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Re: Most effective weapon to pair with a shield? Empty hands?

All this talk of using shields for defense reminded me of this post on Steam of Captain SuomiTM throwing his shield at a Njerp, and it caught the Njerp smack dab on his face..  :o

Link here if you want to have a good laugh of Captain Suomi's exploit..  ;D

Might try it myself one of these days..  ;)

June 15, 2024, 12:32:45 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? It's been a while, and now I'm thinking about my young virtual survivor, sunk in virtual snow, within his virtual forest.

Squatted by the side of a frozen lake, a white vastness that greets him every morning, while embers dance out of a dead bonfire, under lazy winds. The sweat upon his face struggles against a cold, jealous atmosphere, which drinks on the heat that escapes from his limbs - certainly against his will. Another tree down, another log, another piece of wood he will turn into a cup, a plate, a toy, perhaps, if imagination helps. And maybe later on he might walk north, towards the village, trading his trinkets for a loaf of bread and a piece of fish. Small talk, some laughter, a few moments within wooden walls, and he might even remember what it means to care and be cared for. Ultimately, however, he will go back to his lake and his figurines, to the silence of still waters, to meditate on the figments of his own existence and try to bring that cacophony of thoughts and memories to a reasonable conclusion.

And I'm under the impression he would be miserable without this sort of solitude to keep him company.

June 21, 2024, 08:19:53 PM