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Re: Man, I hate wolves!
December 19, 2018, 03:40:08 AM
A Christmas present to the community by me Sorry if the title sounds a little grandiose. ;D

Since late November, I've been updating the official wiki, on and off.

Mostly just adding categories and structure to the whole thing (though a lot of it was good to begin with, so I had my work cut out for me, in a sense), occassionally uploading some new images for the still missing ones in articles (there are still many), expanding several articles with more detailed information and improved formatting (sections with headings, instead of unbroken paragraphs), and occassionally creating a few new articles (I did one on NPC conversations, a few short ones on terrain types (this I still want to extend), and one article on the types of "pets" the player receives at the start when they select the last starting scenario). Images are now neatly sorted into their own subcategories within an image category, so you'll be able to make sense of the images uploaded to the wiki much, much more easily than before. There's a Healing and medicine subcategory in the equally new Gameplay category, and so on and so forth.

Hope you like the category work in particular. I tried to be as rigorous and logical as possible while expanding upon the already existing categories and adding new ones. Hopefully you'll find the additions useful and quick to work with (making it easier to find inter-related stuff quickly on the wiki). I'm still working on improving some articles or finishing a few of the newer ones, but much of the planned work is done by this point.

Feedback is very welcome !

And if anyone wants to help the visual side of the wiki by providing screenshots of still missing content from the latest release of the game, that would be very welcome. For certain objects and concepts, we still only have images from pre-3.30 versions, and even though those have their historical value, we also need more up-to-date images (3.52 and higher).

As Christmas is nearly here, I'd like to wish everyone a peaceful, healthy and relaxing holiday season. :)

December 20, 2018, 07:50:56 PM
Re: A blistering work week...heh Make sure you don't let those preserved meats go to waste.  I once had a bounty like yours and my tons of meats spoiled in my cellars because I couldn't eat through them fast enough and I didn't think to do anything else. 

  • Trade them.  You can but tons of stuff with sufficiently large stacks of preserved meats.  You might need to travel a while though because some villages won't keep trading in smoked/dried meat if you saturate the market.
  • Give them away.  Small stacks of meat given as gifts is a great way to make friends and influence people (NPCs).

Don't waste all your meat! 

December 21, 2018, 04:30:21 PM
Re: The story behind some human bones It might be a wounded adventurer quest generation where the adventurer didn't make it. If that's the case there should be a quest item around. Since bones come in lots of 4, a single glutton bone is somewhat odd, and indicates someone either brought it there or somehow used up the other 3 bones.

And yes, carcasses left to themselves leave bones behind. Elks and other animals that drown due to weak ice decay into a stack of bones over time.

December 22, 2018, 01:32:22 PM
Re: The story behind some human bones I'm not sure if it had an icon, I had been walking quite a while without looking at the area map when I suddenly came across it. It's probably left over from something I had done myself, although the camp site was very unusual for me (I ike to build near water sources), and utterly forgotten about, but I think I'll make up a story in my mind of some untold tragedy...

And now that I know carcasses eventually rot away and leave bones, I finally have a use for those Njerpez corpses littering the landscape around my settlement - I will start collecting them and dumping them somewhere where I can find them again and leave them to rot to the bone, and then I'll feed the bones to my dogs...

December 22, 2018, 09:20:50 PM
Re: The story behind some human bones I bring Njerps and robbers up to the overland map, drop them there, and then collect the bones when the environment has cleaned them. The bones are then deposited onto a rock in the rapids (where it can't be reached by dogs). My grisly trophy pile is getting fairly large...
I originally tried to mark the border of my territory with the bones, but then the dog ate them...

December 22, 2018, 10:38:43 PM
A thank you and an apology to Sami and Erkka Hello, everyone! I think now is as good a time as any to present myself and send a message that I've been meaning to send for a while.

I've know this game for almost a decade, from about the time I learned about Dwarf Fortress and roguelikes as a genre. Unfortunately, at the time the game was not free (was it 3.14? Almost sure it was) and I was limited to the demo. Since I didn't really have a way to pay for it and it was kinda expensive, I couldn't really explore the game's depth.

I have a vague recollection of being on IRC, probably on a roguelike or even the URW channel and essentially bitching about the fact that this business model prevented me from actually exploring the game outside the narrow scope of the demo, which would probably make me less likely to actually shell out the money.

In the midst of this I made some silly arguments, including saying that the game was barely updated and there were quite a few features missing. Which there were, but the game was still being updated. I suggested that making it free would make it open to much more people and might even generate more revenue for the devs. It does seem that the game has become more well known and got some more activity in the community, but I can't speak for the revenue.

That being said, and considering the game went free on version 3.15, I owe Sami and Erkka a formal apology and a thanks. I was a jerk, if only because of the way I expressed my discontent at that time. You clearly deserve recognition for all the work you have put into this simulation, and it keeps getting better.

Unfortunately life keeps kicking me in the balls and I'm not in a position to even donate €10 right now, but you have been added to my permanent mental note (alongside Dwarf Fortress) reminding me to properly reward you for all the fun and wasted hours on something you created and developed over so long.

Thank you for all the work you put into this, and keep at it. You're great!

Edit: I've gotten the itch to play again after a while (and a lot changed since 3.23!) after I suggested URW to a co-worker who's into roguelikes/survival games. They were impressed, of course :) it's quite the gaming gem you have here!

December 24, 2018, 05:03:25 PM
Re: What affects watercraft speed? I tested with and without weight, and I think I tested an inferior vs. decent punt as well, and nothing changed. Your walking speed is used when rowing, it seems. As you get tired it'll drop. That seems about it
December 26, 2018, 11:23:24 PM
Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water I was gathering herbs and hunting on a remote lake, shot down a few birds over water, and as I waded in to pick them up and eventually started getting cold, I started thinking it would be useful to have a command for dogs to fetch prey floating on water. The dog would pick up the bird, come back and then drop it near the owner. Of course, if the dog was hungry, it would eat the bird instead. That might be expandable to other small prey as well - for example, you set your dogs on a hare, they hunt it down, kill it and then bring the carcass to you. The latter would be a bonus, but the former would be really useful especially in early spring/late autumn, when the waters are too cold to wade in yourself just to fetch a bird for a couple of cuts of meat, and you don't have a boat or raft handy.
December 29, 2018, 11:54:40 AM
Re: Allow dogs to fetch prey floating on water
Don't know how historical it is, but it's a great idea. Maybe you could buy trained and untrained dogs for this. And trained dogs would be more expensive. Maybe add a training system for the players in the future and when the option to sell animals becomes available, you have another way to earn a living.

I would think the idea would have occured to our ancestors around the point they were freezing their bollocks off wading in themselves.... the dog in the game is no particular breed, but more like a generic mongrel - but any dog that can be trained to hunt can be trained to retrieve. My family used to have a succession of hunting dogs of random pedigrees, and while training some took more effort than others, they were all used to retrieve mallards with (some) success - one of them you couldn't let out of sight or it ate the bird - hungry or not - but as long as you kept it in sight, it too brought the bird back...

December 31, 2018, 11:44:06 AM