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Re: Autumn nights, coding nights Great to hear that Sami!
I guess it must be hard to stay complettly away from the game after all this years.

September 18, 2022, 06:21:50 PM
Re: Lifetijme members cut off forever? Thank you very much! I still enjoy the old version, so the new one should be a lot of fun :)
October 06, 2022, 05:55:17 PM
Re: 3.72beta Thank you, updating now.
November 13, 2022, 09:52:32 AM
Re: Academic interest towards UnReal World - in Finnish and in French A man in his 40s; who can look back on something he said in his 20s without cringing, is a blessed man indeed  :)
November 28, 2022, 02:38:22 AM
A big thank you to the Enormous Elk team Greetings everyone,

I just felt like sharing this story and at the same time, give my thanks to the Enormous Elk team for creating this masterpiece of a game.

I have accidentally stumbled upon this game many years ago, when I was just a kid, perhaps 12 or 13 years old. Considering that I had no income to speak of, and I came from a country that paying money for video games was a luxury that not many could afford (Romania) at that time, the model adopted by this studio in which they would offer a older version of their game for free, with the possibility to donate, was a blessing and a breath of fresh air.

I have many fond memories and cool stories with this little game, and with each update, and as I grew older, I would find myself returning to Unreal World in order to check what cool features have been implemented.

Now, 15 years later, I return once more. Older, with a family of my own, a job and a new house, to repay the debt that I have owned for granting me the pleasure of playing this game.

Bought a official copy off steam, and started a new campaign, and all I can say is that the nostalgia of it all hit me hard, as well as the random wolf that decided to attack me from behind my character while butchering another wolf.

Once again, a big thank you to the Enormous Elk team, and a big thank you for the business model you follow. You managed to make my childhood a little bit more brighter.


December 23, 2022, 01:41:35 AM
Video Ambiance Companion for UrW -- Swedish Elk/Moose Migration So this is a bit silly, but I wanted to post in case anyone else enjoyed this as much as I do.

I love UnReal World of course -- it's great and makes you feel like you're really there.      A couple of years ago, I randomly stumbled upon a Swedish public access stream on twitch -- a stream of their yearly Elk/moose migration across a river in Spring.

If you have a second monitor, it is the perfect pairing for a session of UnReal World.    It's very relaxed and slow paced -- it's a bunch of cameras set up 24/7 during the season -- so you get a lot of laid back time with just Swedish nature noises and wildlife, in addition to quite a few nice Elk sightings as well.

It's obviously Sweden and not Finland, but there are scenes that coincidentally wound up as a more or less 1:1 construction of what I was doing in UrW at a time.   A video of a pine mire filled with grouse with the ambient noise combined with actually hunting grouse in a pine mire in UnReal world just feels really good.

Luckily they record these sessions and upload them on their website -- link to one of the videos below:

(I can't hyper link as this is a new account -- I hope it's okay to include this here!  just paste that in and you're off to the Swedish wilderness)

They have well over a hundred hours of this stuff, and it's perfect to set the mood for this game.

post edited by a mod (ineedcords): just fixed the hyperlink, as it is legit.

December 27, 2022, 09:50:17 PM
Re: [3.72#1 Windows 10 Steam] Dog names causing sound effects? It is a rather endearing bug  :)
December 30, 2022, 09:08:36 PM
Re: Nejerpez warriors shoot tree trunks at me
Woah, that's quite something! Very, very intriguing issue.

If you ppl encounter this again I'd be very happy to receive a savegame from the heat of the tree trunk missile combat, or it can be rock and branches too. When you notice the issue, save the game and send the savegame over to me.

I'll try to reproduce on my own, but we'll be quicker to get on track if we receive a savegame where the issue is active.
Thank you very much. I've already sent it.

January 13, 2023, 04:30:58 AM
Re: tree trunk spawns in inventory after fishing
I haven't managed to reproduce, but the phenomenon surely exists.
This is likely related to the activity at the map area, so it would help if somebody could send me the savegame right after noticing the issue.
1. issue noticed -> 2. save the game -> 3. send the savegame over to me for investigation.

Just happened to me for the first time. I sent you the savegame. Cheers!

January 31, 2023, 10:06:36 AM
Re: [Fixed - persists in 3.71 patch #1] Crafting Hooks.... only one at a time. Cool   :)
I was to mention the non-auto selection of items, but thought was normal or something,
but yeah, I've noticed the difference when crafting other stuff.

February 13, 2023, 07:49:08 PM