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Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? No thank you.

There's still a shit load of stuff to add in UnReal World - looking at the roadmap.
This will surely slow down the development of the "flagship", no?

October 29, 2020, 10:50:14 AM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? A lot of crowdfunding tends to price themself high. E.g. perks/packages in hundreds and even thousands of $/€/£/¥.
It can be a money maker and your comment on being able to ditch other side jobs is honest approach. A full size A-title games sell for about €60. So that should be a “gold standard” to aim for. Higher price support packages should get something concrete; physical merchandise, autographed storyboards/comic of the game etc. or have a ingame representation of their avatar/character (within good taste and retaining immersion of course)

$10 “I believe in you”
$30 early access beta/monthly updates
$60 above and alpha access
$100 above and mention in credits
$250 (if someone feels generous?) above and hand drawn and signed doodle about something in game.

That type stuff seems usual.

October 29, 2020, 02:45:42 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? I'm staying away from supporting games at the concept stage, as I've seen too many either just fold, or change key features such that I'm not interested anymore to support something that is just a concept (the one I did turned out well, however). I believe Erkka is considerably more trustworthy than many others, but I'll stay away on principle.

One trap I think many developers fall into is to offer rewards that actually cost more in time/money than what the backer provided. That's OK if it's a deliberate marketing move to raise awareness and increase interest, but not if the money is intended to actually be used for development. Thus, a 10 euro submission mustn't cost more than 10 minutes or so in total processing if it's to mainly contribute to development (with "mainly" being very considerably above 50%, so no fantasy salaries implied).
In the prison case, if you'd have to generate 1000 prisoners anyway, getting their specifics from backers probably costs very little, so most of the money could go to development (although you'd still have to specify submission formats and handle the responses). A quickly produced "special feature" (a badge of honor for the main character?) that can be "mass produced" easily without getting bogged down in key protection issues (a simple key code will be posted on the net within minutes) might be cheap, but any additions to a 3 month project is significant...

October 29, 2020, 06:06:01 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts?
in what form did you submit your custom prisoner?

They had a selection of head and body sprites you could choose and then you could submit an optional text backstory as well as a name for your prisoner.  In the game, when a prisoner arrives, the game would choose from a large list.  The choice would be added to a machine generated personality and criminal sentence. 

I really like this reward, it's easily my favorite reward out of all the indie games I've supported.  Even though it's a small thing with no real effect on game play.  There is an option menu where you can search through all of the submitted prisoners and flag one "this is me" so the game would always select that prisoner when you are playing.

Compare and contrast that reward to the crayon drawing reward that the Dwarf Fortress creators used to send to each backer.  In that case, each donation would create a new task for the developers and the output of that task is nothing that adds to the game.

I would likely back your project just because I've had so much fun playing UnReal World and I'd like to see what else you come up with.

October 29, 2020, 06:55:36 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? I don't really know how crowdfunding should be managed, so probably cannot give a good advice. Yet I would gladly donate as soon as I'm able to. Just because of being grateful of all the fun I have playing UnReal World. And 'cause I hope to become an indie game developer some day.
October 29, 2020, 07:36:54 PM
Thank you, URW! It's been about a year since I first played URW.This game .. Oh.. I Think it did a lot for me.She signed my interest in history,and now I'm thinking about connecting my life with it.I became more interested in nature, trips to the village began to bring pleasure, even while working.I am immensely grateful to the developers for creating and still developing this game.As a 15-year-old I enjoy spending my evenings building my cabin, or hunting elk, thank You! Ilya Karasev 15, Tula.Russia
October 30, 2020, 06:45:55 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? I have faith in the Enormous Elk team, no matter what.  For the paltry sum of a lifetime membership many years ago, I have been rewarded with countless hours of entertainment.  I know whatever project they begin, Sami and Erkka will approach it with the same care and dedication that they put into UnReal World.  Therefore I will be happy to support any new venture. 
October 31, 2020, 04:16:47 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? @Erkka, your blog post is pretty inspiring. I do know what depression is, and it's so helpful to see someone actually overcome it.

Your game seems to be quite interesting (and have the spirit of UrW, that's cool). The description somewhat reminded me “King of Dragon Pass”, another great game. I hope you'll succeed!

November 02, 2020, 09:47:22 AM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? Personally, I support projects when they reach a point that I would be happy playing with as is.  I've been "burned" too many times in the past, and even from good developers, I am now always skeptical.  It's nothing personal.
December 03, 2020, 10:26:07 PM
Re: Crowdfunding : your thoughts? I wish you the best for the project, I really love the work of you two.

Also, have you considered doing crowdfunding or something similar for supporting extra content for UrW? (besides the donations).

Good luck! ;D

December 04, 2020, 01:32:19 PM