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Re: Island challenge stories

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  Day 1: Found a good shoreline picking rocks, stones and wood along the way. Collected downed slender trees and managed a shelter before midnight.
  Day 2: The weather is just above freezing so investigation of the immediate area to the West and North is the plan. Gathered some wood, rock but no sign of any vegetation to eat. Found a couple 2~3 tile choke points joining land masses.
  Day 3: The temp is again over freezing so to the South and East today. Located some cranberry plants so I collected the small amount and build a small trap at a choke point on my way back to shelter. Nearing the shelter I spotted a lynx, it ran off NNW. I don't have any bait so I put two small traps (unbaited) to the North of the shelter. Made staff/javelin before sleep.
  Day 4: Down to about 10 cranberries, warm again, spent 2 hrs fishing (with no luck). Nothing in 'lynx' traps, checking other trap and found bloodscape on the way. Found partly eaten rabbit, no skin, got 1 cut + fat, nothing at trap. Back home bait one trap with fat and roast the cut.
  Day 5: Cooler this moning, Traveled further SSW 'chasing' more berries. Found a few crowberries, then some lingonberries. Stayed mostly cold all day. Heading back to shelter, replaced cranberry bait with lingonberry in trap. Ran across two lynx on the way home. Moved trap w/fat bait to south of my shelter in hopes of snagging a lynx there. Still haven't seen any tracks.
  Day 6: It's a bit cold, going to check traps and maybe get more berries
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 0/2  :)

October 31, 2020, 09:40:25 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? And here is a blog post which focuses mainly on my personal thoughts and feelings on preparing for the side-project. It also contains a little on the actual game idea.

I feel that once the campaign starts the focus of feedback and communications is most likely going to be in the actual game and coding-related stuff. So, before that phase I felt like writing a more personal post, going through the psychological stuff which anyway affects everything we human beings do or don't do. Hence this blog post.

And thank you for all the feedback and ideas for Indiegogo Perks. I think I have found a way to fit MrMotorhead's suggestion neatly into the planned project. But more of that kind of stuff once the Indiegogo campaign is ready to launch. In the meantime, feel free to post further suggestions, to send negative or positive feedback the way you find it.

November 01, 2020, 03:20:31 PM
Re: Island challenge stories ATTEMPT 13

  • Playing as Islander (I've got really tired of rerolling start location).

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DAY 1. 56% injuried
The island is huge. “Good”, Hroarr thinks. The bigger is island, the higher are chances of large game presense. He wanders here and there, climbs a stony hill and suddenly spots several reindeers at a distance of bout two hundred steps. “Thanks, Sky Father”. Hroarr grasps his knife and runs. After a long pursuit one of the reindeers is exhausted enough to be overtaken. The young man feels excited. He gently sets the first cut of meat on the ground and whispers, “Oh spirits, thank you. Horned brother, forgive me, as I need your skin and your flesh. May your spirit find its way back someday.”

DAY 2. 49% injuried
Hroarr builds a shelter, prepares some slender trunks for fire, then roasts the meat and tans the hide.

DAY 3. 45% injuried, 1% starving
He makes leggins and mittens. Not enough to feel warm, yet far better than nothing.

DAY 4. 39% injuried, 1% starving
The whole day is spent on looking for the rest of reindeer pack. No sign of them.

DAY 5. 34% injuried, 1% starving
Hroarr finally spots them and kills one. Skins, butchers, continues the search.

DAY 6. 29% injuried
Another reindeer! The young man is lucky to have swift feet and keen eye. The hardest is not to lose the track. Reindeers are fast, yet not enduring. Follow them, herd them close to water, and you'll almost certainly manage to catch at least one.

DAY 7. 24% injuried
Hroarr stores up more firewood and tans the hides. Half of the meat is hanged to dry, half is roasted. He doesn't forget to make sacrifices.

DAY 8. 19% injuried
He makes a shirt, a hood and footwear. So good to feel warm at last!

DAY 9. 14% injuried
Hroarr fells more young trees for fire. Then makes a javelin. Maybe he'll be lucky enough to catch some fish.

DAY 10. 10% injuried
He continues searching for prey and collects some berries and saplings. Spots an elk, but fails to track it down.

DAY 11. 9% injuried
Hroarr goes on preparing firewood. It's getting colder.

DAY 12. 5% injuried
Searching for big game. No success.

DAY 13. 2% injuried
Hroarr stumbles upon a reindeer pack, but it's too dark and they flee.

DAY 14. 1% injuried
The young islander comes back to look for tracks and all of a sudden spots a dead reindeer on the ice. It's probably one of that pack he had scared off yesterday. Hroarr pulls the carcass to the shore, skins and butchers it.

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DAY 15. 1% injuried
The hide is tanned, the meat is drying, and Hroarr decides to explore the shoreline, hoping there are more drowned reindeers. However, he finds nothing. Later he meets an adventurer and asks him to help Hroarr leave the island, but the man refuses.

DAY 16
Finally, an overcoat. And a squirrel caught. Time to get leather, so as to make an axe and set heavy traps.

DAY 17
He goes on exploring the shoreline, now looking not only for a big game, but for a watercraft of that adventurer. No luck. Two more squirrels caught.

DAY 18
In the evening Hroarr puts up with a thought he's unlikely to find neither a drowned reindeer nor a watercraft. He starts setting light lever traps.

DAY 19
It starts to show hard, and soon the ground becomes all white. More light lever traps set.

DAY 20
Hroarr goes back to shelter after setting several traps and spots an elk. This time he must catch it! It takes a while, but finally he herds the animal on ice. Of couse, ice breaks. Hroarr waits until the elk is breathless and pulls it to the ground. He is tired and happy.

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November 03, 2020, 01:12:49 PM
Re: Island challenge stories @Buoidda, yep, he's so stubborn that even death cannot stop him!
November 03, 2020, 04:04:53 PM
Re: Island challenge stories
@paulkorotoon How did you put a description on the spoiler tag?
[spoiler=your_description_here. Case doesn't matter, the text will be uppercased.

November 03, 2020, 04:32:11 PM
Re: Point and click start location I've been attempting the Island Challenge for awhile now and can't seem to land on small enough island to make it a real challenge. If not this, then it'd be nice if it were made into its own starting scenario so we wouldn't have to discard so many starts after finally discovering that we didn't land where we intended.
November 03, 2020, 05:32:36 PM
Re: Point and click start location Working on something that'll be able to achieve this, and hopefully more in the future.
November 04, 2020, 10:03:26 PM
Naming:First Word Tag Please for Modding TL;DR:
I'm able to mostly accomplish what I want with modding with the [naming:last word] tag but there are times the naming would be a lot less awkward and allow for more precise modding if a [naming:first word] tag.

For example, if I want to be able to make a single fiber craft "Weave wool cloth" I can have the game label my cloth "Green wool cloth" only if I named the yarn "Wool yarn dyed green" so that "green" is the last word. Otherwise I'd have to have 8 different crafts each calling for a specific starting material "Green cloth" from "Green yarn", "Blue cloth" from "Blue yarn" etc, and if I then wanted to make clothing the menu would get completely out of control for 15 different clothing options (shirt, cloak, apron etc) times however many colors I wished to represent in my dyeing mod.

If there were a [naming:first word] tag I could streamline it to only a few menu options where the color tag gets carried through the process and I still get the fun customization I'm working on. So "blue wool yarn" could get processed through a single weave craft into "blue wool cloth" through a single "Make a shirt" craft into "blue wool shirt" each time renaming the previous item into the next one based on the first word.

November 04, 2020, 11:39:14 PM
Re: Wolfpack guarding traps aka what the hell do I do now!? Wolves have no trouble getting past fences, but they prefer to go through openings if there are any, so passive trap fences generally work well against them as long as they're not attacking.
November 09, 2020, 12:14:28 AM
Re: Wolfpack guarding traps aka what the hell do I do now!? Not specifically, but I haven't had any problems with catching various wolves in bear traps, and big wolves are still a lot smaller than bears.
I mostly don't bother with the medium size trap unless I'm pestered by a medium size predator (smaller than wolves).

Thus, I'm fairly sure I've caught big wolves in the traps, but haven't looked for the size specifically.

November 09, 2020, 11:29:23 PM