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Lots of angling improvements on their way Fishing with a fishing rod is going to have if not a complete overhaul, a lots of improvements at least. I've been tweaking the angling code for a good while already, and the work just seems to continue and continue, but when it's all done we're going to have something like this featured:

- fishing rods will be craftable by player character, with slender trunks, cordage and hook.
- wooden and bone hooks will be craftable by player character. (If I get really carried away there might be some special hook types for special occasions.)
- baiting will be featured. Worm digging is under consideration but we can also start with scraps of food and using small fish to catch bigger fish.
- wear and tear of fishing rod parts will be featured eg. hooks snapping off eventually, when they've been nibbled enough. (Gotta add possibility to add new hooks as well.)

These are future additions. Not yet functional in current version 3.63.

November 17, 2020, 05:40:14 PM
Re: Lots of angling improvements on their way  This is great news, and should add some additional drama/trauma/realism to fishing much as you've done (continued) with cooking, ice, weather, fire. Looking forward to the outcomes / possibilities maybe even fish traps for specific conditions :D Lord knows we have the cordage now!

November 17, 2020, 07:43:45 PM
Re: Live fish sometimes visible in nearby water When bigger fish splash, it’s often to catch/attempt to catch prey close to surface. Small fish, frogs, pupa/larvae/adult insects etc.

Seeing splash rings on the water would definitely improve immersion a lot. And even when not seeing the splash, our characters’ should hear the splashes.

November 19, 2020, 05:49:13 AM
Re: Lots of angling improvements on their way Looking forward to this, and the accompany BAC update to match it.

Making more vanilla items accessible in vanilla is generally a good thing.

Speaking of which...

*nudges with an iron anvil*

November 19, 2020, 04:39:45 PM
Modding: More Than One Output/Byproduct It would be great to have a crafting process that works the way timber currently does, where you cut up a tree and you get both a log and branches, for example.

I'd love to be able to do something like this for modding, for example when making cheese you get whey and curds, which can both be further used in recipes. Ideally option for modder to specify parameters (nutrition, weight, item type, etc) for each output. This could also be used to mod in recipes where an ingredient is tied up for the duration of the crafting timer but is returned to the player afterwards, as in cords when drying meat.

November 20, 2020, 08:15:26 AM
Re: Re-triggering command for loop snares and paw-boards too I’m confused, do you mean resetting a triggered loop snare in vicinity?
And if so: yes please. Also enable the resetting for paw-board traps.

November 22, 2020, 04:59:00 PM
Re: Is it a bug if I walked to free, uninjured hare and kicked it? I've had it happen with an elk at some point in the past, might there be a bug report thread somewhere in the forums about it. Very recently managed to just walk up to a walking bird and hang all but on top of it for a few turns before it got spooked too and flew off.

The answer back then, and presumably is hasn't changed, was that animals spawn with a random variable for how quickly they are to run away upon noticing you. And that occasionally extreme values pop out for this, both with animals that will run away if you they so much as spot you from extreme range as well as some animals that will ignore you as if you weren't highly interested in their precious skin and delicious meat.

November 23, 2020, 11:02:05 PM
Re: Point and click start location Being able to select the month you start in rather than just the season would be great too!
November 24, 2020, 07:12:42 PM
Viable bait for deer/elk There was a good thread a while back on what baits were useful for various animals. I had a new character then and tried baiting with a few 'mystery' roots, those his Herbal skills could not identify, and found one called a 'bizarre root' that deer and elk seemed to love.

Now, finally, after two game-years, his Herbalist skills have identified it as BOGBEAN root. Good trapping! :D

November 25, 2020, 03:41:45 AM
[Fixed - 3.63] Birch-bark rope (price is ridiculous when cutting it into pieces) The cost of birch-bark rope is 2 ropes = 1 arrow
The problem is that when you cut a 15 ft rope into 15 peices its price essentially is multiplied by 15.
After cutting it up you can trade 2 pieces of 1-foot rope for 1 arrow, which is ridiculous considering how quickly you can make a lot of rope (even though you can only do that during the early summer).

I really love the realism of the game, and I love how challenging everything is, but once I find an exploit like this I can't Not use it.

Please fix it quick! I quickly fell in love with this game even though i've been playing it only for a week or two. And this bug breaks the immersion for me.

November 26, 2020, 12:49:08 AM