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Re: Well...shiite! I'd spotted robbers already and was watching the screen to make sure I did not stumble into them. It's all cool. I learned a TON of stuff playing that guy.

It may seem strange but I view my characters like someone I visit at the hospital with a fatal illness. I know what's coming, just not when. It was sudden and over in a second, a good way to

November 28, 2018, 05:44:32 AM
Re: Well...shiite! Being rather new to the game, I've noticed that I often forget to pay attention to the messages or meters, as there is no "tangible" feedback - nothing's been fatal so far, but I often walk or work till I drop from exhaustion because I'm focused on what the character is doing on the screen and don't pay attention to the right side of the screen (especially when there's line after line of messages of my dog barking in hunger or the bull bellowing). If the character started staggering, or the screen dimmed when you're getting too tired, it would be a more prominent cue. Or in the case of forgetting to wear clothes in the middle of winter, a blue tint over the screen as you start feeling the cold...
November 28, 2018, 04:25:27 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Having buggered my first guy that lasted through a few winters (Thank you, Father Winter, farewell, Wotan), I've got a new guy!

Acquired the flu in week one. Fortunately, I rushed to a village sage and the damage cleared soon. I, a Kaumo, apparently had a father (Unfortunate Hunting Trip) who was a Drik, so the crossbow I salvaged from his body is, of course, useless to But, it did trade well for a Fine Longbow and a few other items! Now, I ask myself, why am I armed with a sakramaski knife? Maybe my mother was from the Seal tribe...heh.

I got a Wounded guy quest (gave him his daddy's axe, which I didn't have at the time...yeah), found the bear and backtracked it to the campsite. Set a heavy deadfall with a spoiled roach and bagged the nasty bear the next day! Woohoo! Fine bear skin! I've bagged two more bears, an elk and two reindeer pretty quickly, mostly in time to dry the meat (Springtime start).

 Own two dogs and have just entered the wet season. I'm presently nursing a 30% damage broadhead arrow to the abdomen. I'm sure it's a good omen...hehe

November 28, 2018, 10:57:28 PM
Re: Whittling away So, a year passed and I thought on writing a minimod on this idea  :)

I thought in using generic terms, so artifact or figurine could be an animal, person or anything you like.

Here it is, hope it is what you guys were thinking:

November 29, 2018, 04:19:36 PM
Re: Helpers: 1) turn felled trees into logs 2) continue paused  Apologies in advance if what I suggest is a programmer nightmare I know nothing about it so I know nothing about what is feasible. Could it be done that you talk to companion have an option like I want you too.. then key board  command for task and then targeting where.  It would allow for lots of other tasks like skinning and butchering
November 30, 2018, 05:42:23 PM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ?
On reflection, it's puzzling that a raft made up of 3 500lb tree trunks winds up so comparatively light! heh
Some have reset the weight of their raft(s) to 1500 lbs.
Here's what I did:

.Raft.  [effort:3] [phys:stance,arms]   *COMMON* /20/
{Log}   (3)    [remove]   
{Rope}      (3)   [remove]
{Cutting weapon} <Axe>          
// JEB: VANILLA was {Tree trunk} added [WEIGHT]
// JEB: was /80/ (reduced because logs had to be carved beforehand)

December 02, 2018, 03:10:04 AM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ? There's actually a video of making an UnReal World -style punt. The footage is from 1936, so they're making a somewhat more modern version than the simple punt used in UrW. I'd assume UrW punt comes without those extra added boards to the sides, which they start attaching at 4:09 in the video.
December 02, 2018, 03:35:34 PM
Re: Snowshoes
As someone's who made attempts to manufacture snowshoes at home, in the most traditional way possible, I'm also willing to speak up for snowshoes. Though we might need to look into potential historical accuracy issues (I know URW isn't historical, but it is Finnish-inspired), I think snowshoes would be a wonderful addition to the skis.

The ancient Finns are likely to have used a sort of a swampshoe to walk on swampy ground, and this type could be used as a snowshoe as well. You can find a picture of a swampshoe and swampskis here - as you can see the swampshoe bears strong resemblance to the "bearpaw" type of snowshoe, but would carry less weight, being more open design to avoid getting stuck in a swamp. The gap between a swampshoe and a proper snowshoe looks like it's quite short, but it does seem that the type of snowshoe that developed in North America was never really developed in Europe. But it would not be completely anachronistic.

Very interesting, thank you ! Especially for the link.

Looking a bit further back than the Iron Age, at the European Neolithic, we also have some evidence of "ice-shoe" footwear accessories, created as a means to prevent skidding while walking on icy or frozen-over surfaces.

One such type, a sort of detachable outer cover for the simple straw-filled shoes underneath, was found among the equipment and clothing that belonged to "Ötzi", the remains of the famous Chalcolithic era man found in the Alps back in the early 1990s. You can have a look here, I've put a timestamp on the spot where his clothing and footwear is discussed. (A thing that amused me was that his outermost layer of clothing was a cloak made of grass. Reminded me immediately of the cloaks made from nettle fibers we have in URW. :D)

December 05, 2018, 05:36:46 AM
Re: Craftable punts ? And what should the limitations be ?
I've been thinking of multi-steps for what Erkka posted which is close to the dugout recipe in memory. As Novrus has a birch bark one I've not been too mindful of writing the code and testing it right now. Borrowing from my block tubs the concept is


Plus you would need to make a paddle (already in game)

Nice ideas ! I like the multiple-steps nature of the process.

December 13, 2018, 06:33:03 AM
Are the Northern Lights visible in Finland? If so, I just think it would be cool if they would show up on the weather screen sometimes.
December 18, 2018, 05:45:51 AM