. Created a new character, and what happened early on was pretty interesting:

So I started out searching for a village to settle near-ish to. While exploring, I encountered a lost adventurer who wanted me to lead him to a village, so I let him tag along. We came across a couple caves on the way, and one of them did contain treasure: a small bronze brooch, a fistful of cranberries (ok...?), and a few leaves from some plant (random plant mod) that it said would make me fall into a trance and journey into the spirit world.

I took that as a sign that the spirits were offering to lead us to the village we were searching for, so I ate the leaves. Sure enough, while tripping on those weird leaves, I stumbled across a village. Go figure!

@JEB Davis That story was a really interesting read! I actually read through the whole thing, not just the cave part, and I'm looking forward to seeing more!

@nekot Wow, okay, that's some really good luck there! And... traders? Can't help but wonder what they were doing lurking in a cave XD

April 28, 2018, 10:40:02 PM
Re: Getting fatigued while... walking?
I don't know about the rest of you, but IRL carrying 50 or 100 or 200 pounds has always fatigued me when I walk around, whether at age 16 or 26 or 36, whether on dry ground or waist-deep snow. Maybe it was different in the Iron Age, who knows?
I can speak to this one.  For several years I worked as an elite wildland firefighter, battling forest fires in some of the most remote areas of the world.  We were often without support for weeks at a time, so all of our gear had to be carried in with us.  A standard day-to-day load would be about 60 pounds, and we would often carry as much as 180 pounds or more. 

I think that UnReal World actually does a decent job of modelling heavy pack loads.  Once you become accustomed to the weight, it does not necessarily continually fatigue you - however, it does slow and hinder everything that you do.  Now, of course, all elite firefighters must conform to a high standard of fitness.  Some people might say that it is unrealistic that Iron Age characters would have such high levels of fitness, but actually I think it is the opposite.  Our lifestyle as wildland firefighters is actually probably much closer to a prehistoric lifestyle than to a modern man.  All day is spent in the woods, tromping around and trying to survive.  There is no way to become more fit and mentally tough.  I would imagine that even UnReal characters with somewhat low Endurance and Strength are probably still more fit than the average sedentary modern person. 

Still, climbing up mountains whilst carrying 100+ pounds is always taxing.  A more realistic approach would probably be sort of a "weighted scale" if you will.  Weaker characters become more easily fatigued whilst bearing heavy loads, while stronger/tougher characters tire more slowly.  All characters fatigue more quickly whilst travelling across hills, and climbing a mountain should tax all but the strongest characters to the limit and take significantly more time than crossing a meadow.

April 29, 2018, 03:19:02 PM
Re: Inaccessible cave The door worked!  I should have probably tried that.

Thanks for the idea, I haven't tried modding yet but if I do I will post the results here as well.

May 01, 2018, 09:15:01 PM
Re: Improving Bow Skill? I used to go with javelins, but have switched to bow as the main weapon (but I use a javelin as a one handed spear). An important reason for this is human bow/crossbow wielding opponents, as those are very dangerous when they hit (which they do far too often for my taste, including insta-kills), and it takes an eternity to close the distance, but they're fairly easy to take out with a bow. Also, I've found it's a lot easier to run down a reindeer or elk if it's been softened up with an arrow. Javelins risk damaging the hide a level, and certainly tends to make a mess out of bird skin.

I think bow skill increases slower than other combat skills, at least I've had a harder time increasing it than spear.  Great advice from Palu, why didn't I think of shooting at the ground?
Probably because it's stupid in real life ;)

May 05, 2018, 01:19:12 AM
Modding - single piece of x size The current mechanics allows for using #2# to require 2lbs of an item, which is good, except when your crafting something that needs a large single piece of something.  Say you're making a club out of bone and you want to require a single 2lb bone (i.e. Elk bone, etc)... if you use #2# it allows you to use any combination of bones that add up to 2lbs, so you could make a bone club out of 4 0.5lb hare bones. 

Could we maybe get a tag in the future that is something like [singlepiece] or similar to indicate that the #weight# tag has to be from one piece?

May 05, 2018, 09:22:16 AM