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Re: Trainers I've been thinking about weapons training specifically and also have a few thoughts.  I'll also offer a shout out to the HEMA alliance if any of you are interested:  Also a comment about my own bias, I don't like Privateer's current mod for combat training dummies.  It is a good workaround but doesn't fit into the feel and style of URW (IMO).  It also doesn't work in any sort of historical context.

  • Weapon training is a grind in real life.  It takes months and years to improve in skill and ability with a weapon.
  • Learning a weapon alone is incredibly difficult.  A teacher fixes basic mistakes, offers a more skilled opponent, provides a safe (safer) place to fail, and challenges the student to consider new questions and seek for solutions to those questions.
  • Weapons training often requires specially adapted equipment and protection.
  • Weapons training also requires a safe space or physical location.

So, if a weapon training system is on the table for development, I'd recommend some of the following mechanics be considered:
  • Only a few NPCs in each culture should be weapons trainers.  There might be cultural limitations for which weapon skills are available.  For example, maybe teachers for the highest skill levels are limited by culture...
    • Shield - Driik
    • Knife - Kaumo and Sarto
    • Sword - Driik
    • Club - Seal
    • Axe - Kiesse and Reemi
    • Flail - Koivu, Sarto, and Reemi
    • Spear - Seal
    • Bow - Owl
    • Crossbow - Driik
    • Unarmed - Kaumo, Sarto, and Owl
  • You should be able to search for NPC weapon trainers.
  • The weapon trainer offers an increase in a weapon skill like the current quest system does for weapon skill improvement.  That is, training gives the player character a guaranteed skill increase next time the player character uses that skill.
  • I like Palu's suggestion for reputation:
    • - In addition to a higher cost for higher level training higher levels of training should probably require higher levels of trust, so you'd have to build up a reputation with the potential trainers (and/or their villages) for them to accept to train you. That would prevent you from just traveling around the world to seek out the masters to gain mastery in a comparatively short time. Instead, you'd have to spend a considerable amount of time while concentrating on only a few skills (the ones available in your vicinity).
  • The player character must collect and craft specialized equipment for the NPC weapon trainer.  For example:
    • ...if a player is trying to improve the archery skill, they must obtain a bow for the weapon trainer (e.g. fine longbow, masterwork northern bow, etc.) based on cultural requirement, arrows that the NPC trainer keeps, and an archery butt (a new craftable item that serves as the target).
    • ...if a player is trying to improve the sword skill, they must obtain a suit of armor (complete set of fur clothing or leather clothing, iron helm, mail cowl, etc.) and a blunt wooden practice sword (the practice sword only causes blunt damage).  (Note: modding for this is rather easy.).
    • Blunted weapons would be needed for swords, knives, axes, etc..  Maybe a staff is equivalent enough for a spear. 
  • The NPC weapon trainer could become a companion with a specialized dialog option.  The player character asks the NPC to train them in a weapon, and if the player has a high enough reputation, the NPC says OK if the player provides the specialized equipment for training.  The player should also provide food and some type of reward or valuable to the NPC. 
  • After the NPC becomes a companion, a specialized command becomes available to train the player.
  • The NPC and player then train for a few hours and the player then gains negative consequences (e.g. blunt wounds from any weapons, lost arrows from archery practice, damage to the practice weapon or armor.
  • The NPC weapon trainer would only stay with the character for a few days and thereby limit how much skill improvement is allowed.
  • I also like Palu's suggestion for a cooldown so the NPC weapon trainer isn't able to be hired as a companion for at least a set period of time:

I believe some sort of NPC weapon trainer system would help a critical limitation in the current URW system.  Like Palu mentioned, this system will try to be gamed by players so balancing would be needed.

December 29, 2017, 05:42:02 PM
[not a bug, but a missing feature] (3.40) drying of Tanned skin in rain When i was tanning skin on the ground without any shelter, it started to rain during drying and it was raining for most of the drying process..
And it finished without any delay even when rain interrupted possibility of drying...

It was in tutorial during summer, very hummid, very hot weather.

December 31, 2017, 04:59:27 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.50b2] Triggered but erect traps. Bug? 3.50 beta (not sure if it's 1 or 2)

I've had one light lever trap and one bear trap getting triggered but remaining erect (i.e. the "weight" not fallen down). In the case of the bear trap I found a rotten elk carcass two tiles away from the trap (obscured by a tree), and naturally assume the elk had been mortally wounded by the trap, escaped, but died from its injuries shortly afterwards. Since the trap was still erect it took a long time to notice it had actually been triggered, as the red active trap indication is hard to see when it's dark.

It can be noted that I've definitely had animals escape from bear traps (a bear and a reindeer), but in both of those cases the traps had collapsed as expected. Since I haven't encountered escaping victims in prior versions (except for Njerps), I find that a very nice improvement.

I don't have any save of these erect triggered traps, though.

January 02, 2018, 09:30:45 AM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority I don't know if an AI to hand over all gameplay to is something good, so please make it generate more gameplay and more content as an addition to the gameplay.

I would not use my AI wife much and tell her to do this and do that, build that and so on.
I do that myself.

I'd like an AI that lives in the cottage and do things with their own initiative.
If she have skills for agriculture and we have seeds and tools in our cottage I want her to use them on her own, surprise me!!  Be alive! Make own decisions and don't ask me about what to do.

Plant them seeds wherever she think is a good spot.
Tend to the animals whenever she think it's a good idea.
Start a fire and cut some firewood at will and so on.
Eat food.

Occasionally I can tell her to tan a hide or cook something up but she will reply that she will do it, or often she reply she are bussy with the other work and will only do it if she have time. (High chance the requested work don't get done by her any time soon, or at all.)

Don't be too predictable and boring, when I come home she is not there, she somewhere else hunting, fishing or whatever in the woods nearby or 7km away only to return to nightfall or the next day.
Often failed hunt or only a small animal so she don't carry the player.

When she comes home, make it possible to engage in some generated conversation about what shes been doing.
A little story about her hunting, fishing, or any activity, maybe it failed or was successful and what she brought home and that she bruised her leg when falling down from a slope tracking the wounded animal.

And make the AI consume as much food as the player, or even more.  So it's not always an easy task to keep the family feed during the winter.

Also make possible problems that can happen, so everything is not always easy as long as we have food.
Make it possible she get wounded, sick and need help.
Make it possible shes get robbed and lose gear.
Make it possible she craft worthless bent arrows or ruin a hide while tanning.
Make her sink the punt in the river by accident.
Make her waste arrows and resources in a hunt without any gain.
Make the player feel, the pain, a marriage also brings along with all the goodies!

January 03, 2018, 10:09:06 AM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority @mosshobo yes! I want all of those things.

I am one of the players who remembers how marriage was implemented back in the day, before it was removed, and one thing i didnt like about it was the vending machine approach to getting a wife: if you put a lot of gifts in + put the right magic words in then eventually you get a wife. i would like it if sometimes an NPC approached me and tried to make me their spouse or sometimes I approached an NPC and no amount of gifts would work because they just weren't interested in me or sometimes it seemed to work for a while and then they changed their mind or found somebody else to be interested in or went off to marry a njerpez or whatever.

I want to sometimes ask my wife to do something and she says no or she says "I am in the middle of doing this other thing, can it wait?" or sometimes she asks me to do something. I want to take her with me to a village and have her point out some items she wants to buy or to say she wants to go on a trip to visit her family in Reemi do i want to come and then even if I don't then she says ok i'll be back in a month cya.

January 03, 2018, 12:31:51 PM
Re: Reemi robbers in Reemi territory? Not a bug. Robbers who rob their own people are very much historically correct :D

And even if these robbers would be met at territories of neighboring cultures there are odds that the game sets them moving through their own region at some point, for a reason or another.

January 03, 2018, 06:47:57 PM
Re: 3.50(beta2) Sleeping dog moving around the tree it's tied to. I think this is caused by Coriolis effect.
January 06, 2018, 08:36:26 AM
Re: Adding marriage - poll about how you find its priority It seems alot of people aren't completely excited about the idea of marriage. However, I see it with a different view.

I base alot of my interest and fascination in this game, from my huge interest in Viking sagas and stories. As a Dane, I'm perhaps one of the few who still is interested in the old stories and development of how things and history went from being such an iconic age, to a modern Scandinavian society, with a lack of sense for the huge amount of history from our forefathers. I understand that the Unreal World is based in another Scandinavian country, with a different culture and history, but in my understanding there will be some overlap between Norse culture and Finnish in this time period.

One huge thing that stands out in the Sagas, is the immense hierachical nature of the Viking age, and the family ties that was a big part of the culture. Big Viking farms would often have a family that owned it, as well as "common" folk working there, along with their families, although they would not have the same status as the family who owned it. I can see this pattern in the Unreal World, where the small farms (Marked on the map as a single house, not a village), where it can seem like a family, but it could also be with common workers there, which would make for big and very closely knitted societies.

I completely agree, that having a marriage with the current AI-functions, wouldn't add much to the game, however I think the only thing that would really add to the Unreal Worlds lategame, would be of a social nature. My current character, who I use alot of time on, lives with huge amounts of food, based solely on a few fields of rye and big game he hunts. I have fought dozens of Njerpez warriors, I've arranged raids of Islander warriors to Njerpez lands and ransacked an entire Njerpez village. I live with plenty of bounty, furs and jewelry and food supplies for years, and here is what I see as the biggest "problem": What now? I remember someone suggested a challenge on the forum, about whether people could acquire the finest furs from all animals in the Unreal World. I can only see this, as a sign that people eventually get bored, once they get past the hard start, and before settling down, but once this has been done, the gameplay sorts of gets in a standstill in my opinion.

If one of the arguments for NOT implementing marriage, or having other common folk living in your settlement is that it is a resource drain, I honestly don't see the problem. Having a diet of various stews and grains is very easy to attend to, and if the AI would be able to help in the process of acquiring food, I don't see this as a problem. I understand if alot of players don't want to handle these "dilemmas" but having a settlement with a wife and some local folk around does not need to be a priority for everyone, but the option would be nice.

If I could describe an ideal lategame addition to Unreal World, it would the ability to have actual friends and wives. The whole idea of being able to transfer into your kids when you die, isn't in my opinion a priority. I would like to have a living farm though, with interactions between NPC's and between them and you. It would make for a much more immersive world, when you are not just the loner wandering alone in the woods trying to survive on your own, but instead being part of something. I am greatly pleased with the current quest system, which could be a big part of these interactions between NPC's in your settlement.

I hope this is not just gibberish, and I need to point out, that this is not at all a critique of the current game. I absolutely love and adore Unreal World, and I think my 800 hours of gameplay confirms that, and I think there has been alot of great updates lately. My only hope is just, that the future holds more changes to the lategame features of the game.

January 11, 2018, 03:17:03 PM
Healing (the bleeding wounds of) your pets and companions Started to add rudimentary (and probably the most important) stage of healing your pets and companions; trying to stop bleeding of their wounds.
More companion/pet healing methods may follow in the future, but we'll start with the most crucial one.

The mechanics of applying physical skill to your companions are the same as applying them to yourself. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on.

How an attempt to heal your companion is started is to face them upon using physician skill. If treatable wounds are found (ie. bleeding wounds) you'll be asked whether you wish to try applying the physician skills to this companion or pet. The wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity.

January 12, 2018, 03:50:15 PM
Re: Mik I like the way this story is told.
January 14, 2018, 04:56:14 AM