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Re: Runaway slave (spring) general hints? The hardest part is escaping...

If you do manage to escape, make a stone knife, a stone axe, and set up some light lever traps (the smallest type) to catch some birds. You're probably going to go near or into starvation, but should have a decent chance of surviving until you can bag yourself an elk or reindeer. Also consider whether to tan the hides of those miserable birds, and that takes a lot of time for a very meager result, and that elk hides may be too large to be tanned, or even skinned, with a crappy stone knife while you're starving.
Light fires when you're getting too cold.

The other alternative is riskier, but gets you a better start if you can pull it off, and that is to exact revenge on the Njerps by hit & run attacks under the cover of darkness to whittle one of them down until you can kill him and take his gear (hint: rocks can cover longer distances than a sword can reach. However, with the recent change to snow movement penalties that may no longer be possible to pull off, but NPCs still wear light vests so you can see them while they can't see you.

Forget about crops, unless you intend to steal them. You need a fairly good food base to be able to spend the time required to prepare fields, and with your poor starting agriculture skill you're not going to get decent yields from the seeds you don't have in the first place...
I usually spend the first winter preparing for fields and building up stocks of food for a two month hectic field preparation period with little except burning, preparing fields, and planting performed. My characters start in spring, and I try to get appropriate seeds during autumn and winter.

January 23, 2018, 06:12:29 PM
Re: Attack bonus Ya, this is a much more realistic game than the "Gamey" ones out there where every weapon type has to be if not viable, equal. Nothing against those games, they allow for my Hollywood action hero fantasies, but this one is not that.

As a student of Medieval Martial Arts, I know both dagger and longsword techniques and am pretty good with both. I would not like to try dagger vs lonsword in anything more than training. The advantages are just too huge for the sword. OTOH, if you're fighting in a crowded space with obstacles all around - imagine fighting in the living room of a small apartment full of furniture for example - the dagger becomes much more viable. This is not yet in the game, though.

Just my 2 harsh squirrel hides.
   - Shane

January 27, 2018, 05:31:30 AM
Reduce the difficulty of climbing trees As it currently stands, there's a significant risk of falling when climbing trees, especially since the character tends to wear clothes and carry items, which means at 100% skill it's still risky. This causes me never to use tree climbing for looking around, which is a pity. It would be good if the worst that would happen is that you'd fail to get high enough to see far enough, as that would make it a usable option when looking for something.
February 01, 2018, 12:06:16 PM
Re: Mik He feels ready to continue on his dangerous search for a metal pot! This time he heads north before the sun comes up. In the 2nd village at Suviotsa he is tempted by a northern bow of better quality than the one he is carrying, and trades the 2 shirts and dress he had.

Time to go back home... he won't have enough goods to trade for a pot if he finds one.

After checking a nearby cave with broadhead on bowstring and finding no inhabitant, he continues homeward and passes through a grove sparkling beautifully with ice crystals in the pale, low, noon sunlight.

Rustling branches attract his attention and there's a large squirrel in a pine tree. Well content with his own food supply, Mik leave it alone.

Snow begins falling and both Mik and the squirrel go about their business.


February 11, 2018, 06:58:58 PM
Re: Old mods Njerpez cookery is back in action, just posted an updated 1.01 version in the mod release section:

It's a minor update including a small bugfix for Linux and a salo improvement that PALU came up with in the old NjerpezCookery thread. Enjoy guys!   8)

February 12, 2018, 08:57:14 AM
Re: Mik Remembering that the bear skull he was carrying when he was robbed makes the decision for Mik. The spirit of that bear may not find rest, but he hopes to appease the spirits with another bear's skull.

It turned out to be his last bad decision. The spirits did not favor him. He failed every spear attempt.

Mik was one of my favorites.

February 20, 2018, 06:09:42 AM
Re: "The Challenge" I'm 0/1 on this challenge, injuries to hands prevented making stone tools, found water on day 3 but had no means to break ice. Fell through ice to get a drink and froze to death..
February 20, 2018, 07:58:31 PM
Re: Tracking Njerpez I have had much better luck with finding things that I see in the distance, many thanks to PALU.  I don't use his method exactly, because I don't want to take for granted that I'm in the center of the tile when I zoom in.  Instead I move around until I'm sure i'm in one of the corners, and proceed to walk the entire perimeter.  This is much easier if the tile in question is bordered by different biomed tiles, but even if it's a sea of coniferous forest it's still doable.  I'll often add a marker to the search tile with a big red X that way when I zoom out I can see if I've wandered too far.  In my experiments the width and height of a tile is around 60 paces, but I rarely count each pace as I'm looking for tracks, I just have an idea of how much of a tile fits on my screen and keep it in mind as I move.  If I'm ever not sure I'll zoom out and see if my dude is still on the X that I put on the map.

To Bedlam: I only started playing recently, but I've found the tracking skill to be incredibly handy in difficult tracking situations where the fresh tracks I'm interested in are all mixed up with half a dozen other animal tracks spread out over a two week period.  True you can use it to identify tracks that you can already see on the screen, but it can also make new tracks appear that your character didn't notice before.  For instance, if I see very fresh stag tracks leading northeast, but I don't see the next set of tracks, I'll use my tracking skill on that spot and quite often my character will discover that next set of tracks that wasn't visible before.  Once he does discover them, they will magically appear on the screen so you can see them too.  If I'm dealing with a numerous and mixed tracks situation and I can't figure out which way the bugger went, I'll hit "x' on the keyboard to examine each tile surrounding the last known tile the prey passed through, this will automatically use the tracking skill on each of those tiles without having to actually move there, and will frequently uncover tracks that weren't visible before.  This does not count as using a turn in the game, so you don't lose time walking back and forth while the prey gets further away.  This little trick is what took tracking to a whole new level for me.

February 25, 2018, 11:22:48 PM
February life Hey good people and fellow adventurers,

time for a little february life update as I've seemed to be semi-absent for awhile. What went down is that I took some time to travel to Norway to meet some friends,
came back and discovered the beauty of february winter snow blankets and increasing sunglight,
equipped my new cross-country skis and had a blast with them in the woods for days,
then developed a nasty flu -- and now recovering from all that.
Because of all this I've been very slow on e-mail as well, but as the week goes on I'll be replying at least to the urgent stuff.

On coding front I'd like to fix just a little more and then release 3.50 stable while the winter still continues - cause now I've got probably the greatest skis I've ever owned.

These are Taiga cross-country/hunting skis of russian origin. The proportions comes close to the great ancestral skis of ancient Finns - and many other ugric / north eurasian peoples.
They are naturally all wooden, and after this picture was taken a decent layer of pine tar has been put on the underside, and ties attached.

February 27, 2018, 05:57:27 PM
Spirit relation re-balancing The spirit and magic enhancements are good in general. However, there are a few things I think need re-balancing:

1. As far as I can tell, sacrifices now use a joint pool, as opposed to separate pools (and spells) for different targets earlier. I think they need to be split up again, so sacrifice of fish automatically goes towards satisfying the water spirits and meat to appease the forest ones, and these pools being independent, i.e. having made an offering to the spirits of the forest shouldn't block a sacrifice to the spirits of the water. Whether there should be a regional split up as well can be discussed, as I don't know if there are regional differences or not, but if there are, sacrifices to one region/realm spirit shouldn't affect sacrifices to another.
2. Spirit mood feedback should likewise be split up more. I keep getting messages of unity with the water even though my character haven't fished for half a year, and the sacrifices for almost as long have been of meat (I had some roaches that needed sacrificing).
3. The "cost" of kills should be re-balanced so it's possible to live off small game without being hated by the spirits of the forest. It should be contemplated whether the value (in some currency, e.g. amount/nutrients of meat and/or fur value) of a kill and sacrifice should affect the spirit relation adjustment. Currently it seems a sacrifice of a spoiled hazel grouse lump of fat has the same impact as a whole salmon or fresh bear cut.
4. "Special" sacrifices (of which I know a single one) should not be blocked by the standard ones, and given their cost, they ought to give a larger boost to the relation than the standard one.
5. Spirit moods ought to move towards neutral over time if nothing affects them, so a relation of unity should decay towards neutral if you neither sacrifice nor "harvest" from the spirit's domain, and the same should a furious relation.
However, some folklore seems to have rather petty supernatural actors with long memories, so it might not be wrong to let good relations decay a lot faster than bad ones are repaired.

March 10, 2018, 10:43:34 AM