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Re: Version 3.51 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members
- added: light a torch with another torch ;D ;D ;D

I just did what was suggested :)

June 17, 2018, 09:40:55 PM
Re: Does the spells have to be learned in order to be valid?
Can is use spells/rituals which i know via my older gaming experiences or does my character have to learn them to be valid?

I remember this being a topic of discussion on the old forum when Sami described about changes to rituals.. Unfortunately I'll have to search for it to see what the outcome was.

Found it:

 Dogiuks @ Sep 20 2016, 08:10 AM wrote:
Regarding spells, is knowing certain procedure to perform them necessary? Lets say I haven't got that spell from the quest, but did the steps as part of my survival. Would that still complete the spell?

If so, I think, this sort of reward will get less and less relevant as we(in the real world) learn those rituals from our dead characters.

Sep 22 2016, 10:57 AM #8
- Sami, UnReal World creator,

Knowing is necessary. If you don't know the spell, doing the mere mechanics don't have any magical meaning and don't complete the spell.

June 29, 2018, 03:27:51 AM
Version 3.51 released on the homepage - off to holidays now Version 3.51 is now released also on the homepage.
For those who have curiosity towards Steam and supporting the game we remind that summer sale there continues until 5th of July, and here's UnReal World Steam page.

The current version is trucking quite alright, and despite of few bugs that may come in your way we are good to hit the holidays now. We trust that you will survive.
Finnish summer will surely bring us some rainy days too so some tweaking, fixing and even patching may take place during the summertime - but officially I'm mostly absent from development chambers until early august.

Best wishes,
enjoy the game,
enjoy the seasonal goodies and I'll be sure to do the same...

Midsummer midnight 2018, just outside the UnReal World development chambers.

June 29, 2018, 08:57:47 PM
Re: this game in unplayable and i'm triggered It's not intuitive at first, but everyone of us managed, and you will too - but you need to get in the right mindset ;)

The others have given you a lot of advice. I will only say this: learn the controls. Understand how to access all the menus.

- Have you found how to access all the recipes (even if you don't have the means to cook them yet)?
- Have you seen the traps menu, and tried to build a few?
- Have you noticed that in some menus you can craft weapons, or clothes from furs/leather?
- Can you start fires, move stuff without picking it up?
- Do you understand how the weight penalty affects your skills?

I would suggest you start a new character, pump your fishing skill and start as a fisherman. You can then survive on fish (and even barter it for clothes, or furs to make clothes) while you figure out the basics.

It WILL get much easier, eventually. So easy that we older players must gimp ourselves to make it harder. So keep at it and enjoy this weird wonderful game :)

July 31, 2018, 06:25:41 PM
Re: Survived the summer Well, let's see how this measures up to the development of URW:

- punt, paddle and serv... companions; Check
- being woken up by strange sounds; Check
- feathers, eggs and bird meat; Check
- archery, and a favorite phobia of yore; Check
- err... rituals, I guess; Check
- a fistful of "I missed that deer again"; Check

Yep, still on track.  ;)

August 17, 2018, 08:02:01 PM
Re: (A bug, but a feature) The winter bug Reproduced, found, and fixed. Aquatic birds may (rarely) seem to get stuck flying still above the frozen waters. This is due to failure in their terrain exploration routines which do not find new meaningful locations to fly to and check if the waters at their habitat get completely frozen. So they are flying still because of zero/null/undefined destination.

Fixed - persists in 3.51

August 20, 2018, 07:54:50 PM
Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" The second world record received acknowledges UnReal World as a forefather of the genre.


Back in 2016 we got (and proudly hold) the record for longest update support for a videogame in GWR Gamer's Edition 2017.
And now, in the recently published Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2019 UnReal World gets the record for "First open-world survival videogame". Oops, we kind of created a videogame genre, but we do not regret :)

The book happily presented at the end of this post is a Finnish edition, and here's how GWR mentions the record in English:
    "The second millennial decade has witnessed an explosion of open-world survival games, particularly on the Steam platform with the success of PC tiles such as DayZ, Ark: Survival Evolved and the battle-royale shooter PlayerUnknown's Battlegrouds.
    The genre's trues roots can most likely be traced back to the indie sandbox RPG UnReal World, first released in 1992. Set in Iron Age Finland, player's principal aim was to survive its challenging and harsh environments. Incredibly, the game was still going strong and receiving updates, as of September 2017. The game was developed by two people - head creator Sami Maaranen and programmer Erkka Lehmus (both Finland). As of September 2017, it held the record for longest update support for a videogame."
(Yeah, it's out-of-date info with latest updates as the books live in press-time info. And in case somebody wonders about the near future updates a new bugfix and balancing patch is actually to be released this month.)

Cheers and thanks to all of you for making history and taking part in creation of a videogame genre with us.

Erkka (co-designer) at the left, Sami (creator) and Alli (the cat) at the right.
And if you take a look at our previous GWR post it seems like have started a tradition with these world record promo pictures as well ;)

October 21, 2018, 12:03:14 PM
Re: Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Villages are not shopping malls... You are getting to comfy with today's economy and logistics.
Things in village inventory are the stocks they are willing to part with but not some "for sale" displays.

November 01, 2018, 05:38:45 PM
Re: 3.52 Update? That's great. On Steam, I had this clever plan to trade most of the stuff I had to give up for a Northern spear. I would, of course, make boards! Worked fine, twice, for about 12 boards total. Then I got a real surprise reply after I MOVED a dozen more, from a good distance. 'We don't need no stinking boards!' lol (OK, They didn't REALLY say that, but they should have!)
November 02, 2018, 04:52:24 AM
Re: Why are spears and javelins with lover damage than arrows yet are much bigger?
Your logic is flawed - everything has realistic range except throwign weponz - spears and stones! Even I CAN aim on 30 m with stone to hit head sized target!

I agree - my logic is flawed, and arm-chair philosophy is always unrealiable. So I decided to turn to empirical evidence. I gathered some items with corresponding weights as their equivalents in UnReal World. I shot a video of tossing items (both in UnReal World and in the real life).

And I must admit that Aramis seems to be partially right - item throwing distances might use some adjusting. Crude javelins in UnReal World fly too far. Or then it is that UnReal World characters are better at throwing items, having a better technique and giving projectiles greater velocity than I could do.

Here are the results for me and my UnReal World character Pekka;

Crude javelins (3 lbs) : Pekka 26 - 30 metres, Erkka 12 - 15 metres
A rock (1 lbs) : Pekka 17 - 20 metres, Erkka 17 - 20 metres
A stone (14 lbs) : Pekka 12 metres, Erkka 7 metres

(I repeated the real life test three times. For the first two runs I had my stone weight messed up, I was using a 14 kg stone instead of 14 lbs one. On the second test I got javelins to 15 metres. But instead of using that clip in the video I wanted to be precise with my stone weight, so I did a third test.)

November 25, 2018, 05:56:37 PM