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Re: Is someone stealing my poop? There might be some seeds left in those poops *coughkopiluwakcough*, that's why that birb has been stealing them..  8)
May 23, 2024, 02:16:18 AM
Re: Vivi's Skill Training Ding Ding! This is a bump to announce the mod has been updated to add Netmaking and Bowyer skill training into the game~ Enjoy!
May 23, 2024, 03:36:50 PM
[3.84] a very large spring Kari, a migrated character, is visiting a village which on the shore of a lake. The parts of the lake that overlap the village have been changed to a giant spring. I can provide a save if needed.

May 26, 2024, 09:33:25 AM
Re: [3.84] a very large spring Ah, it must be so that for migrated villages all the water tiles within the village area are converted to spring water. No need for a save, will fix.

(As a curiosity large spring based ponds/small lakes do exist and in regards to their water origin they can be still considered springs.
 But yep, in the game we've got only small ones.)

May 28, 2024, 11:47:41 AM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods Ok, so I want to address the "small bunch", and take it as you will. Modders are definitely a minority, and in some games those who use mods are also a majority. The main goal of mods should be to increase a players play time, so they remain engaged with the game. I think that's something BAC achieves, but as stated every update is a potential issue and not just for this mod, the collisions can happen with small mods too, leading to confusion for players who are not modders but use mods. I'm also not convinced that the figure stated about mod downloads really expresses the number of users who have likely used BAC over the lifetime of the game let alone other mods. This really isn't just a conversation about BAC, it's a question of how can we make the CREATION of mods easier and also make the USE of mods easier, to extend the playtime of the average player, isn't it?

I agree that it doesn't solve all ills, but it seems like a good relatively low cost option compared with the alternatives and better design ideas (like having an item identifier system that allows preloading/overlapping/replacement as stated). Is it a good use of developer time? Well that's a question I think we'll disagree on, but I think the potential improvement to the average player engagement time might be worth it, not just for BAC and current mods, but for future users making new mods that may be easier to maintain and therefore longer lived. Things like BAC do not occur commonly in a lot of larger modding communities because of how difficult it becomes to maintain, so any barrier is a problem.

You're also likely not going to get a TON of interaction on this thread because a) a lot of people are interested but don't know enough to contribute to the discussion, even some modders since modding here is so simple they don't need to know any programming at all, and b) people ebb and flow to this game, picking it up and putting it down often so the number of active people isn't always high, I tend to look only when there's an update and if I like it I play it for a few months and I know others do to. Something to consider.

Thanks Brygun for BAC all these years and thanks Sami for the game. Appreciate you both very much.

May 30, 2024, 12:16:04 AM
Light my shingle A new light source is coming up as we'll be adding shingles to the game.
A shingle, or päre (in finnish), is a thin oblong piece of (pine) wood which were burned to produce light, and to make baskets as well. As a light source you may think them as all wooden candle of a sort.

It may feel like a just one small item for an adventurer in the dark cabin, but the required and atmospheric additions will make producing and using shingles a rather significant feature. Traditionally shingles were burnt in a shingle holder which is a stand that keeps the shingle in a good angle for proper lighting and burning. It may be that they were also sometimes just inserted between the logs in the wall - but one had to be understandably cautious without a proper holder.
      I don't know yet if a shingle holder will be required in the game but the idea is that you could leave a burning shingle in place eg. inside your cabin. And moreover, as the shingles don't burn very long we would want to feature automatic "replace a shingle" mechanism where a new shingle eg. from a pile next the burning one, would be lighted automatically if the character is beside the burning shingle when it fades out. This way you could light a shingle, put a pile of new ones beside it, and not need to worry about replacing the burning shingle in time even if the task you were doing would take a long time.

Here's an image of a shingle in a simple single holder.

More shingle news will be posted when the things have proceeded further. And in the background the transition to pausable crafting continues. Oddities with the pausable mechanics have been pleasantly scarce in the latest release so we're on good roll with it.

These are future features - not yet functional in current version 3.84.2

May 31, 2024, 12:35:32 PM
Re: Light my shingle This is going to be an excellent addition. In some remote villages in Russia shingles were used as an indoor light source until XX century. Also, a widespread practice was to put a tub of water beneath the burning shingle to extinguish the falling embers, this also very slightly increased the illumination as the water in the tub reflected the light. I wonder if this was also a custom in Finland. If this is the case, it could be nice to implement this in-game, like a tiny increase of illumination, and lowering chances of accidental house fire (if/when it gets implemented) when using a water tub.
June 01, 2024, 03:02:48 PM
Companions with stone axes I read in news.txt that

Code: [Select]
- fixed: companions performing some tasks too fast
         Due to miscalculations in companion time counters they managed to complete some tasks, eg. felling trees, all too fast. The issue was mostly noticed in woodworking tasks, but you may find some other companion performed tasks also to appear in slower more reasonable pace now.

I gave my companion a stone axe. He felled a tree in 1 hour, and carved a trunk into a log in 1 hour. Then he made some boards for me. The boards took a couple hours I think, and he got 3 perfect boards, 15 fine boards, and 2 decent boards.

It seems that tool suitability is not yet implemented for NPCs when it comes to how long tasks take or the quality of items they produce.

June 04, 2024, 06:21:36 PM
Re: [3.84.2] crawling while skiing I’m certain that either in the in-game encyclopedia or on these very forums, there’s been mention of seal skiing technique where the hunter lays down on an oversized ski, even bigger than Lyly (which is the larger of the ingame skis, at ~3m/10’) and crawls to the unsuspecting seal to get clubbed. 

As for the bug, I feel that the news.txt might be erroneous here. We’ll see what the Elks degree. ???

June 04, 2024, 09:24:32 PM
Re: Fire on water Now I believe the mechanism for this issue is found and fixed.
And while fixing it I came into conclusion that the "double fire" bug was a result of the same glitch.
The bug originated from a condition where NPC had decided the coordinates for building a fire. They reached the location and started building the fire, but at that point the coordinates got corrupt and the when the fire was lit it was set at these corrupt coordinates. In this case it was set on the water.

Fixed - persists in 3.84.2

June 06, 2024, 07:19:56 PM