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Re: Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers?
Hey guys

Is it viable to use a pack of dogs for taking down Njerpez and robbers? If yes, how many dogs to play on the safe side. I know they are not really good for hunting cause they ruin the skins, but I am thinking about trying some kind of dog kennel game :D

I am currently travelling with 6 dogs, 2 big, 2 female I think.
I encountered Kaumi robbers and another robber band, single njerp (twice), single bear and pack of 6 made short work of all threats. I have had to replace a single dog only.

I also saved and experimented with attacking a spotted wolf pack, I knew it was a bad idea (hence the save) just wanted to find out how bad. It turns out pretty bad as wolves screwed up the dogs totally, lost the truck (cow) and all dogs but 2 and I wouldn't have made out alive had I tried to play that scenario any longer.

I rolled back and made a mental note to amass 30 dogs as soon as I can.

February 22, 2020, 11:43:52 PM
Re: Various questions from a new player For that quest I start one tree and get it almost all the way done and then i do other stuff around the village until it rains.
February 28, 2020, 09:22:00 PM
Version 3.62 released on Steam, and for lifetimers Wrapping things up went easily so it's time for the first release of 2020 as version 3.62 is now released.
It's available on Steam, and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section.
Later this week we'll be setting things up on and release the game there as well, with continuing updates. We'll announce when it happens.

But well, what's new?
Half a dozen additions and dozen of bugfixes as follows:

3.62 changelog

** Saved characters from version 3.40-> are compatible with this version.  **

- added: trading cap for meat and fish

         Villagers stop accepting meat and fish in trading when if they have decent reserves already.
         This cap isn't fixed but depends on village population. Also, cooked meat and fish are often
         accepted in larger amounts than raw.

- added: digging and filling up pits are now pausable tasks

         You can stop these processes at will and continue later on by [a]pplying your shovel again.
- changed: pits are now simply called pits instead of former vague term 'hole in the ground'.

- added: tracks getting covered and decayed by snowfall and rain

        Snowfall and rain now affect to tracks getting covered and decayed. You'll notice these effects
        by tracks getting less visible, and eventually disappearing completely. How fast this happens
        depends naturally on amount of the rain or snowfall. Severe snowfall may cover even the fresh
        tracks in an hour or so. Decay caused by rain is often lesser, but still noticeable. The older
        the tracks are the sooner they are prone to decay and disappear in case of both elements.

- added: tracks left by children now appear smaller

        This includes graphical presentation and description of the tracks eg. "You see here small
        human tracks."

- added: aggressive village dogs calm down together with their masters

        In case of minor breaches villagers might punish you for a while and calm down after you had
        learned your lesson - but their dogs didn't react accordingly. Now village dogs will calm down
        if their masters do so. This doesn't prevent village dogs from being a serious threat as they
        don't always reason the power of their attacks the same way the humans do and may cause lethal
        wounds by accident.

- adjusted: precautions regarding character save failures

        Additional precautions to overcome rare cases of character data blanking upon unexpected
        termination of the game have been added.

- adjusted: map maintenance routines
        The adjustments remedy rare occasion of too frequent maintenances of fresh characters with heavily
        explored zoomed-in maps.

- fixed: overlapping tracks modifying the existing track information

        Things like animal size and track freshness were sometimes mistakenly modified by overlapping tracks.

- fixed: watercraft mistakenly transported with the character when zooming out right after getting on shore

- fixed: everlasting small bones

        Certain bones would never get eaten up completely no matter how long dogs would chew on them.

- fixed: carcass disappearing if the creature dies while making a hole in the ice

- fixed: human tracks described wrong

        NPC description was mistakenly added to track description.
        It said eg. "You see here craftsmanhuman tracks." instead of intended "You see here human tracks".

- fixed: quality improvement when items decay to stale stage
        Foodstuff and skins might mistakenly improve a bit in quality when decaying if their original quality
        was the lowest possible.
- fixed: sages of some cultures not replying with valid phrases when asked for their skills and expertise
- fixed: animals released from the forest cover not following character on zoomed-out map level

        This got broken along with NPC pet ownership additions. Now it works again as it should.

- fixed: some cave treasures you heard of were never to be found

        The bug was caused by map maintenance being prone to mistakenly remove cave treasure locations.

- fixed: partially skinned carcasses mistakenly turning skinned upon map load

     This bug usually manifested itself when skinning got interrupted and the character fell asleep, which
     also initiates map save and re-load.

- typo corrected: angrered -> angered


Who can have it?

You can have it, but you gotta get it from Steam - or later this week also from
The release interval between paid and "donation-based" releases have grown significantly longer than what we have gotten used to in the past. This is because during past years donations have dried out disallowing solely donation-based development to thrive. Donations are still an option, people do it for a reason or another, but your generosity isn't any longer linked to the great perk of most up-to-date version being freely available for everyone. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors, so don't hesitate to eg. e-mail me if you feel like it.


March 16, 2020, 05:12:52 PM
Generated map image Just wanted to share this, was able to generate an image of the game map from data and save it to file, kind of neat to look at.

Landmark key:

TileID | Name |   Color
239 | Village |   Yellow
211 | Settlement |   Light Purple
210 | Fortified Village |   Red
86 | Settlement (2) |   Magenta
31 | Shelter |   Pale Mint
30 | Camp |   Orange-red
60 | Cave |   Brown

Warning: Map is 3073x2049 in size, hold shift to scroll left to right.
Spoiler: show

March 23, 2020, 02:40:17 PM
Re: Various questions from a new player I have a question about whether you'd consider something an exploit or not. It's a tactic I used to complete a quest:

Spoiler: show
Do you consider it an exploit to kill humans (robbers, njerps, etc.) from a punt with a bow and arrow while they flail around in the water? If you want to see the specific example I'm referring to, it's in episode 120 of my YouTube series here:

March 30, 2020, 06:36:41 AM
Smoking, smoke, room heat loss, light, shutters and doors. Multi-part suggestion INCOMING!

  • please enable open/close of shutters (from inside or outside) with same mechanism as doors (i.e. also out of view)
  • smoking duration should be decreased to 2-3 days AND would require the fireplace to be burning or hot.
  • before entering the smoking room, shutter(s) & door should be opened for "smoke has cleared a bit" similar message to "It smells like *food* is ready". Or get woozy/CO poisoning, when burning fire in sauna/cabin with all shutters closed.
  • enable smoke from fires (with a nod to dev note on dry/wet clothes and firewood; wet wood smokes a lot more than dry/cured wood)
  • with door/shutters open, expedite heat loss from room&fireplace, moreso with below freezing temperatures. (wake up shivering in your cabin; forgot shutters open and already extremely tired... light small fire with shutters closed... or bigger fire with one shutter open... choices between suffocation & hypothermia  :-X
  • enable/disable external light with open/close shutters&doors. (cabins, caves)
This would change the labor&attention, smoking takes, also would make the meat available sooner. If the fireplace--room is cold too long, the meat/fish would spoil, or at best turn out to be awful.
It'd also make winter survival, even with cabin, bit more challenging/intricate; scheduling burning&smoke to clear, prior to going to sleep. Or burn the fire with shutter open and lose some heat.
This'd make using sauna as a smokehouse in winter more inline with historical--present smoking of the delicious animal proteins  ;D

April 03, 2020, 03:04:34 AM
Re: Winter hides
The cue for the elk to change coats is day length. Starting in March as days get longer, the old winter coat starts dropping off. Their summer coat is short, glossy, and generally much more uniform in color than the winter coat. All the hair of the summer coat is the same length. As the days get shorter in September, the longer, thicker winter coat starts growing out. The winter coat consists of two layers - a longer coat of guard hairs protects the short thick undercoat. By winter both male and female elk have thick, dark manes covering their necks, and long, light tan coats over the rest of their bodies.

The fur of mammals has many uses: protection, sensory purposes, waterproofing, and camouflaging, with the primary usage being thermoregulation.[2] The types of hair include definitive, which may be shed after reaching a certain length;


Hair length is negligible in thermoregulation, as some tropical mammals, such as sloths, have the same fur length as some arctic mammals but with less insulation; and, conversely, other tropical mammals with short hair have the same insulating value as arctic mammals. The denseness of fur can increase an animal's insulation value, and arctic mammals especially have dense fur; for example, the musk ox has guard hairs measuring 30 cm (12 in) as well as a dense underfur, which forms an airtight coat, allowing them to survive in temperatures of −40 °C (−40 °F).[3]:162–163 Some desert mammals, such as camels, use dense fur to prevent solar heat from reaching their skin, allowing the animal to stay cool; a camel's fur may reach 70 °C (158 °F) in the summer, but the skin stays at 40 °C (104 °F).[3]:188 Aquatic mammals, conversely, trap air in their fur to conserve heat by keeping the skin dry.[3]

Cats moult fur around spring-summer time to get rid of their "winter coat". Cats have thicker fur during the colder winter months to keep them warm, then around spring and summer they shed some of their fur to get a thinner coat for the warmer summer months. Some cats need brushing during moulting, since dead hairs can get trapped in the cat's fur.


Moulting or shedding in canids, as in all mammals,[1] is due to fluctuations in the amount of melatonin secreted by their pineal gland in response to seasonal sunlight variations rather than temperature variations. This seasonality in moulting is most preserved in Arctic breeds of dogs which shed twice each year whereas most other breeds moult once each year.

Many species express endogenous cycles in physiology and behavior that allow anticipation of the seasons. The anatomical and cellular bases of these circannual rhythms have not been defined. Here, we provide strong evidence using an in vivo Soay sheep model that the circannual regulation of prolactin secretion, and its associated biology, derive from a pituitary-based timing mechanism. Circannual rhythm generation is seen as the product of the interaction between melatonin-regulated timer cells and adjacent prolactin-secreting cells, which together function as an intrapituitary “pacemaker-slave” timer system. These new insights open the way for a molecular analysis of long-term timing mechanisms.

After reading through these, I think fur is regulated by light levels more so than temperature, as the purpose of fur in a lot of animals seems to be temperature regulation, which would imply seasonal changes would be the first factor in hair regulation and temperature there after, fine tuning for more immediate short-term temperature regulation (you see this with house pets a lot when they move into and out of the house with varying temperatures between the outdoors and your home).

Also, it appears there are several different layers:

Thermoregulation is the principal function of the down hair, which insulates a layer of dry air next to the skin.


The proximal part of the awn hair assists in thermoregulation (like the down hair), whereas the distal part can shed water (like the guard hair).


Guard hair repels water and blocks sunlight, protecting the undercoat and skin in wet or aquatic habitats, and from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Guard hairs can also reduce the severity of cuts or scratches to the skin.

Now we can impress our friends with our knowledge of hair.

April 15, 2020, 01:02:10 AM
Re: Quick and Dirty Character Creation Guide for new players My point on don’t worry on exact starting skills point too much. I.e. putting a point in fishing is ok to drag along your character couple more days unless you pump it past 50%. It’s ok skill to pass time/rest with when building cabin by water or winter’s nights. Cooking like you noted yourself is useless to put a point in if you don’t have anything to cook.
So worrying about exact starting skills is useless, and like said: debatable.
Spear is useful for hunting while skiing.
One could also debate, Club, as that preserves hides and is the skill for rocks and stones, thrown.

For a first run, I’d likely suggest going Kaumo custom very easy and tanking Flail, Sword and Shield, drop skiing and swimming to teens/20s, then pump up hideworking&carpentry (to 60s), trapping&axe point each and bow(all the way to max). Not much of a challenge, but to get newbies “going”

April 15, 2020, 05:35:47 AM
Re: Quick and Dirty Character Creation Guide for new players @jonottawa
Good work with the content jon, I looked over your channel and you seem to be quite dedicated to pushing out videos for URW. I have some suggestions in regards to how you could possibly improve the quality of your videos;

1. I'd suggest maybe highlighting specific parts of your play through videos that seem particularly interesting in terms of gameplay as seperate, shorter videos (like you've done with this one, albeit specifically as such and not from random gameplay), and then doing a voice dub over the video to evaluate and discuss it, I believe you'll have an easier time perfecting what you're trying to discuss in relation to the video as you can always replay your cuts and think about what points you want to underline easier than on the fly commentating, should also open up more options when you're editing your videos (if you use some editing software) in terms of sound and overlaying stuff you want to discuss.

2. The sound quality isn't particularly pleasant, at least for me I find it harder to listen to. I don't know if it's just your mic or what, but I can hear your voice all over the room as sort of a background tone, might just be the location you're streaming from. Wouldn't hurt to experiment and see if you can reduce the background noise.

3. I haven't looked at too many of the game play videos, but one thing I notice that keeps the attention of viewers are long term goals with planning, and the explanation of why you're doing particular things to achieve particular goals or milestones.

4. To cut down on video length and increase the quality of your videos, I would remove boring parts of gameplay that aren't too exciting such as traveling from point A to point B, grinding/processing a lot of the same material, I believe cropping redundant tasks and highlighting the most rewarding parts of the experience will give you higher quality videos. Nothing wrong with full gameplay videos though, but I think people will find your content easier to pick and choose from with more organized cuts, and reduced video length, as most people like to watch videos between 5-40 minutes in length depending on the videos content.

Overall, I think you should focus more on polishing the content after/during recording, and make particular highlights so each video stands out as its own, currently you have a lot of gameplay videos, which can be fun to watch, but you have so many of them at such high lengths that the average person looks at the them and isn't sure which is going to be worth their time sifting through, where as shorter videos with a particular focus will give someone the most bang for their buck on a particular mechanic or subject in the game. Another thing you could consider, is combining clips from multiple videos in the case of explaining a particular mechanic or concept as obviously you wont be doing the same thing everytime you're playing the game, but you can accumulate a lot of clips where the situation occurs and combine these clips to create a video where you can explain each part of the subject in greater detail, and with far less subject change.

Anywho, I hope this can be of some help for you, obviously you have the passion to produce the videos, so if this helps improve that process for you in any sort of way I'm glad I could be of help in your future creative endeavors.

April 15, 2020, 06:30:19 AM
Inventory interface change/tuning At the moment arrow keys 'left' and 'right' in inventory are duplicates of 'up' and 'down'.
Multiple keyboards on laptops and alternative platforms don't have PgUp and PgDn keys.
Would it be possible to either have the 'left'-'right' arrow keys to hop between groups* or to function as PgUp and PgDn keys?

*Weapons, Armour&Clothes, Containers, et cetera

April 17, 2020, 06:09:33 PM