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A new short film by Enormous Elk This is not strictly UrW-related, but a stand-alone production by Enormous Elk.

We made a short film called "Shaman Duel". It's a variation of a classic theme in Finnish folklore; two sages meet on a narrow path, they both refuse to give way to the other, so they end up having a magic duel to see who has to step aside.

You can watch it on Vimeo

January 14, 2018, 04:14:57 PM
Re: Having a hard time finding animals. Personally, I prefer the thrill of active hunting ;)

you need good perception attributes in order to find the wildlife in their natural habitat.  I find good eyesight to be the most important, as it allows you to see a long way on the map, spot animals moving through the wilderness, and also helps with missile weapons.  it also really helps to have decent tracking skill - if you don't feel like investing in this skill at character creation, you can do the beginner adventure path to get a big boost. 

as others mentioned, your best bet is to find a good vantage point.  Hills and mountains work the best, marshes are also pretty good, and rivers and lakes can work too.  Simply scout around and look for animals. If you see some, make a note of their last-seen location and head  there.  They may have moved or disappeared by the time you get there, so this is where your tracking skill comes in handy.  use it on the world map by pressing ctrl-t, and it will often give you an indication of where the animal headed.  When you think you're getting close, you can try zooming in to follow their tracks more closely.

Of course, there may simply not be any animals where you are.  If that's the case, you can wait around for a while and more animals will likely eventually migrate there.  However, this option takes a long time and isn't viable if you rely on hunting for sustenance.  Your best bet is to stay on the move.  You're far more likely to find animals if you travel, always on the lookout for good vantage points to scout for game.  You also have to keep in mind the habitats of the animals - you aren't likely to find much in the frozen northern mountains during the winter.  Game is most plentiful in the south-east region of the world, near the Kaumo and Reemi - but you must also watch out for the dreaded Njerpez in that region. 

Good luck, young hunter!  Do not forget to thank the forest spirits when you harvest the animals ;)

January 14, 2018, 09:49:41 PM
Re: How old is your oldest survivor poll? The game log (shift + L) contains all the important activities you've done (e.g. dug a pit, caught a roach, encountered/killed an animal, entered a settlement) and the date and time it was done (e.g. Day 3 of last week before midsummer point - year 16 - noon).  You start in year 16.
January 16, 2018, 06:36:53 PM
Re: Foreign traders Hello! First post.  ;D

Any way one would be able to treat the pack animal like a village? So you press shift G to get, then talk to any trader to pay you're debt? No reason you wouldn't still be able to trade with the individuals, too. You can do that in a village as well.

   - Shane

January 20, 2018, 06:22:51 AM
[let it be / not a bug] Re: Skins I really have no strict opinion on this, but it's not a bug per se, and we'll let it be for now.
Luckily people can adjust the recipe according to their needs / thoughts / feelings.
If we start adjusting the skin properties at some point making a real waterproof drinking skin should also be a lot more demanding than it currently is.

January 23, 2018, 06:24:59 PM
Re: water spirits won't come 3.50b2
I successfully met a water spirit in 3.50b2 but I had to try two different locations before it worked. I'm not sure I was on the right kind of rock the first time.

Thanks for the follow-up, Korvi. Haven't heard of Plotinus nor got the save, but it seem there's no reason to suspect a bug.
Spirits are not automatic beings, and as every area and territory has got spirits of its own their moods or behaviour is not universal to the whole game world.

Plotinus, if you happen to spot this, feel free to send the save nevertheless so we can confirm.

January 24, 2018, 06:38:02 PM
Re: Migrating to new version For first question, yes.
As to the second I think it's yes ;)

February 01, 2018, 03:31:51 AM
You feel unity with the waters around Just a note on how much I appreciate the subtlety of the magic system in this game.

My character was going about her business, doing some crafting while waiting for her injuries to heal, and the message pops up, "You feel unity with the waters around."

Looked around a bit, didn't see anything unusual, continued about her business.

The next day, stopped by a shelter (not my homesite) built by a lake and found a northern bow sitting on the shore. At first I thought I'd dropped it, but after picking it up, sure enough I have two of them now.

So did the spirit of the waters leave me a little gift? Did a woodsman lose it after spending the night at my shelter? I suppose I'll never know...

February 10, 2018, 06:17:04 AM
Spirit relation re-balancing The spirit and magic enhancements are good in general. However, there are a few things I think need re-balancing:

1. As far as I can tell, sacrifices now use a joint pool, as opposed to separate pools (and spells) for different targets earlier. I think they need to be split up again, so sacrifice of fish automatically goes towards satisfying the water spirits and meat to appease the forest ones, and these pools being independent, i.e. having made an offering to the spirits of the forest shouldn't block a sacrifice to the spirits of the water. Whether there should be a regional split up as well can be discussed, as I don't know if there are regional differences or not, but if there are, sacrifices to one region/realm spirit shouldn't affect sacrifices to another.
2. Spirit mood feedback should likewise be split up more. I keep getting messages of unity with the water even though my character haven't fished for half a year, and the sacrifices for almost as long have been of meat (I had some roaches that needed sacrificing).
3. The "cost" of kills should be re-balanced so it's possible to live off small game without being hated by the spirits of the forest. It should be contemplated whether the value (in some currency, e.g. amount/nutrients of meat and/or fur value) of a kill and sacrifice should affect the spirit relation adjustment. Currently it seems a sacrifice of a spoiled hazel grouse lump of fat has the same impact as a whole salmon or fresh bear cut.
4. "Special" sacrifices (of which I know a single one) should not be blocked by the standard ones, and given their cost, they ought to give a larger boost to the relation than the standard one.
5. Spirit moods ought to move towards neutral over time if nothing affects them, so a relation of unity should decay towards neutral if you neither sacrifice nor "harvest" from the spirit's domain, and the same should a furious relation.
However, some folklore seems to have rather petty supernatural actors with long memories, so it might not be wrong to let good relations decay a lot faster than bad ones are repaired.

March 10, 2018, 10:43:34 AM
Re: Reduce the difficulty of climbing trees I think anything carried gives severe penalties when climbing trees.  I was going nuts trying to find a wounded adventurer's camp so I started using it in desperation.  I didn't have any mishaps after I started dropping everything, even taking off heavy winter clothes beforehand.  This character isn't even maxed out on climbing skill.
March 11, 2018, 12:58:20 AM