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Re: Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water
Wouldn't the dog freeze as well in finnish waters? It's not like their fur is water- or cold-proof

Depends on the breed - some breeds have a thick and oily underfur, which gives them protection against cold water, and most northern breeds are quite cold-resistant. Though if this idea were coded in, maybe there should be a limit on how cold the waters can be - many dogs can take colder waters than most people, but even they'd refuse to go into waters that are near freezing point.

December 31, 2018, 04:38:05 PM
Traditional Lyrics for tradinonal topic game As the game based on history and tradition there need to be some lyric support for it. Let me begin with the people from the east who are in the game the enemy and bring some acknowledgement to their cultures. As you see the hero in the video is wearing red and a lamellar cuirass.

January 04, 2019, 11:43:36 PM
Re: Bugged cooking names

A pea soup becomes "a pot of pea".

January 07, 2019, 07:57:50 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Long time no see! Was once a regular on the old forums in the 3.14-ish days, came back to the game after a couple years apart, and wow, there've been a lot of changes.

Just started up a new game to ease myself back. I'm really liking the new quests system, it saved my guy from starvation (lugged a lot of firewood back and just raided all their smoked meats.) :) Getting to work making a smoking shack, fields, and eventual pit-trap line. One day I'll get hardcore enough to do a completely self-sufficient character, but only once I've finished getting comfortable with the new additions.

January 07, 2019, 08:33:25 PM
Re: Sami and the Giant Tree (jokes) Just imagine! Fell 6 of those and you can build a section of wall.  ;D

   - Shane

January 09, 2019, 03:53:50 AM
Re: No harpoons? Unique ranged hunting weapons in finnish culture? I'm 150% sure that harpoons for whales/seals have been in use by seafaring cultures for very long. What I don't know is whether harpoons were used in Iron Age Finland.

As for Signatus' reply, you are aware that the ango doesn't come with *rope* right? How can something be a harpoon if it doesn't have rope attached?

@ bert preast, you can use dogs to run the reindeer to exhaustion before lassoing? It would be fun to be Klaus and gather your own reindeer tribe. All you would be missing are short helpers with pointy ears...

January 17, 2019, 01:17:06 AM
Re: No harpoons? Unique ranged hunting weapons in finnish culture? Did some very light googling I did not find any fin specific information but other northern peoples who hunt with harpoons sometimes add a float or bag that tires the animal as it drags it through the water. Also on has to remember that while a seal may be heavier than a human the question is how much can the seal pull in the water it's doubtful that it can pull equal to it's weight as it gas nothing to push off of other than water.
January 17, 2019, 06:32:18 PM
Re: No harpoons? Unique ranged hunting weapons in finnish culture?
I'm 150% sure that harpoons for whales/seals have been in use by seafaring cultures for very long. What I don't know is whether harpoons were used in Iron Age Finland.

As for Signatus' reply, you are aware that the ango doesn't come with *rope* right? How can something be a harpoon if it doesn't have rope attached?

The ango (or angon) is barbed in such away that it's really hard, if not impossible, for the victim to remove it. They'll likely just die from their wounds. We know that angos were used about a 1000 years ago in Finland, but a harpoon not so much. It's possible, but it's also something that would probably need a boat and more people, no? Can a human really reel in a huge seal on their own?

I also see a problem with programming these ropes going around the map as the creature moves... it would be cool if they could get tangled in a couple trees/rocks, but that must be hell to program correctly. I think a bolas would be easier as a way to immobilize targets.

January 17, 2019, 08:06:59 PM
Re: I can't do anything with plant type turnips. You can't prepare the soil if the ground is frozen, so I assume Brygun meant "unfrozen" soil.
January 18, 2019, 09:28:54 AM
How exactly to make elk leather Tried to search the forum for an answer, but to no avail.

How exactly do I make elk leather (or bear/reindeer etc)?
Is dehairing once enough?


January 18, 2019, 11:16:22 AM