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Re: Who were "Njerpez" ?

I think that after Novgorod fell, the Nöteborg peace treaty was not honoured by Moscow. So there were hostilities on Finnish territory, and the border was more or less disputed. One notable story in Finnish folk stories is the explosion at Viborg Castle, 1495. Muscovites were attacking Finnish city of Viborg, but there was some sort of extraordinary blast which sent the Muscovites fleeing.

Muscovite army fighting a Finnish city at 1495 - is that XV-XVI centuries, or am I mistaken?

Not exactly a constant bandit raids I guess)) But in reality while thinking of marauding raiders I somehow let slip from my mind the matter of Russian-Swedish wars, which did happen pretty regularly during XV-XIX centuries. I do not want to elaborate now which of the two nations was an agressor in each instance (and of course, it is said in Russia that the Nöteborg 1323 peace treaty was not honoured by Sweden also, for example :)) ). But what I myself think on the matter is that two big countries vied for power in that region and the Finland was sometimes caught in the middle. In 1495 Vyborg was besieged not because of some explicit hostility against Finns. That siege was a part of the military campaign and city was defended by regular Swedish army garrison with Swede commandant Knut Posse in chief. But then, of course, there naturally were Finns in that garrison. That great blast is known to us as well, it is said in folklore that the blast was in the form of the St. Andrew's Cross, which meant that St. Andrew himself came to help the besieged, so Moscovian army withdrew.

But we digress. So I too think that we can say now it is established that Njerpez culture is inspired by Novgorodians in the Finnish east circa 1000 A.D., that Muscovites and centralized Russian state as a whole should be left beside the discussion as it came to life much later, and that everybody present is more or less content with the things said.

September 01, 2020, 11:53:27 AM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ? Da, no problem!

Also, I'm sorry my writing was again a little bit too vague. I didn't mean to claim that during XV-XVI centuries there were constant raids by Muscovites into Finnish territory. Nor did I mean to portray Finnic tribes as mere innocent victims. For me these are such self-evident basic premises that sometimes I forget to mention them.

Like, earlier in this thread I said: "And not just Novgorod expansion, but probably also Finnic tribes launching (counter)raids into Novgorod territory.", indicating that I'm aware that there was warfare to both directions, raids and counter-raids, strikes and revenge-strikes, and revenge-revenge-revenge -strikes and so on. (Also, Finnish peasants had a regular habit of establishing new settlements in the no-mans land on the Russian side of the border, thus making the border less meaningful, irritating the Russian side when they realized that Finnic tribes are silently expanding their territory. But most of this was not Finnic tribes raiding Russian villages, but just Finnich peasants doing slash-and-burn agriculture in uninhabitated woodlands. This can be considered as some sort of passive warfare, the western side of the peace treaty showing that they don't respect the treaty that much for they feel free to gain new lands east of the border.)

The linked article about Muscovites besieging Vybord also says: "The following year Russian generals Vasily Kosoy and Andrey Chelyadnin severely devastated Swedish Finland as far as Hämeenlinna (Tavastehus)." - sure, that doesn't mean constant raids.

I only meant to post a example that it indeed was possible that there were Muscovite raids into Finnish territory during XV-XVI centuries, and that there is historical evidence of at least one such raiding campaign led by Kosoy and Chelyadnin.

But, sure - this is getting severely offtopic and not that much related to the real-life inspirations of UnReal World game world.

To conclude, I'd like to emphasize that personally I have absolutely no intention to paint this or that historical tribe as "bad" or "evil". I'm not interested in blaming anyone. I think that if we examine history, the best we do is to try learn from the history, so that we and the future generations wouldn't need to repeat the mistakes of the past. Finnic and Russian tribes fighting each other and launching raids and counter-raids has been a historical fact. Personally I wish that things like these would stay in the history and happen no more. I have Russian friends and I've visited the country and I love many aspects of the Russian culture, especially the arts, music and literature.


September 01, 2020, 12:12:30 PM
Re: Who were "Njerpez" ?
I think that if we examine history, the best we do is to try learn from the history, so that we and the future generations wouldn't need to repeat the mistakes of the past. ... Personally I wish that things like these would stay in the history and happen no more.
My thoughts exactly.

I have Russian friends and I've visited the country and I love many aspects of the Russian culture, especially the arts, music and literature.
Well thank you, Erkka, and if I may be so bold, I would like to compliment Finland and Finnish culture and people too, your love of nature, diligence, strive for independence. I read Kalevala myths as a kid (it was translated into Russian in Soviet era and the book was present in my school's library). Your country is very beautiful and I certainly wish to visit it someday before i get too old :).

September 01, 2020, 01:02:53 PM
Killing foreign traders in 10 easy steps! If you don't like exploits, don't read any further!  ;)

Hi guys,

I discovered (or re-discovered, surely somebody already thougth of this) a simpler, friendlier way to be a mass murderer to eliminate foreign traders.

First, about you:

1. Please have your bow skill as high as possible. Above 75 is fine, but YMMV. (Be nice and please be born as an Owl guy, with high eyesight and dexterity. Thanks)
2. Have in your posession many furs. Good furs. Winter furs, from the North.
3. Also, a good bow and some arrows/broadheads may be useful, or so people say.
4. Some armor, but not so heavy it impairs your bow skill significantly. A good fur overcoat and/or a cuirass (depending on your strength) are enough.


5. Meet the traders in some kind of open terrain. A frozen lake, an open mire or similar. No one's going to hide!


6. "Frozen lake" wasn't a poetic preference. Do this in the deepest winter, with the snow almost touching your cristallized but still functioning testicles.


7. Look carefully at the happy traders. Ascertain which ones are selling arrows and broadheads. Buy all of them with your furs (you remembered to bring them, right?) Smile. Try to learn to say "hello" and "thanks" in their language. Also, "you suckers!". Keep smiling. It is a wonderful cultural exchange (you may also buy some of their swords and axes to be extra sure, if you have enough furs). 

8. Once you are the only one that has any arrows and/or  broadheads in a ten kilometer radius, step back to a comfortable distance, take your bow, bow, and start shooting. Use the broads at first against the nearest traders. Your objective is to kill or maim. Once a trader is unable to walk, let him crawl awhile and shoot the ones still standing. NEVER RUN! Ski backwards, let them tire themselves in the gonads-high snow. The more hurt they get, the faster they'll tire. After a few good-placed shots, all those sword-and-axe wielding capitalists will be either dead, crawling in the snow or so hurt/tired they will never harm you. If you are running out of arrows, give the coup-de-grace to the nearest blue sad sack and retrieve your arrows.

9. Recover your furs, arrows, and add an ungodly, game-breaking amount of loot.

10. Optionally, feel guilty. Not recommended. It is a game. (You know that, right?)

And that's it. I don't think this is an original find, but I discovered it with my latest character, a mad Owl with bow skill at 97 that got invaded by a band of traders that just wouldn't leave the settlement, and he was kind of a nervous little man. A sensitive, delicate soul, what can I say...

September 25, 2020, 01:57:19 AM
Kill counter? I took a hiatus from URW for couple months. Now playing again, my character has killed 6 more Njerpez and his big dog 2 more. But I lost my piece of paper I had the kill tally on. Maybe 40-50 something.

So, is there a non-encrypted / clear text file game file, that I can filter/grep for njerpez/human kills? (my guy hasn’t killed any non-njerp humans, so that might make it easier to count)

October 27, 2020, 06:17:56 AM
Re: Kill counter?
I took a hiatus from URW for couple months. Now playing again, my character has killed 6 more Njerpez and his big dog 2 more. But I lost my piece of paper I had the kill tally on. Maybe 40-50 something.

So, is there a non-encrypted / clear text file game file, that I can filter/grep for njerpez/human kills? (my guy hasn’t killed any non-njerp humans, so that might make it easier to count)

This is a neat idea, I might take a look at the message log and make something to scrape such data.

October 27, 2020, 06:35:21 AM
Buoidda's crafts 2.3.6 [released 2021-01-12] Buoidda's crafts 2.3.6
mod for UnRealWorld version 3.63
Developed with Windows 10, no testing on other ops
Release date 2021-01-12

So, one summer day your character thought: "I should clear out all these felled trees."

Buoidda's crafts 2.3


This mod is for all those characters who want to be able to walk peacefully among blossoming trees, work their bark, pick their leaves, taste their flowers and berries... aaand to chop them down and make weapons of mass-destruction!!! Muahhahahahahaaaa (crazy laughter is obfuscated by birds' cheerful singing.)

It adds possibility to:
  • make traditional wooden boxes sewn with quills
  • make traditional sámi preserved sausages called "gurpi"
  • find linden trees, a good source of bast fibre
  • find two different willows, with various uses
  • find big rowan trees, a source of berries
  • watch the rowans flower in summer
  • collect big branches out of the occasional huge spruce trees
  • find slanted pine trees for compression wood
  • find straight junipers, birches, rowans and elms
  • chop bow staves out of them
  • make bows out of spruce, juniper, birch, rowan and elm
  • make those complex northern bows out of pine compression wood
  • make bowstrings out of various materials
  • extract linden and willow bast
  • extract spruce bast by roasting spruce saplings
  • make cordage from various fibres and rawhide
  • make 3ft ropes by braiding cords together
  • make 4ft 4-ply ropes out of birch-bark
  • harvest blood, intestine and sinew from all your bone bearing kills
  • make blood sausages and cakes. Yum! Tasty.
  • fletch with various arrowheads of various materials. Forked fowling arrows!
  • make necklaces out of bears' and seals' teeth
  • ret nettle and hemp for fibre (Rain's retting process included)

  • Place all the .txt files in the UnrealWorld game folder
  • Place all .png image files and .bat files in the "UnrealWorld\truetile" subfolder. In most cases, simply unzipping this package to URW game folder does it for you.
  • rename your original "diy_glossary.txt" to "ORIGINAL diy_glossary.txt"
  • rename "ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt" to "diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt"
  • If you have multiple mods you may have to check the hotkeys in menudef_*.txt -files. Each menu entry should have its own hotkey, including those in-game.

This mod is in multiple files. They do not overwrite vanilla unreal world installation. But to achieve clean menus, you probably want to comment out some vanilla recipes from diy_glossary.txt.
  • If you are upgrading, erase all files containing "*Buoidda's*.txt" in their name. I've renamed most to comply with Urw filename format. Sometimes I choose to reorder menu items with this letter: diy_l_Buoidda's_fibres.txt
  • I'm providing a file to make those recommended edits, called "ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's glossary.txt".
  • Rename "ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt" to "diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt".
  • You'll want to rename your original "diy_glossary.txt" to "ORIGINAL diy_glossary.txt". This way it will not be read in-game.
  • This mod will replace your rowan, alder, birch, and paddle graphics. Originals are provided.

There are number of things in this mod I couldn't force players to do
  • I cannot mod trees to change leaf cover by season. You can change them manually with enclosed batch-files and then reloading graphics with 'F9'.
  • The trees are not proper trees which you can cut down normally. Some of them you can harvest and they appear felled. Others can be picked such as lindens which give flowers (which can be converted to bast) and big rowans, which give  berries.
  • Harvest: slanted pine, juniper, all willows, straight elm, rowan and birch.
  • Pick: elm (or harvest and tresh), big rowan (pick young leaves to get lumber), lindens and spruces.
  • Whatever the method of harvesting, you are supposed to immediately use an appropriate crafting recipe to process the harvestables into proper items.
  • Linden flowers and willow leaves can also be used as herbs. Note linden are found mostly in the south-west.
  • When harvesting carcass produce, use a bone on the ground: due to a bug the bone will not be consumed. You are supposed to do it as soon as you get the bones from butchering - not later: that's cheating.
  • They are cooking recipes and demand fire for no obvious reason. This is due to modding constraints.
  • For same technical reason blood can only be collected in a pot.

See the txt files for detailed comments!


ALTERNATE GLOSSARY diy_Buoidda's_glossary.txt
*this readme file*
truetile\av-hare*.png       (3 image files)
truetile\bc-*.png           (52 image files)
truetile\it-paddle.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-alder.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-birch.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-ndalder.png    (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-ndbirch.png    (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-ndrowan.png    (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ter-rowan.png      (overwrite warning!)
truetile\ORIGINAL *.png     (8 image files, 71 image files total)
truetile\bc-leafwin.bat     (2 batch files total)
                            (85 files total)


This mod contains modifications based on UnReal World game tiles and may be used with UnReal World game only. Using these tiles in any way for any other game/project is forbidden.

I have made some of the graphics, but this was mostly just cut and paste of vanilla tiles with some retouching. The juniper is a prime example. I'd very much welcome some of my tiles redrawn by some more skilled of an artist.


Credits for individual work are found in code comments.

My deepest gratitude goes for trowftd. His patient help with the various tree graphics was invaluable.

Thanks for Rain for making his original retting code.

Huge thanks for Kaaven and Atwood for their art. I may not have used much of theirs in this version, much is found in the BAC.

I have reviewed Brygun's fine community mod (BAC) and how some of my old code has evolved in the hands of others. and found some ideas like not using only staff in Northern staff-bow's name. My code is well commented, but hopefully I haven't overlooked anything important I borrowed. I'm glad how this community has evolved over the years.

All work not otherwise marked, is mine and free to use and redistribute as you please without attribution. Claim it as yours if you feel like it. Make money! Riches! Wohou! Oh? No money? Dang. Maybe this wasn't so special after all.

October 31, 2020, 08:16:25 PM
Point and click start location It would be nice to be able to choose start location more freely, for example on islands without having to choose Islander.

This would make it easier to make challenge scenarios more spesific. Or just to be able to start in an interesting place.

EDIT: Night has done excellent work and provided us with an external start location chooser:

Urw start location selector

November 03, 2020, 01:30:23 PM
Re: Point and click start location Working on something that'll be able to achieve this, and hopefully more in the future.
November 04, 2020, 10:03:26 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? Hear ye, hear ye all of you naysaying nonbelievers and the rest of the fair unreal world wanderers. When a man who steadily delivered rock solid content for good 20 years tells you he'll do good on his promises and will deliver again - you listen. The right thing to do would be to say "Great stuff, more content from one of the most reliable devs in the gaming world, how can we help?" Anything else is blaspheming nonsense. And what do we do with blasphemers in the iron age? Anyone?

Come on guys, its Erkka we are talking about. Not just some kid who learned to code "hello world" and thinks himself a game developer who can start a crowdfunding campaign to make animated kittens. Its in our best interest to not only support this endeavor personally, but to spread the word. I mean did anyone hear of someone even remotely as dedicated as Erkka or Sami? In the whole bloody gaming world I can think of only two names - Tarn and Zach Adams. Thats it. So spread the word and give them your money. Or give them your money and then spread the word. That part is up you  ;)

P.S. I am sure we'll hear no more of this naysaying, but I'll go prepare a few stakes and gather some firewood. You know, just in case :P

November 10, 2020, 04:25:39 AM