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How, and where to post background modifications? Edit #1: (Sadly, most of the pictures that can be enhanced the most, are licenced images. Removed them, because they can not be modded due to copyright.)

Edit #2 Removed everything that is not related to the question and moved to the released mod's thread.

Hello to everyone.

I started this project very long time ago, (more than a year) but I not really playing this game very frequently.
Because of that I several times left my enhancement work alone.
Finally, I finfised it.

I already posted one example, it was at March 28 2020, in this post, tho' that is about RPG-ish portraits, not the backgrounds.
Take a look, if you are inetrested.

Motto: "The snow is not blue. Period."

Most of the work I done are just some change in coloure-tone, sharpening, and such.
There are some pictures that just doesn't seems to look good, but after enhacing them they look much better.
And there were a few, that because of the low resolution and the very strong lossy compression, they just looks very bad.

My question is, how I should shere the complete background-pack?

I only playing the free version, on a Linux machine (I installed it from the AUR-repository), so I worked on those backgrounds.
I don't know if they are the same on the more updated Steam and Itch versions.

Also there is 2 picture (RITUALSBG.BMP and SKILLSBG.BMP) which are not in the "/usr/share/urw3/truegfx/" folder as the ohers.
They are under "~/.config/urw3-Linux/".
Also I don't have a clue where all the files are stored under different OS.

So how I should share my finished work?

July 31, 2021, 10:20:54 PM
Re: How, and where to post background modifications? These look great. I would just make a zip file and upload it to your thread, or make a new one. Easiest way to setup the zip would be:
  • zipfile ->
    • RITUALSBG.bmp
    • SKILLSBG.bmp
    • truegfx ->
      • truegfx files

then people can just open up the zip and drag it ontop of their UnrealWorld folder to overwrite. (at least on windows)

August 01, 2021, 01:19:25 AM
Re: vitamins I'd like to see scurvy represented some day at least as it's historically significant ailment that beyond sailors also plagued settlers. In practice though, I already gather ton of nettle and sorrel every autumn for use with green soup and as stew herb and buy some turnips from villagers so I can pretend my character is having something like a balanced diet.
August 01, 2021, 11:34:25 AM
Combat messages and mechanics to accommodate snake and seal anatomy I had an encounter with a snake and the following happened:
Code: [Select]
(000000):56gg:[T]{029E05F7}      | The snake hisses at you.
(000000):56gg:[S]{029E05F7}      | Snake flees.
(3C5A98):56gg:[:]{029E05F7}      | You begin sneaking.
(143270):56gg:[#]{029E05F7}      | Aiming Zone: Head
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You try to kick the snake.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You execute a skilled kick.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You land a solid hit to its skull.
(3C5A98):56gg:[:]{029E05F7}      | The snake seems to have fallen unconscious.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You try to kick the snake.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You carry out a perfect kick.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You land a solid hit to its skull.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You try to kick the snake.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You carry out a perfect kick.
(000000):56gg:[Y]{029E05F7}      | You land a solid hit to its abdomen.
(A80000):56gg:[!]{029E05F7}      | The snake hisses in pain.
(000000):56gg:[S]{029E05F7}      | Snake rises back on its feet.

Unless the UnReal World takes place in a prelapsarian Eden, snakes of course do not possess feet.
For a snake-specific set of rise and fail to rise messages, I suggest:
  • The snake rears its head.
  • The snake coils defensively.
Seals also don't have conventional legs so much as flippers, so I think it would be appropriate to provide them with special bodypart definitions: "foreflippers" and "hindflippers".
For the rising messages, I suggest:
  • The grey/ringed seal rises on its trunk.
  • The grey/ringed seal struggles to raise itself.
I also have some ideas for how to make the movement behavior of seals on land more specific to their anatomy.
One way to go about it is to implement a directional restriction to prevent a seal from rotating 180° within a single turn. Something like how spirit NPCs aren't supposed to show their back to the player, though I'm unsure about the specifics of their AI regarding mobility.
To balance this rotation nerf, a seal could strafe in its relative left-right directions somewhat faster than its forward land speed as a way to simulate rolling to the side (and perhaps gain speed from rolling downhill, like how it happens in this video with an elephant seal; the seal uses its hindflippers to propel down the grade around the 21-seconds mark.)

It's been a while since I've observed seals in-game, so I can't remember if their ability to climb onto skerries and ice has a foreleg injury check. Breaking their front flippers definitely should impair attempts to haul-out, though I've seen elsewhere that moving along a relatively flat surface does not always require using all the flippers (example: the seal closest to the camera in this video), and forward undulations on land generally don't depend on the back flippers anyway (see this PDF of "Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in harbor seals and gray seals: Importance of spinal flexion by amphibious phocids").

August 06, 2021, 02:41:51 AM
Were you raised in a barn? Would it be possible to make Companions close doors consistently? It's annoying that they wander around while I'm sleeping and leave my barn doors open, exposing my animals to the wild. It's dangerous that they'll leave the front door to my cabin open.

Perhaps their activity should be frozen whenever they, or the player, enters a building?

It's also annoying when the player has to wait until the Companion exits a building before he can go to the strategic map.

August 07, 2021, 10:14:31 PM
Re: Hunting gripe Honestly, I don't think active hunting is that bad. But the caveat here is that you are somewhat "forced" (quotes are emphasized) to build your character in a certain way. You need fast character with high eyesight with bow or spear skill high, good endurance. Which makes sense, these are fundamental for hunting in wild. I tried to tackle this with trying out some crossbow builds with a Driik character, but creating a Kaumo is way easier. You don't need to push it too much, I honestly left some game after I missed the first shot. If I am in a thick forest, I look to hit them on the first shot otherwise tracking them is not my priority unless I need the meat or the skin badly.

One thing that irritated me when I was active hunting, was the damage. It always felt like my grandmaster bowman was just not able to get a critical hit on a game, I always resorted to endurance hunting because the arrow did almost no damage, but looking at the game as a whole, masterwork bow and arrow needs an edge so that they are a lot more preferable. I realized that my initial reaction to the problem was stemming from the fact that my hunting tactic almost completely revolves around getting the first hit. So damage annoyed me more than it should because I relied on it too much. In a similar manner, I think depending on a single style often results in frustration.

As for the graphical limitations, I think the game would benefit greatly from a widescreen support. This is no easy task by any means but I think it would greatly improve player's time spent in a thick forest or searching for arrows. There are some graphical edits you can make to get tracks and arrows stand out more but these are rather "hacks" more than anything. But don't let this make your game experience worse for you. If you find yourself squinting way too much and you get eye fatigue, why not do the graphical mods. It is not multiplayer, you are not taking away anyone else's game experience, so why not.

August 08, 2021, 01:53:54 PM
Re: 3.70b No wandering Njerpezit raiders + No Bandits? Tested, seems to work as intended, no reason to suspect a bug. There are no changes to robbers or Njerpez availability in 3.70.
Robbers can be encountered similarly in any cultural area. Njerpez are most common in the east, and almost absent in the far west and far north.
In my tests travelling from Driik to Kaumo four different parties of robbers were generated in the world, outside quests.
Hanging around in Reemi and Kaumo for a week, debugging for Njerpez raider probability, three different wandering Njerpez parties were found in the world - so thats pretty constant scouts travelling. My character never met any of these robbers nor Njerpez, but they do exist just like before.

If somebody is still in serious doubt, I can quickly check out a savegame to confirm.

August 30, 2021, 07:47:41 PM
Re: More uses for yarn in 3.70
I've been playing the new beta a bit, and I was wondering whether it would make sense to allow creating cords from yarn, now that we have textilecraft?

Yes, it's the intention that 3.70 stable will feature cords made out of yarn - and also ropes to be made out of cords.

Also related: now that plant fibres can be used for making yarn, wouldn't it make sense to allow harvesting even picked plants, like nettles, for extracting the fibres? The leaves aren't used for that purpose, but currently, once you pick the leaves you can't do anything else to the plant.

Yes it would. The old mechanics of how picked plants are treated internally was just bit of a bottleneck there - but I guess it will give in eventually...

September 03, 2021, 09:29:03 AM
Re: [3.70] metric rope shortening
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. It's a difference in functionality between metric and imperial modes, but it avoids a situation of having to choose between 0.3m, 0.7m, 1m, 1.3m  in metric mode, which is a bit inelegant I guess

It's difference in functionality. The interface wants to use whole numbers with tying equipment shortening, and with auto-shortening you don't need to worry about the lengtht all that much anymore. If there's need to be really precise with some lengths the best option is to select imperial units during the gameplay, then shorten, and switch back to metric.

September 03, 2021, 03:25:53 PM
Recovering from a forum crash Hello!

We recently experienced a server-side crash at the forums. To fully recover from the crash I had to manually restore the latest database backup, which was less than 24 hours old. So, any posts made after that backup are probably lost forever, but the vast majority of forum content seems to be back again.

September 08, 2021, 04:04:56 PM