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Re: Dog size to affect prey they’ll engage
Suggestion to change how dogs corner or engage targets

Keep “regular” size dogs as is.
Change small dogs to only engage squirrel/marten/weasel size and corner fox/badger/beaver and bigger. No attacking Njerps with small Fido.
Change large dog to engage all but bears, elks except calves, big and regular forest reindeer.

Maybe UnRealWorld dogs aren’t all Finnish Spitz..?

I don't know if it's good to have the dog hunting behaviour linked to their size alone, but there could indeed be difference in their effectiveness as hunting companions. What I'd like to do would be that you need to train you dog to go after the prey. They wouldn't all be equally courageous and obedient from the start. Well, villagers surely would have their hunting companions trained but certainly wouldn't want to sell their best ones too easily.

January 05, 2021, 06:11:31 PM
Suggestion reply marathon Apr-Dec 2020 accomplished. We've had a habit to do suggestion reply marathons, which means giving a reply to each suggestion from a longer period of time. This time the marathon covers nine month period from April to December 2020.

Suggestions are something we've always tried to read and reply, because there's really no reason for suggestions section to exists if developers aren't really paying attention to it.  However, this time the marathon was quite laborous task and took few weeks even to accomplish. The time is limited, and  we'll see how it goes in the future, but at least 2020  is wrapped up now  and the development roadmap hopefully that much more clearer to those who follow the section.

There were 110 suggestion in total, ranging from simple ideas which can be done in few hours to massive descriptive visions that would require months, if not half a year of work. If someone imagined all the suggestions from the period being put to effect it might very well take a year, or  two - or more.
    Well, of course that is not how it goes, and we have always had neverending to-do list by ourselves too. For us the suggestions section serves as a place to give more detailed insight about the mechanics and future developent, and at their best the suggestions occasionally cross, boost and enchance the roadmap and to-dos at the development chambers. We hope to have time to participate in discussion in the future too.

The majority of suggestions during the period were about the game interface, character skills & related mechanics, and NPC behaviour & interaction. 9% of the participating posters did write 52% of all the suggestions.

The results are compiled in one forum thread which you can find here (pinned at Suggestions section):

January 05, 2021, 07:03:33 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World?
Sounds like you’re making do in URW @Kels.

For future nomadic drying, build a shelter, and set the meat dry on the outside of the shelter. Very quick. Also, I like to mark the F6 map with blue marker “animal X drying, 3/7th pre-summer”  the weeks count down, days count forwards.

Thanks. I thought it had to be a wooden structure. That probably would've saved some meat. Ah well, next time. Will be very helpful if I kill a couple of animals far from home in the winter.

January 06, 2021, 04:31:13 AM
Re: Village services I think all of this is already listed in the official development goals, where it says:

Ability to ask a craftsman to make you a certain item; to be paid and obtained after it's ready

January 07, 2021, 09:14:53 AM
Re: Cannot ask for punt craftsman (borderline bug/suggestion) Thanks for clarifying my description.
January 12, 2021, 11:10:29 AM
Re: how do i hang a bear skull up?
Welcome, Varmin! And I hope you got that bear skull up to the tree.

i got it in the tree now

January 12, 2021, 08:53:46 PM
A spambot thread For a while we have had two layers of automated anti-spam measures. The first layer is invisible, tracking site traffic and spotting known bots based on a vast database. And the another layer is visible to the user, often an image captcha which is beyond bots' ability to solve. Also, users with less than 3 posts need to pass the captcha when making a new post - that should stop old undetected spambot accounts if they try to activate.

Yet, we witness new spam posted on the forums every now and then. Many of them with copypasted content from elsewhere.

I'm afraid that we can't make our anti-spam measures significantly tighter. At one point I tried adding a third layer, which instantly resulted in a post at Steam forums, someone saying that the registration at these forums is broken.

I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere out there is a sweatshop where poor people get paid paltry money for passing captcha to post spam content everywhere in the internet. I mean, that is a more plausible explanation, instead of there being a spambot AI which can solve those captchas far better than the state-of-the-art big company AI systems do. And if we have real people posting spam, then there is not going to be a captcha to stop them.

For a long time things were fine with custom security questions which were easy for anyone familiar with the game, but made no sense for a random visitor. Eventually, all of those questions became useless (maybe the spam networks keep on building their own database of 'known captcha questions and their correct answers'. Already at that point I suspected that they are paying people to answer those questions and storing answers for bot use. But I really don't know how sophisticated or how ugly the hidden machinery of spam networks are. Just guessing.

All in all, I felt like posting these general thoughts here, for we are all affected by the situation. We have four people in the moderation team, that allows us to manually weed out spam posts and accounts on a daily basis, and I think that is the last line of defense we anyway need to have.

So, everyone:

1. if you suspect spam, but are not sure, one good way is to do a google search with post content. If it turns out that the post is copypaste from old post from some other corner of the internet, please use "report to moderator" button

2. if you suspect spam for any other reason - the obvious ones being malicious links embedded in text - hit the "report to moderator" button

3. Thank you for your co-operation, and we apologize for all the inconvenience!

January 12, 2021, 09:15:28 PM
Re: Keldor Kaumolainen i grabbed the teeth already
January 12, 2021, 10:04:39 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? This morning, I slipped and fell on the ice, bruised my knee, and broke my phone screen. This was after several minutes of wandering lost-ish in the cold.

Then my URW character fell out of a tree. Now she has to crawl through the snow, and she's woefully underdressed for the weather. Suddenly, my morning doesn't seem so bad.

Thankfully, I finished my cabin in time for winter, though I think I've angered the forest spirits with all my tree-chopping. I've seen almost no wildlife for months, besides a brief period of bird migration. My traps are empty. Food isn't a problem (I catch plenty of fish), but clothing... now that Dead month is here, my linen trousers, woolen undershirt, and birch-bark shoes and cap aren't nearly sufficient.

I wonder if it'd be worth using part of my shirt to make a pair of mittens (I have Rain's clothing mod). Though apparently I'm unable to do that while injured. Oh well. For now, I guess I'll hunker down, keep fishing, and sacrifice herbs daily hoping to appease the spirits.

EDIT: Trapped a squirrel just after posting this. Fancy that! Between that and the hare furs I recently bought, I can finally make myself some mittens!

January 13, 2021, 02:55:12 PM
Archaeological find: elk tooth ornaments discovered in Karelian island burials
Roughly 8,200 years ago, the island of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov in Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, housed a large burial ground where men, women and children of varying ages were buried. Many of the graves contain an abundance of objects and red ochre, signifying the wish to ensure the comfort of the buried also after death. Pendants made of elk incisors were apparently attached to clothing and accessories, such as dresses, coats, cloaks, headdresses and belts. Although no clothing material has been preserved, the location of the elk teeth sheds light on the possible type of these outfits.

A people of grooved elk tooth pendants

A study headed by archaeologist Kristiina Mannermaa, University of Helsinki, aimed to determine who the people buried in outfits decorated with elk tooth ornaments were, and what the pendants meant to them. The study analyzed the manufacturing technique of a total of more than 4,000 tooth ornaments, or the way in which the teeth had been processed for attachment or suspension. The results were surprising, as practically all of the teeth had been processed identically by making one or more small grooves at the tip of the root, which made tying the pendants easier. Only in two instances had a small hole been made in the tooth for threading, both of which were found in the grave of the same woman. The tooth pendants found in graves located in the Baltic area and Scandinavia from the same period as the Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov graves are almost exclusively perforated. Perforation is the surest way of fastening the pendant, but making holes in the narrow tip of a tooth is more laborious than grooving.

Link to study:

January 15, 2021, 12:56:02 AM