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Re: The Spirit World game course task auto completes when game is loaded I think this has been the case for last few years actually. 3.62 or even earlier.
I think the quest mechanism doesn’t check already learnt “new” after initial 4 spells/incantations. But when game loads, it does check for ”spells learnt since 16yo, day1”

Not sure if it’s bug in checking new spells, or bug in loading game when no additional spells were learnt since the quest was given; but I treat it thus: get the quest for new spell. Save game. Load the character. Proceed surviving/thriving in the Frozen North.

April 24, 2024, 06:05:03 AM
Re: [3.83] NPCs wandering farther from village Hmm. This is likely related to adjusted NPC time intervals as result of fixing this bug:

Villagers can for example decide to go for a little random walk, say for 10 undefined time units.
Now the recent adjustments made these time units, for peaceful walk tasks also, to last longer than before so the NPCs will also venture farther.
They return eventually though, but this makes village interaction more troublesome than before so we'll check, adjust and fix it.

April 24, 2024, 07:08:56 PM
Re: [3.83] Duplicated hide with pausable crafting And now it's found and fixed. Duplication occurs if the task gets cancelled right at the item requirements dialog. So in this case it happened when Plotinus tried if the tanning could be proceeded without the working log being present. The requirements dialog appeared and got cancelled due to missing log, and at that phase the duplication occurs.

Fixed - persists in 3.83

April 25, 2024, 06:41:26 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.84] 'Abandoned Trap-Fence' starting scenario Not sure if this has been asked before, but searching for 'Abandoned Trap-Fence' resulted in only 1 unrelated post, so here goes:

A couple of times I've tried creating a new character with the 'Abandoned Trap-Fence' starting scenario, but this time I decided that some of the fences aren't exactly.. 'strategically placed'.. so I decided to disassemble a couple of fences, and lo behold.. I got 2x Birch-bark Ropes (5 m) for each disassembled fence.. I would have thought I'd only get 2x 1.33m of withes, NOT 2x 5m of ropes.

Not sure whether this is intended, a bug, or simply an oversight?


April 30, 2024, 05:53:06 AM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods Without getting further into this a few things come to my mind...
Now I haven't tried BAC or other mods, except for snippets provided for bugfixing, but if it's eating up all the space there must be hundreds of entries to make - right?
If that's the case I'm just wondering are they all absolutely necessary... or could there room for quality over quantity approach, removal of some probably excess curiosities, streamlining recipes to meet more with the existing resources or make categories, and so on?

(Also, are there any "other large mods" that are found troublesome to keep up with the recent updates to the game?)

May 01, 2024, 05:21:20 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods
The number of entries is likely in the hundreds yes.
The make menu allows IIRC 24 letters. Of the 24 letters allowed BAC uses 22 with only about 2 unused. Thus any update which makes use of a new letter, like hafting did in 3.83 creates collision with the mod.
It has the production steps for gathering, smelting, forging iron to make axes, swords, metal armor, helms. There was bow making and arrow making. More items included wool making for wool clothing, retting and so on to end up with cloth clothing and bags, clay crafting for pots and containers. A collection of cooking recipes as well.

Okay, so it's hundreds, thus I believe my pondering is valid. (Are they are absolutely necessary... or could there room for quality over quantity approach, removal of some probably excess curiosities, streamlining recipes to meet more with the existing resources or make categories, and so on?)

And yes of course, any update which uses a new letter reserves that letter, it's not a surprise, but there haven't been that many new letters over the past years so I don't suspect re-organizing few letters is a problem. And as the system is as it is now, the easiest solution to fix the mod to work with the current updates is to streamline, reduce and re-organize.

I encourage and expect the ongoing vanilla adds to pull in the mod versions of things, like bow making now, into vanilla recipes. That's a good thing.|/quote]

As mentioned we don't actually follow mods. Also from dev's point of view adding new items with new mechanics that actually tie them into game world within the core level needs to be done with old-school programming. Modding is player's thing.

The challenge is as new vanilla crafting methods (nets, axes, bows) there is both space needed and a duality that exists. Since a BAC install will overwrite some menus reports are players get confused as to if they dehaft with the new vanilla system they then end up in a BAC menu which doesn't use the same thing and vice versa.

Hmm. Why won't you remove the duality from BAC then? If there is somekind of hafting in BAC, what's the reason for still keeping it in there and reserving the space when there's proper in-game hafting mechanics to use.

If the intention is to have modded counterpart for everything, and not to utilize the existing resources and mechanics, it's doomed way anyway. For example proper hafting where the item is treated in the game as the head and haft can't be created with modding. Surely an illusion of it can be created, but neglecting the item handling etc. provided by the game may lead into unexpected problems during the gameplay. And same goes for variety of items. If all of the existing, especially the hardcoded stuff, is replace by just modding it's actively breaking some game elements here and there.

So to avoid the large mod overlap with the least programming it would be good if we could have a modders second letter for making items. We could just stick large mods like BAC there. Then when the game updates, as it should, with new updated items players current games would know to continue with vanilla or BAC. Example being axe making and rehafting are not compatible between 3.82 BAC and 3.82 vanilla.

As we're very occupied with the pausable and crafting additions I don't have time to seriously consider the options, but I'll digest things when time allows.

If you do want to at least see how much was in BAC it was last updated to 3.82 so please use that version of the game. There is short adjustment needed for 3.83. No updating has been put forward for 3.84. Even a few minutes would show you the extent to what BAC grew into.

I'll have a look when time allows, and will get back then probably with better insight of the possible solutions to remedy things - which I'm afraid now also calls for cleaning up the mod code too. I get there's lots of entries, and it's been lots of work to come up with, but for me personally things that advertise themselves as having 15,000+ items and 7000+ different trinkets are are turn off for me. That's just me, though.

May 02, 2024, 01:32:27 PM
Re: Spring things, pausable things, future things
Literally waited YEARS for marriage and kids features to arrive. Can't believe it's finally in the works  :'(

I feel your pain. There are some features that I've wanted to have for years, and they are still not there.
May sound like bit of a joke, but it's actually true.

May 03, 2024, 01:05:51 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods I think this is a good discussion, and I'm glad that the discussion is happening.

Also, just to make it clear; I don't see any offense intended, nor do I intend to do so myself by this comment. Just trying to ponder on a bit more abstract level;

OK, so the underlying problem is that there is a good large mod a lot of player like and use the mod - and then any new update to the vanilla game introduces something which is not compatible with the mod.

What needs to be done to fix that? I see two main alternatives;

1. The mod is updated to make it compatible with the latest version of the game
2. The vanilla game is modified to keep the new version of the game compatible with an old version of a mod

Or, the same worded bit differently;

Oh noes! A mod is not compatible with the latest version of the game! Somebody do something to solve this! Who you are going to call? Ghostbusters? No? Then who can do a bit of extra work to solve the issue?

1. The modding community to the rescue! Mods are by the players, for the players, so both making and updating the mods is something the players can contribute
2. The lead developer Sami! In addition to making all the updated to the vanilla version why doesn't the guy just do some more extra work to keep the game compatible with the mod !?!!


Now, this maybe does not come as a surprise to anyone, but in both descriptions the option 1. seems more natural and fitting to me.

And then, in the case of BAC, if the underlying problem is that at the moment Brygun wants to focus on other things and is not actively maintaining the mod - then who should step in to fill the gap? Sami the lead developer? Or someone else from the modding community?

I'd say "the modding community" - like a clear message on the modding forums telling that at the moment the B of BAC does not have time to actively update the mod, so looking for new people to contribute, keeping this beloved large community mod alive and compatible with the new versions of the vanilla game.


Again, I'm not claiming that this is the truth to this question. I'm just trying to clarify the way I see the situation, and I have a feeling that Sami's opinion is not so much different. But if you, the players and the modding community, see things differently or wish to point out something obvious I'm missing in my reasoning, I'm happy to hear your voice.

If I understand correctly the points already mentioned, the suggestion has been that a little bit of 2. is wished for, as seen from the player perspective Sami adding just one extra hotkey to the vanilla game should not be very much of extra work, but that little bit by Sami would offer an enormous relief for the modding community, bearing fruit for years to come. And then the reply to that involves the usual "woah, not to fast - let's first consider this carefully to see if adding that one extra hotkey is going to bring about new problems, or if it is going to require so much additional coding by Sami that it waters down the entire argument of "little extra work to reap enormous gains" instead of "the modding community doing the modding"

May 06, 2024, 10:30:34 AM
Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe I have another save, not stone-axe, but 3 blunt arrows.

And not 6 completed blunts, but 3 complete and 3 largely crafted on the ground.

edit: Finished the duplicate crafting again and it only produced 1 decent blunt arrow.

May 09, 2024, 06:55:51 PM
Re: [3.84p1] duplicated stone axe I manually paused the task, slept, and resumed crafting. No other items on the ground. No extra Slender Trunks in reach either.
May 09, 2024, 07:53:27 PM