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Re: Glowing embers, saunas Be it the turnip roasting or sauna the trick is simply to burn your fires long enough. Simple as that.

Just tested, warmed up sauna for some 5 hours, and even after 10 hours I could still get mild steam from the stove.
I don't get what's the small time window people are talking here?

Then made about 2 hour lasting fire, and threw the turnips in there after 90 minutes of burning.
If you read the news you find this can be done when the small fire is still burning to make the timing more convenient.
Worked okay.

With 40 firewood fire, it burned roughly for 3 hours, I could still toss the turnips to roast after one hour from the fire dying.
Again, failed to see the small time window.


Make your fires big enough and you're good to go.
Heating up a smoke sauna can take 3 to 10 hours, depending on how long you want it to stay hot.
Roasting turnips in embers is lengthy and heat intensive process, a lot of warm embers is needed.
Read news.txt.

July 13, 2021, 12:33:29 PM
Re: [3.70b] freezing to death in fallow month while warmly dressed We assume this case was also cause of weather migration issue which is now fixed in 3.70beta3.
Please report back if it appears this was something different.

Fixed - persists in 3.70beta1

July 14, 2021, 05:51:44 PM
Re: Moon and sun in the sky at the same time? Yesterday I was driving a car and noticed the moon in the sky, at 4 pm, in full daylight. But I didn't have time to stop to take a picture. Today, back at home, around 4 pm I tried to scan the sky but couldn't spot the moon. Then I went to help some of my neighbours, and took a small forest path to get from one neighbour to another. The path wound up next to a small forest clearing where my horses are having their peaceful eternal rest. I stopped there for a while, with all the good memories of the life with the horses. And then I noticed that above the treetops there is the moon;

Today the sunset will be at 22:45, and this image was taken at 18:35. Thinking of it, I'd guess our long summer days allow more hours to see the sun and the sky together in the sky.

Speaking of UrW, the sun and the moon positions are calculated based on scientific formulas, although we have omitted some minor fine-tuning and corrections, making it so that there might be 1% - 2% inaccuracy. Also, as already mentioned in this thread, it would be more realistic if the moon position wouldn't be drawn on the UrW UI sky box if the moon is too close to the sun. That will probably be adjusted at some point.

With a few lines of more code it would be possible to simulate also the lunar and solar eclipses, but at the moment that is not simulated. Those events would be atmospheric, so it remains to be seen if in some future version we happen to feel like adding eclipses  8)

July 17, 2021, 07:55:25 PM
Re: [3.70] spinning 100m of yarn overflows and produces 14.7 metres Yep. It was overflow as the internal length value is char type.
Will set the maximum to 240 feet, for a nice round value in metric system too.

Fixed - persists in 3.70beta3.

July 19, 2021, 09:14:31 AM
Re: [3.70] Retting and drying is very fast even with many items Both tasks are material quantity dependent already, but they are quite fast procedures.
For setting stalks to to dry it's about 50 stalks per minute, plus the few minutes starting time.
For setting them to soak it's about same plus a little longer initial preparation time.

So the changes between 15 or 600 stalks isn't that dramatic. Without testing it by ourselves these are estimations, so they are debatable.

For soaking you would actually have to set the stalks under slender tree trunks submerged with the help of stones. This isn't required in the game, but if we add it some point then the soaking preparations time may increase.

For drying the bundles were simply set leaning against slender trunk, each others, etc. It doesn't take much time.

Drying stalks, like many other tasks, is allowed also indoors although the results would in real life be better outdoors.

July 19, 2021, 09:33:21 AM
vitamins  i am suggesting the player character to has to eat fish/meat products for fat-soluble vitamins and vegetable sources (maybe excluding grain) to get water-soluble vitamins.

Might sound crazy but i read the book about Magallaes sailing from south america towards asia and that was only <100 days travel and men were dying out of scurvy disease, lack of vitamin C (altough they didnt know vitamins and what caused them to get sick and die).

when you look how detailed the hidework process is in URW - would be on a line to have the character's nutrition matter. Now you can survive years only eating fish and bread which wouldn't be possible in reality.


July 20, 2021, 04:51:39 PM
Finally - Made it until the Fall i always begin with runaway slave although 2/3 times of beginnings i die within the 1st day. This time I killed all but 1 of Njerpez warriors just by throwing rocks on their faces and then decapitate them with the axe. The snow was red from the bloodshed. I got hurt also and was bleeding but LUCKILY throw my last rocks on and managed to kill the enemy. It was close. 

Of course I collected all of their gear and weapons so I had something to trade with. During the same spring I travelled wounded from far east Kaumo to far west Driik because they are rich. My aim was to get dogs and tools like all the axes. Also nets and fishing rods are vital to me.

I went allover Driik and put up another camp. There was my fishing nets waiting while i went another village further. I traded for 3 dogs and proper set of axes. Not perfect quality all but variety was good even with the knives. I was also lucky with hunting and when faced the heard of reindeers I shot one and ran down another to shoot and my hunting trips where good.

When i felt i got good gear and the 3 dogs i started going east to big no man's land on southern coast where is the river towards north. There i started to build a cabin which is important to proper sleep between the furs  and especially to smoke meat and fish throughout the year. Cellar is always what i build 1st.

I had a visit to north to check out the river. Ended up to Koivula and a girl named Liisi wanted me to escort her to Kaumo which was where i originally started as a prisoner. Was nice to have some woman company but nothing really happened, honestly. I anyway prefer a chubby blond over skinny redhead. As a reward she gave me ( bj ) a hint of where to find a modest treasure which was a pile of masterwork furs x9. I felt i have to travel all over to towns to trade goods for them. I didnt need the furs but the tools, food and dogs.  So after there was a short trip to Reemi region.

I had a boat so from Reemi coast i went back home to my no man's land River near the southern sea. Now I had a house with fenced field (it was too late to start growing anything this year) by river and 8 nets, 4 dogs, crossbow, fine bow, plenty of broadhead arrows, seeds, fine fishing rod.

in the late summer/early fall i was checking out new not-mapped areas near my home. I ran into a bear. Literally. Of course i saw it from distance but with my dogpack i felt confident i could hunt it down. But the dogs where behind me and i was running towards the beast with a bow and bh-arrow it ran against and hit me. I was badly hurt and my game almost ended there. Usually I try to avoid thatkind of risks after playing hours and hours. I had a severe crush in the chest and bad bite on a hip bleeding . So my dogs put down the bear, i was so worried about them but no dog got hurt. Next 1-2 weeks i couldn't stand up and that made things difficult. Couldnt skin and butcher the bear.

Making bandages is expensive and i didnt even have enough materials so i knew i could use the help from the Sages in the towns. I measured the nearest culture would be Driik so i crawled all the way there. every 30 mins i had to have a break and i tear my clothes to make bandages and i was lucky to carry herbs which i still think made a difference with not getting infected. I was rich still having masterwork furs from the treasure so i knew could trade more stuff in Driik.

In Driik i used my old campsite where in the cellar there was reindeer bones which i could use to feed the ever-hungry dogs. After trading in Driik all i could - all i needed - i left back home. Still crawling. That was a lot of crawling.

So i recovered. Most of the time there was no bandages but i put leaves of the herbs and also ate the same plant - dont know if that has any effect. I went back home my house. The building is 4 wide and 3 high. It has a bed and a fireplace. It has a door on every wall and plenty of windows. Next to it is my shelter which i use to store leather/clothes/furs. I know it doesnt need that but just to keep order in my camp. It always gets full of stuff left over everywhere.

I happened to have a very good elk skin but no fat and it was new to me that u can only harvest the tanning material on certain time of the year so i was hurrying to find anything to hunt and get the fat. If only i could use the fat on my own belly.   :P

1st i shot Njerpez warrior easily but his dog managed to runaway with my two broadhead arrows shot on it. No fat gained whatsoever.

Then i ran into a pack of boars. I sent my dogs after them. When one was tired i shot it and killed it with the sword gotten from a njerpez. I left the boar dead right there to get another one - thinking i would come later to process the body. So my dogs ran down another one and i tried to stab that also but got hurt and bad bleeding. I had to stop to stop the bleeding so i sent my dogs for the pig whigh was very near by. All this happened on a daylight on a mire so the visibility was good. One dog ended up dead. The gray one which was always the hungriest. Other 2 dogs got hurt and one was just fine. But i killed and butchered the wild boad and returned to do the same to the previous one left behind.

I had 2 boar skins, and a "winter dog-skin". Plus plenty of boar and dog meat. I sacrified a lot for that lost dog... I am planning to make a hat out of that dog fur.

Wounds are healing. I am well and alive. I have never played the game until the first winter but it is coming. The winter is coming. Can't wait.

Cheers, brothers and sisters

July 20, 2021, 11:45:47 PM
Re: Capture dog in the wild?
You can only capture dogs inside villages. I have read it somewhere here or on the wiki.

I tried this with a fortified village that had four dogs and six head of cattle. After eliminating all the human residents, I was successful at leashing the cows in the pen but not the dogs; the dogs bark in disagreement and either flee or retaliate by attacking.

I checked the news text file and the behavior I described does correspond with this particular detail from version 3.30:
- added: leashing animals from depopulated villages

        It's now possible to leash animals from depopulated villages, and thus make them your
        own pets. There are some risks and exceptions, though. Sometimes domestic animals choose to
        fight back if their masters are dead and you try to leash them. And dogs can't be
        stolen this way at all - they always fight back rather than allow to be put on the leash.

July 21, 2021, 06:07:30 AM
Re: squeezing damage? Bear hugs for certain. I believe deadfall traps are also capable of crushing victims.
July 26, 2021, 05:10:25 AM
Re: squeezing damage? There are some hints in urw_combat.txt file, note the emboldened line:
rg -i squeeze | tail -n5
messages\urw_combat.txt:// value: POINT/EDGE/BLUNT/POINT/BITE/CLAW/SQUEEZE
messages\urw_combat.txt:// PAW, SQUEEZE, HOOF, ANTLER, HORN, TUSK, BEAK
messages\urw_combat.txt:// for previous version compatibility also use: paw,squeeze,horn,hoof,tusk,antler,beak
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:to crush]
messages\urw_combat.txt:[SQUEEZE:paws grab]

And in the game log, squeeze damage (crush) attack by a bear manifests itself as so:
msglog.txt:(000000):29gh:[T]{05C8047C}      | The female bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush TWO truck.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush you.
msglog.txt:(000000):f5h3:[T]{046303D3}      | The bear tries to crush Dolores.
msglog.txt:(000000):q5hj:[T]{049503CA}      | The female bear tries to crush Dolores.

July 26, 2021, 09:53:24 PM