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Re: Kill counter? After double-checking the entries, msglog.txt is full history. Other files are truncated.
See attached.

Now I need to prune the fluff out or extract the goods. To macro or to python  ???

October 29, 2020, 03:34:22 PM
Thank you, URW! It's been about a year since I first played URW.This game .. Oh.. I Think it did a lot for me.She signed my interest in history,and now I'm thinking about connecting my life with it.I became more interested in nature, trips to the village began to bring pleasure, even while working.I am immensely grateful to the developers for creating and still developing this game.As a 15-year-old I enjoy spending my evenings building my cabin, or hunting elk, thank You! Ilya Karasev 15, Tula.Russia
October 30, 2020, 06:45:55 PM
Point and click start location It would be nice to be able to choose start location more freely, for example on islands without having to choose Islander.

This would make it easier to make challenge scenarios more spesific. Or just to be able to start in an interesting place.

EDIT: Night has done excellent work and provided us with an external start location chooser:

Urw start location selector

November 03, 2020, 01:30:23 PM
Re: IF you could see any mod created, what would it be? I would love to be able to modify animals and NPC's (create monsters). I would love to try this out with a Middle Earth spin, orcs, trolls, dragons, etc. :)
November 06, 2020, 02:43:03 AM
Lots of angling improvements on their way Fishing with a fishing rod is going to have if not a complete overhaul, a lots of improvements at least. I've been tweaking the angling code for a good while already, and the work just seems to continue and continue, but when it's all done we're going to have something like this featured:

- fishing rods will be craftable by player character, with slender trunks, cordage and hook.
- wooden and bone hooks will be craftable by player character. (If I get really carried away there might be some special hook types for special occasions.)
- baiting will be featured. Worm digging is under consideration but we can also start with scraps of food and using small fish to catch bigger fish.
- wear and tear of fishing rod parts will be featured eg. hooks snapping off eventually, when they've been nibbled enough. (Gotta add possibility to add new hooks as well.)

These are future additions. Not yet functional in current version 3.63.

November 17, 2020, 05:40:14 PM
Re: Point and click start location Being able to select the month you start in rather than just the season would be great too!
November 24, 2020, 07:12:42 PM
Please add ability to 'detect' NPCs  I am requesting 'Suggesting' that the ability to detect NPCs by some specific property be added to the Modification system.

 There are probably more reasons than I have thought of, but I think it would provide a method to more deeply interact with NPCs.
Being able to 'learn' from a craftsman or ask an old woman how to do something by using their designation in a craft eg:

Code: [Select]
.Grannies Mead.  *COOKERY*  /30/  \30d\ %60%
{[NEARBY_NPC:Old Woman]} 'Ask an Old Woman'
{Berries}   #1# '+to be added'   [boil] [remove] [name:%s grannymead]
{* honey combs} #2# 'Honey combs'  [remove] [boil]
{Water} #6# 'water to boil'  [remove] [boil]
{Barrel plug}  '+to cap it off'     [remove] 
{Knife} '+for chopping berries'

 Thanks for looking

November 29, 2020, 09:24:40 PM
Configurable system of measurement with more precision The game currently uses imperial units - pound, feet etc. Or more precisely mostly imperial units as there are few confusing metric system units (meters, kilometers) in the mix. We'll be sorting it all up now and will allow system of measurement to be chosen from two configuration options - metric or imperial. In addition you can also configure the precision of units displayed eg. how many decimals fractions to use. Two decimal fractions will probably be the maximum, for the sake of sanity and readability.
We'll probably also add some smaller units eg. grams and ounces, which aren't currently seen at all. So all in all it's gonna be less rounding with numbers and more precise measurements displayed - if you prefer precision. I'd also like to add option for quite vague unit display which emphasize more on common sense, roleplaying and old finnish units - but might be that it's gonna be a future addition somewhere along the way. After the global unit display in the game is reworked it will be quite easy to add new systems of measurements anyway.

These are future additions - not yet functional in current version 3.63.

December 05, 2020, 12:57:26 PM
Re: Cant get back to shelter I used the 3rd party mod to select the start location.

Picture attached here.

Its wierd that I can move on some parts of the island that then become dissallowed.

I was wondering if it had something to do with the spirits.

As a veteran player I've never seen this before. I've never played this close to the world map edge either.

December 07, 2020, 12:40:41 AM
Unreal world skirt *Jedi hand wave*

This is not the Unreal World skirt you are looking for...

December 09, 2020, 02:16:40 AM