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Re: Enhanced Soundtrack to be released this month Very nice.  Low key. 
It is good that you did not try to 'maximise spectrum' by equalising to boost unnaturally high levels of bass and treble frequencies.

March 02, 2023, 04:43:50 PM
Re: Animal droppings - an indicator and a fertilizer
Please say it makes the bog squelching sound when you step onto the tile?

Hehee. We didn't go that far, but would be a nice easter egg in case of bigger droppings at least.

Take it to the max:  "Bog squelch... PERKELE!"

March 03, 2023, 12:37:37 AM
Re: Blacksmith NPCs and ordering their products

Hmm. It's there because asking for a sage is also under "Ask for help/company.". Asking for directions is reserved for inanimate things and the surroundings.

This makes sense. In my head blacksmith was more of a location but I see your point.

March 09, 2023, 12:46:07 PM
Re: Remove some armor and weapons.

Yep, there are some of those leftovers, and now that we're working on blacksmith NPCs there's a natural place for cleaning up. For the swords we could basically go with simple classification of shortsword and longsword alone, giving enough difference - and indeed remove the two-handed ones.
The sword terminology is a bit problematic, as even the longsword term would surely bring most of the players in mind something else than, say, "Z-type sword in Petersen typology with edged portion of the blade longer than 70 cm".
But if we cut the swords down to only short and long, I kind of already hear somebody pointing out that there can't be only two types of swords in the world. But we surely can't go for "Sword with X type hilt and 67 cm long blade" item names either. As there are no common names for the iron-age swords that people would immediately understand, we've allowed some generic but era-inaccurate swords remain in place for the sake of variety. But it bothers us too.

When it comes to coudes and kneecops, even though the terms are problematic, this kind of spot protections have been used around the game era elsewhere in the world. And many imported goods have found their way to foreign traders, from many places of the world. These are not local, nor locally produced armours. The same goes for cuirass - which name in a lack of better generic term - unfortunately brings to one's mind a medieval world.
So, in the game we have a door open that this and this kind of items may have found their way to the unreal world, through possible trade/raid routes.

Thanks Sami for your quick reply! I'm absolutely with you as for merchants bringing goods from distant places, that was the case. I completely disagree with those who say "if there is no historical evidence, it means that it never existed". People tried what they found, and I'm sure many in the Baltic too saw, and sometimes used, lamellar armour. I'm a little more hesitant about shin-cops, the very first ones I've seen I found them on Byzantine finds, around the year 1000.

Perhaps for swords, you could think of a method like this: rather than dividing swords in terms of weight, length, type of guard etc, it could be done according to culture. The Baltic sword, while similar to the Viking sword, had a very different guard and pommel, with curled steel, instead of a single block of steel in the guard as in the Viking swords. Furthermore, the Baltic sword, in some cases, was found with a wider blade at the tip (we are talking about a single-edged sword and not a double-edged one like the Scandinavian one).

It could translate into the game like this (plus slightly different graphics)

Baltic sword
Being monofilament and slightly unbalanced, it could therefore have a big disadvantage for point attacks, and a considerable bonus for edge attacks. The guard, being wider and curled than other swords, could give a small bonus in parrying

Viking Sword
Double-edge, also excellent for lunging blows (although it was used more for slashing, just seeing its weight to understand it). Thus a more balanced blade, which can only be found from foreign merchants.

there are many different designs of swords, and many small regional differences in their manufacture and shape.

NPC's blacksmits are planned to make different weapons based on their culture?

A lovely baltic sword recostruction
Spoiler: show

March 10, 2023, 01:26:46 PM
Re: Villager exploit fixes I agree companions shouldn't just accept constant abuse, but the player planning of murdering the companion is, in my opinion, the exception and will get away with murdering the victim with proper planning anyway. Thus, I think it's more important to make sure honest mistakes don't escalate out of control than murderous intent being punished when these two cases are balanced against each other.

It can be noted that in the game mechanics, arrows do go astray, while blows never hit a an unintended target (they may miss, but not hit someone else instead), but "hit again" can take a lot of hits to finally kill a target, especially if you're trying to use blunt attacks to the head to preserve the skin, so it's easy for the player to mentally doze off a little. An optional warning message when an attack is made at a friendly target may allow for an immediate anger reaction from a melee attack, as those are never accidental from the game mechanic perspective.

In the "squirrel hunter" case I would probably use telepathy, i.e. have the companion know whether it was targeted or not to account for various clues the game can't really capture. It can still be abused by murderers, though, as you'd then aim at the ground on the other side of the companion (and it's certainly possible for a companion to move in front of the player when practicing archery if "pick up and then shoot" is used, rather than manually picking up the arrow first).

March 10, 2023, 04:58:48 PM
Re: Villager exploit fixes
Burning down houses still can be done, but you need to set multiple fires side-by-side and then it may spread.
Few decent fires beside the wall should get the house burning. But it's more like the villagers should react to this sort of firemaking eventually with stronger actions than just shouting - that is, if they witness you are the one who did it.
Ah, I see. And yeah, it has always been a very lucky endeavor to get even that one fire burning because the villagers notice and do turn physical very quickly (understandably). So we have the same experience there for sure.

March 10, 2023, 06:59:36 PM
Re: Blacksmith NPCs and ordering their products Great addition.  I feel like the blacksmith will always want firewood delivered.  Perhaps he could have work available or just a frequently offered version of the "Help with chores" quest to deliver firewood.

Really looking forward to when we'll be able to have a pair of socks made!

March 16, 2023, 11:32:04 PM
Re: Crash to desktop Alt a i to harvest and pick places the milkweeds in my inventory and trying to drop them to thresh causes ctd.
Harvest and thresh without picking them up works OK. The code posted above is something I use if I pick up some milkweeds by mistake, it removes them from my inventory without opening the inventory.
 I am not sure what you mean by 'Have you tried this code alone, with no other file editing in place? '

May 17, 2023, 11:40:30 AM
Re: Crash to desktop It does only seem to apply only to milkweed plants, I have not tried yet with an empty inventory but the last attempt was a new game with only startup items.
May 17, 2023, 12:09:29 PM
Re: [3.72 p#1] Sauna Stove not an Oven for baking Thanks for the fix

no, hadn't thought of that. Been off unreal for a long time and back now. Character in question also had a fireplace so I just used that but it may simply have been he was accidentally doing it right. Over night fire in the fireplace, waking up with the "burned out" but not active fire in it from that. Then baking worked (for the fireplace).

May 22, 2023, 12:54:17 AM