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He was in my cabin! The following is a story of Ossi.

It was my first winter alone since I escaped from my Njerpez captors.  You see, I had cleared their camp earlier in the spring and used it as my homestead, remaking two of their buildings into my own cabin.  My homestead was then a central camp with my cabin and sauna with a pine mire to the north and east, all surrounded by spruce mire.  I had ringed my homestead and border of the spruce mire with a contiguous trap fence and staked trap pits.  In the months between then and mid-winter, I had explored and become friendly with local villagers: trading for many goods I needed, helping them with chores, traveling between regions, and even finding a bird thief. 

In those travels, I had encountered numerous Njerpez warriors wandering the forests, especially near my homestead.  More so even than I had ever heard of.  I had had numerous encounters, and almost perished a few times.  Because of this, I often wore my best armor and was armed as I traveled around the forests near my homestead.

One morning near mid-winter, I checked my trap fence and found a lone small wolf caught in a pit.  I killed, skinned, and butchered the animal, offering up a gift to the spirits for this bounty.  I set the meat to dry and tanned the fur.  I came back and picked up the rinsed winter wolf fur and took it into my cabin to finish at my table.  I had a decent fur at the end, was weary and moderately fatigued, and it was evening.  So I decided to add the fur to my sleeping pallet and rest.  I decided not to re-kindle the fire that night and was about to lay down on my furs against a cold winter night ...when I heard my door open

Confused, I was about to look to my door when I was hit from behind and felt something break in my thoraxI turned and I was being attacked by a Njerpez Warrior holding a mace! He was in my cabin!  He had apparently scaled my fence, snuck across my homestead, rushed into my cabin, and attacked me, all in the darkness of the night as I was finishing a fur.  I wasn't wearing armor and had no weapons, so I grabbed a handaxe nearby and fought the intruder.

I had little hope of succeeding against this enemy with my fatigue and wound, but I struck back against his blow to my shoulder and luckily hit him in the abdomen, which wound began to bleed.  I think he was shocked that his first strike didn't knock me unconscious and I was fighting back.  After that, I chopped my axe against his skull and he dropped dead.  I was stunned at my survival! 

I gathered my weapons quickly, searched my homestead in the darkness, and found this intruder was alone.  I was left with a major fracture in my thorax, a dead Njerpez next to my sleeping pallet, and bloody gore marring my peaceful cabin.  I felt as if my home was violated.  If there was only some way to secure my cabin or bar the door.  I don't feel as safe as I did before this invasion.  It is a blessing I was awake.  One more moment, and I would have lied down and the Njerpez warrior would have found me asleep.  I am truly lucky.

Note: In all my years of playing URW, I've never encountered so many solo Njerpez warriors in such a small geographical region.  They've given me a fairly steady stream of goods for trade.  But I've also never had a Njerpez invade my cabin directly.  I've found them in tiles adjacent to various characters' cabins, but this is the first time I've ever had this type of experience.  It scared me to death.  I was literally shaking by being surprised by a Njerpez in my own cabin.  I was sure my time invested into this character was about to be flushed down the tube, but was genuinely happy to survive.  I also wonder if it would be possible to bar a door in a building.  This would require the invader to break down the door with an axe to get in, but would give some defense against home invaders.

April 16, 2018, 10:45:35 AM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? On Day 1 of the 12th week before midwinter point, at his large cabin by the lake at "Black Rapid", Jarrold Kaumolainen successfully forged* a fine small knife on his second attempt. His two dogs, Spot and Rascal, were not impressed.

In the 9 months since his father perished on an unfortunate hunting trip, Jarrold has successfully colonized Black Rapid, met water spirits and forest maids, found milkweed, rescued two wounded adventurers' gear, felled a tree in the rain, passed weird messages between villagers, and done minor chores.

His notable kills include a 4 Njerpez, a lynx, a bear, a dozen forest reindeer, another dozen elk, and countless squirrels, hares, and small birds. He has travelled from his cabin on the edge of Koivula territory to the western shore of the Driik.

His next plan is to forge a fine carving axe, and he's considering an expedition against the Njerpez for next spring.

* Caethan's URW self-sufficency mod

April 18, 2018, 01:08:59 AM
Re: He was in my cabin! Awesome survival story! I hope for something like that to happen to me some day. I mean, as long as I don't get brutally murdered in my sleep...
April 22, 2018, 01:31:24 AM
Re: Rauko The rest of the day is resetting snare traps, making bone arrowheads, cooking the ermine and a few of the remaining deer cuts, and finishing tanning the reindeer fur (which turns out poorly). It's afternoon and Rauko is too tired to gather stones for the village woodsman. By late evening, only one of more than a dozen arrowheads is what he would call average. Exhausted, he falls asleep in the shelter.

Morning comes and he heads back toward the "new" east village looking for stones and gives them to Jeremiah, then returns "home" to gather goods for trading. It's a very warm day for late fall and the sun is shining beautifully, so the long walk with his new dog is a joy. For a while he forgets the loss of his father and mother.

Traveling back to the village, they tell him of other settlements to the north-east. He finds nothing to trade in the northern one and heads back to the shelter.

On the way they find a squirrel and Rauko tests the dog's skill at chasing it up a tree. After a while she calms down and they continue on, leaving the squirrel chittering on a high branch.

April 22, 2018, 12:46:44 PM
Summary of the year 2017 added to development history section Summary of the year 2017 has been now added up to the development history section at the homepage.
Our development history section covers overview for each year since the release of UnReal World 1.00b in 1992.

Check it out here:

April 22, 2018, 05:24:59 PM
Bark shoes For those of us dabbling in the low resource side of the survival here is a pair of real world bark shoes

April 23, 2018, 06:08:49 PM
Improve path finding by increasing the weight of water Currently, hunting dogs and attacking NPCs will move the shortest distance by tile count towards their target. This leads to undesirable behaviors in pine mires: dogs that can easily chase down a fleeing animal will be slowed wading through several tiles of water, while attacking NPCs can be trivially kited through the water, fatiguing them and leaving them vulnerable to ranged attacks while they're in the water. A damaging hit against a fatigued NPC in water can quickly become lethal, since they fall unconscious and drown.

I don't think water should be an impenetrable barrier, but increasing the weight of water in the pathfinding algorithm by 4x or so would help a lot. NPCs and animals should also be a little more cautious about crossing ice, but that's a secondary concern.

April 24, 2018, 05:00:38 AM
Re: Getting fatigued while... walking? I don't know about the rest of you, but IRL carrying 50 or 100 or 200 pounds has always fatigued me when I walk around, whether at age 16 or 26 or 36, whether on dry ground or waist-deep snow. Maybe it was different in the Iron Age, who knows?
April 28, 2018, 10:11:43 AM
Asking NPCs to find quest related persons in villages You know, despite of my lazy posting frequency we are active behind the scenes and adjustments for a next update are on their way.
Lately I've been sorting out mostly the quest related annoyances and confusions arising from locating certain villagers, and their names.

Code: [Select]
- added: ask NPCs to find quest related persons in villages

          You can now ask villagers if certain quest related persons are around. This is done by automatically appearing
          chat options within the common greet dialog. For example:
          "Is Sampsa around?" or "Where can I find Tornia?"
          All the quest related persons, including the original quest giver, are covered within these chat options if you
          are aware of them.
            There are some exceptions though; NPCs who are involved in quests themselves can't be asked for others
          whereabouts, but there are always enough common villages around to assist you.
            When it comes to finding quest related persons in other villages the chat options become available only when
          you are in the right village where the person can be actually found. This can be considered slightly gamey in
          our standards, but it is more helpful that way.

 - adjusted: no more multiple villagers with same names

        Possiblity of two NPCs having the same name within a single village has been removed. In seriously crowded
        clustered villages it is theoretically possible that villagers might run out of unique names, but real chances for
        that to happen are practically non-existent.

 - added: dozens of new northern names

        Due to aforementioned adjustment it was necessary to add lots and lots of new names for northern men and women.

 - improved: NPC name randomization routines

        NPC culture has more distinguishable influence to their given names. There's noticeable variation between
        the eastern and western names, but especially the current wider range of northern names now appear unique
        from rest of the world.

These are future additions not yet functional in current version 3.50 (stable).

April 28, 2018, 05:55:11 PM
Re: Asking NPCs to find quest related persons in villages Good stuff. I don't consider it gamey for a villager to know they don't have any fellow villager with that name and description (the description part isn't visible, but I'd expect quest givers to actually provide some info on who they're after beyond what's stated in the dialog). Thus, the absent option would basically be an automatic: "No, we don't have anyone with that name and description here".

The same name is bad enough, but the same name and "profession" can definitely be annoying. Fortunately, both old men with the same name happened to be in the same building when I got a quest direction to one of them.

Names: I've found Sami:s but no Erkka:s, so I hope that's been rectified ;) Otherwise, in the naming department I've seen lots of names that seem out of place/time:
- Anna, seems like a Scandinavian import. There are quite a few of those, although some have Finnish spelling (like Aarne the Eagle). I guess they could fit in on the western side, though.
- Names like Natasha and Katushka seem slavic, and could be pushed to the eastern side.
- A lot of names seem suspiciously Christian, e.g Tuomas.
However, weeding out names goes opposite to the desired direction of more name variability...

April 28, 2018, 08:54:09 PM