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Re: How to get early game food supply since fishing nerf I edited my post! My goal is to have 100 trials with each type of food, but it's winter and my character ran out of berries, leaves, and roots. I'll gather more this summer and get flour for bread and and test out grains (barley, rye) and seeds too.
January 02, 2023, 07:35:13 AM
Re: walking through walls v3.72 stable
Getting into the game again, and feeling frustrated.  Besides being dropped in the middle of a frozen lake from the map view, I can now walk through walls.

The most important detail we need first is your operating system?
I suspect OS X, as I've heard few reports of the "walk-through-walk" on OS X with 3.72. Windows and Linux versions don't seem to suffer from this. The issue is being investigated and remedied asap.

Walk through walls is such a showstopper that you may want to revert back to previous stable version 3.71 until the next OS X patch is out.

January 02, 2023, 08:57:40 AM
Re: [3.72 beta linux] Bug in LoydettyTarvike() function. Report! These are results of the bow and string handling additions in the recent versions.
Whenever a bow type weapon is created it's checked for several bow related tags and the bowstring attach status.

In Plotinus's case the error is caused as follows:

{Bowstring} is now a proper item type, covering all the items with the bowstring status regardless of their item name, so it should be referred in diy as {Bowstring} rather than
with wildcard text based reference {*Bowstring}. The latter reference internally makes the game tag that material as "freeform whatever textbased item". Now when the bow is crafted, the search for its string is performed and as that is not found in the materials the error appears.

The fix in Plotinus' mod code would go as:

Code: [Select]
{*Bowstring} [remove] 'Bowstring'to
Code: [Select]
{Bowstring} [remove] 'Bowstring'

In rudy's case I think is also about the bowstring not being found in the crafting recipe.
Essentially and internally the crafting system tries to create new items into the world and is not that reliable when being tweaked into altering properties of existing items.

January 02, 2023, 01:13:56 PM
3.72 hotfix patch #1 for OS X and Linux released Hotfix patch for OS X and Linux has been released to address the following issues. The patch is now live on Steam, Itch.Io and at Lifetimers section.

On OS X there were some weird random oddities namely with map rendering and menus. We certainly hope this hotfix clears 'em all.
Because nature of OS X issues seemed to be system related don't hesitate contact if you're still bothered with some weirdness.

Version 3.72 (patch #1) for Linux and OS X

- [os x] fixed: walking through walls

- [os x] fixed: fistful of random oddities with map view and menus

- fixed: character portrait being shown in message log screen

- fixed: character portrait not showing up after using encyclopedia in skills menu

- fixed: arrows picked from villages not tagged as unpaid


Should you encounter any more showstoppers let us know and we'll continue the bug hunting.

And hey, we also wouldn't mind hearing the good news if this patch now cleared the issues on your end, dear OS X adventurers!


January 03, 2023, 05:36:36 PM
Re: Magic Mod! 1.1 (Updated 1-18-2021) Took a break from updating BAC to polish up my true love: magic!

Version 1.2 in this post. Going to update the first post after adding this.

Major Change: Rather than each recipe requiring sacrifices of meat and/or fish, each requires a certain amount of favor with the spirits. Favor can be gained through individual sacrifices of meat, fish, berries or other plants. This change was made to accommodate more varieties of play. For example, you no longer *have* to fish or hunt in order to use many of the spells. This led to many changes in the amount of overall sacrifice needed. For the most part, incantations now require more total sacrifice, but that sacrifice can be done over a long period of time, building up favor.

Other changes/additions:

* In-game descriptive text added to many recipes.

* spell-skins named differently, to allow better distinguishing. Descriptive text tells players they should wear only one.

* Furskin, Greater added. This inherits the properties of specific animal furs used.

* Token of the Shaman recipe adjusted; lower price per sacrifice overall.

* Skill Training adjusted to include TEXTILECRAFT. Due to too many skills for one menu, CROSSBOW and UNARMED are commented out by default, but that can easily be changed in the file.

January 04, 2023, 09:59:28 PM
Re: 3.72 Windows Glitched Things we're fixed in 3.72 patch #1.
It was SDL_Mixer library causing trouble with .ogg files on some setups.

Fixed - persists in 3.72

January 06, 2023, 05:10:49 PM
Re: walking through walls v3.72 stable This got fixed in 3.72 patch #1.
OS X version issue.

Fixed - persists in 3.72.

January 06, 2023, 05:12:32 PM
Re: Change message log text for eating I think many of the texts need reworking into grammatically correct English as well as being clear about what the message is. In this particular case finish should only be used when the item is totally consumed, the message when part of something is enough to satisfy your hunger should be clear that you only ate some of it.
January 07, 2023, 09:56:49 AM
Re: How to use Physician on companion to stop bleeding?
Can someone please tell me how to use Physician on companion to stop bleeding? Thank you.
After finishing a brutal battle, my companion is very badly wound, lying on ground and bleeding. I intended to use Physician skill on him to help stopping his bleeding, but I don't how to use it. I tried to open the Physician interface but it showed my own wounds, and I try to use Look and Examine, but no good. Finally, I saw him died in front of me... I once somehow used Physician to stop my bleeding dog and pack animal by pressing some keys which I didn't remember.
Have you seen #10 in the Tips, Tricks, FAQs thread, here:
Thank you very much. Knowing we have this Tips, Tricks, FAQs thread is really nice. the other tips from it is also helpful.

January 08, 2023, 05:18:07 PM
[Fixed - persists in 3.72 patch #1] Njerpez warriors shoot tree trunks at me seems when they ran out of arrows, they then shot tree trunks, with bow in one hand and a shield in the other hand. version 3.72-patch#1
January 09, 2023, 05:11:14 PM