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Re: 3.50b2 ram milk + bull milk Fixed now. Milking checks were still based old species properties and not the actual gender of an animal, which is in use now.

Fixed -- persists in 3.50 beta 2

January 03, 2018, 09:24:37 PM
Healing (the bleeding wounds of) your pets and companions Started to add rudimentary (and probably the most important) stage of healing your pets and companions; trying to stop bleeding of their wounds.
More companion/pet healing methods may follow in the future, but we'll start with the most crucial one.

The mechanics of applying physical skill to your companions are the same as applying them to yourself. Herbs can be used in the process, the success or failure messages are the familiar ones, and so on.

How an attempt to heal your companion is started is to face them upon using physician skill. If treatable wounds are found (ie. bleeding wounds) you'll be asked whether you wish to try applying the physician skills to this companion or pet. The wound to treat is then auto selected based on its severity.

January 12, 2018, 03:50:15 PM
Re: Any way to find lost items? If you for whatever reason unable to use msglog method (e.g. deleted msglog.txt), cannot find the items in the spruce maze or for whatever reason trying to dig out a specific item, you can use this complicated method (which require some knowledge of course) to get the exact location of a item in local map:
Spoiler: show

1. open xxx.OBJ
2. find the item
3. each slot is 172 bytes and count the number
4. add 50000 to that number
6. search for that number
7. the structure of this file is
first 8 bytes global location <<< the same thing in msglog
next 4096 for buildings
next 4096 discovered
next 4096 terrain
next 4096 steepness
next 72000 things <<< you are here somewhere
each thing(include items, npc, tracks, etc.) slot contain 36 bytes and the reference number should be the 12th
the exact position in the map are save in first 4 bytes
row column

happy digging

May 26, 2018, 06:50:25 PM
Re: New look of rain a bit hard on the eyes I kind of LIKE the eye strain effect?  I think heavy rain and snow should impair visibility somewhat and the graphics actually do that.
August 10, 2018, 11:39:14 AM
How about Scurvy? Might be an interesting addition the survival element if you can catch scurvy or even other deficiencies from not eating any fruits or vegetation for a month or two. As it stands IMO there's not much motivation to gather veg and berries if you have plenty of meat.
August 12, 2018, 10:17:28 PM
Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" The second world record received acknowledges UnReal World as a forefather of the genre.


Back in 2016 we got (and proudly hold) the record for longest update support for a videogame in GWR Gamer's Edition 2017.
And now, in the recently published Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2019 UnReal World gets the record for "First open-world survival videogame". Oops, we kind of created a videogame genre, but we do not regret :)

The book happily presented at the end of this post is a Finnish edition, and here's how GWR mentions the record in English:
    "The second millennial decade has witnessed an explosion of open-world survival games, particularly on the Steam platform with the success of PC tiles such as DayZ, Ark: Survival Evolved and the battle-royale shooter PlayerUnknown's Battlegrouds.
    The genre's trues roots can most likely be traced back to the indie sandbox RPG UnReal World, first released in 1992. Set in Iron Age Finland, player's principal aim was to survive its challenging and harsh environments. Incredibly, the game was still going strong and receiving updates, as of September 2017. The game was developed by two people - head creator Sami Maaranen and programmer Erkka Lehmus (both Finland). As of September 2017, it held the record for longest update support for a videogame."
(Yeah, it's out-of-date info with latest updates as the books live in press-time info. And in case somebody wonders about the near future updates a new bugfix and balancing patch is actually to be released this month.)

Cheers and thanks to all of you for making history and taking part in creation of a videogame genre with us.

Erkka (co-designer) at the left, Sami (creator) and Alli (the cat) at the right.
And if you take a look at our previous GWR post it seems like have started a tradition with these world record promo pictures as well ;)

October 21, 2018, 12:03:14 PM
Re: Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Villages are not shopping malls... You are getting to comfy with today's economy and logistics.
Things in village inventory are the stocks they are willing to part with but not some "for sale" displays.

November 01, 2018, 05:38:45 PM
Re: Why are spears and javelins with lover damage than arrows yet are much bigger? A larger head does not = more damage to target, necessarily.  A smaller impact area can often mean more penetration.  I wouldn't be surprised if arrows do more damage, since the function of the bow is to project the arrow much harder than the human arm can throw.  This is why people use bows..... otherwise we would just throw an arrow.  Think about it, or do some research.  Weight and size are certainly not the only factors... the speed at which the projectile is moving is also a factor.  Which hurts more, a bullet fired from a gun at 1000 ft/second, or a baseball hurled by a person?  and yet the baseball weighs far more and is much larger
November 04, 2018, 03:14:53 PM
Re: The song of robbers Oh! To me this is such a moody line that I'd leave it be.

Maybe the lyrics reveals the singers identity  ::)

November 06, 2018, 04:41:21 PM
Re: Where to find Ant Nests? Just found an ant nest in a lichenous pine forest. Took only 10 more minutes of searching. I was just unlucky in the first few hours
November 15, 2018, 09:23:10 PM