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Combat AI Improvement: AI should utilise its one-sided ranged attack capability I was just watching a YouTube video, PC had 3 fine javelins, the enemy (single Njerp) had none.
On a side note enemy appeared to be the poorest Njerp in Finland BTW with linen clothing and just a handaxe and a rope.

What happened in the early battle is: PC threw all 3 javs as opening move, hurting but not killing Njerp. Njerp did pick up only the 1st jav then wielded it. PC had no other missiles weapons left. At this point in time in the battle, there are ~3 empty tiles in between the two, as per picture below:

Here is my Combat AI Suggestion (which I think would be an improvement): at this point, holding the single missile weapon in hand and having adjacent-tile access to the only other two remaining missiles in the battlefield, Njerp should have used its missile advantage to execute ranged attacks. Perhaps AI actively should check whether one-sided ranged-attack capability exists to evaluate this kind of situation.

What happened later in the battle is: Njerp completely ignored its ranged capability and closed distance to attack with wielded jav as a spear.

On my mind it does not make sense to close distance to the sole enemy when you have one missile in your and and two missiles on the ground next to you.
Why not throw them first and see if you get a lucky hit. Is this not pretty much every human would do? Please let me know what would YOU do here? (That is, assuming you actually care about your character and would like it to survive the battle and not after any particular skill point training such as shield/dodge/spear/unarmed etc. Let's just say you just want to eliminate the threat ASAP).

Evaluating other options/approaches I can think of:
1) I can understand the idea of keeping one (out of three) javelins in hand as wielded weapon, as sort-of-a-spear but cannot understand why not utilise the remaining two javs as ranged attack capability.
2) A potential explanation "Njerp did not ranged-attack because its spear-skill was low" does not make much sense to me as even low spear-skill Njerp should throw it and see if it gets lucky - furthermore it did wield the jav indicating a not-so-bad spear-skill anyway.

While RNG adds spice to games, it probably should be 90% chance in the above scenario to pick up and throw javs (at least one if not two of them).
I might be overlooking something simple, please feel free to correct me if so and share your thoughts on this... Thanks in advance.

June 29, 2021, 03:11:35 AM
Re: [3.70b] character movement slow while zoomed in when snow crust I too have experienced delayed response to key presses on Windows 10 so I think it could be due to the game code rather than platform specific performance regression or a library etc.
I have zero data on this though and that's why I have not submitted a bug report on this yet.
If devs ask for any testing/reports happy to do so & report back on the Windows side while Plotinus covers linux end.

June 29, 2021, 03:39:50 PM
Re: 3.70b migrated character, soil month, temperature too hot I suspect this might be a failure in migrating the weather information from the old-version saved game.

So, to narrow it down it would be helpful to get confirmation if this only happens when first loading a character created in older version, or if it indeed is possible that an old character starts OK, and temperature then goes silly after a few in-game days.

June 29, 2021, 07:55:00 PM
Re: Can it be done? YES IT CAN!!! so i did some googling on computer games on cromebook turns out new cromebooks come loaded with linux just had to turn it on and download linux 64 version from enormous elk.
June 30, 2021, 05:09:08 AM
Re: 3.70b migrated character, soil month, temperature too hot For a quick remedy, to be able to continue playing, you can delete WEATHER.DAT from character's folders.
Then new weather is generated upon loading the character next time, and it should be sane one. :)

Maybe it's wise to back-up character in any case before the file delete.

June 30, 2021, 11:51:27 AM
3.70b Rescued Adventurer Hunting Village Livestock Hi. I came across quite an odd bug in this new playthrough.

I was in a seal-tribe village looking around and trying to find things to trade, and eventually left when I saw everything I wanted to. But I realized I hadn't talked to the villagers for any new quests. So I went back after a few steps on the wilderness map, and saw all the villagers were in combat mode for some reason, when everything was fine just before. Odd. The next turn, everyone left their combat state back into normal again.

I ran into the center of the village to see what was going on, and discovered that the lost adventurer I found in the middle of the wilderness from several weeks prior, must have suddenly started hunting inside the seal-tribe's own reindeer pen. (I know it is him since I still have his quest log)

He had a really easy time I think since the reindeer were trapped, by the time I found him, he was in the pen with two dead reindeer, skinning one, and had a puncture wound on his shoulder, from what I assume from maybe a villager attacking him. I didn't see the fight actually happen.

From the arrows I found in the pen, it's also possible that a villager on the outside of the pen tried to fire inward at him, and accidentally killed one of their own reindeer too. It's odd that a "hunter" would kill two of these on his own and then decide to start skinning.

The good news for me is that I now have two full reindeer corpses to take home without anyone in the village caring.

July 01, 2021, 12:53:24 AM
Re: 3.70b Rescued Adventurer Hunting Village Livestock Good news. I did have an earlier backup of this character that took me to a save two days before this whole thing happened.

I had my character rest in the village for some time to see if the battle would take place again, and it actually did. The hunter I rescued before came back to the village and charged the reindeer pen with his spear.

Oddly. The rest of the village actually joined his side and helped to kill their own livestock. So that seems to be all what actually happened. Maybe they counted him as one of their own for being a fellow seal-triber.

July 01, 2021, 01:22:07 AM
Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate
One thing I recommend, if you don't like your ancestors getting overwritten with a bunch of failed attempts, is to look at lastentry.txt. Mine says "10" right now, which means that ancestor 11 is the next to be overwritten (the last 50 ancestors are saved normally). My shortest lived character was Birki, who lived only 1 day. I'd rather Birki get overwritten than some beloved character who lived 2 years, so I can look in those folders for to see which folder is BIRKI's, and then set lastentry.txt to be the number before Birki's folder (or 49, if Birki is in folder 0).
Thanks, I am aware of that and added it to the recent tips & tricks thread here:

In this particular case however after starting with your tip above (initially) I realised it is more hassle than worth so I took a backup of "ancestors" directory and then deleted all subdirectories inside, i.e.: wiped out all ancestors (for the duration of testing).
Once I am done with Runaway Slave scenario, I will simply delete the ancestors directory and bring it back in, from the backed up copy.

July 02, 2021, 12:19:21 PM
Re: Runaway Slave scenario - running away success rate In my experience some other skills are more difficult to improve in-game, such as Carpentry and Weatherlore (even though latter is not useful in any way).
I would prefer to invest a skill point into Carpentry rather than weapons. (Edit: because I find weapon improvement relatively straightforward; it's boring but works OK)
Hideworking is easy to improve in-game but it has a cost which I prefer not to pay, thus another skill point from weapons go into this one (usually).

Well put, 'Rinse & Repeat' could be another good name for this scenario.

I actually did reroll and focus on weapon skills just for this scenario (i.e.: Knife) & tried to get a high speed just for later game (for active hunting, in case I escape) but did not use speed to run away. I will also try that, thank you.

And here's an update from the trenches: in attempt #15, I invested in Stealth and this is the spawn I got right after >:(

Edit: Success! Finally managed to escape on 16th attempt. Looking back rather than bad RNG I guess the problem was attempting to fight it out in a kota.
In the future, for this scenario start, for me there is no reason to focus on any Personal Attribute other than Speed which should be 85-90% or above probably.
No reason to waste initial skill point on stealth or any particular weapon (knife) but instead just "Run, Forest, Run!".
I need to test this another 10-20 times to get a better feel but I'm satisfied for now.
If anyone is interested here is the 16th attempt video without commentary:

In the video, skip to 1m40s for the action.

Edit1: Fix typo.
Edit2: Add clarification note to the weapon section above.
Edit3: Add success report.
Edit4: Replaced original Vimeo video link with YouTube one.

July 02, 2021, 03:42:49 PM
Re: Iron Age Common Names: ideas for next UrW Character Thank you for the responses!

You can also find names in the .DAT files in the urw folder, there are six files, sorted by gender and region (north, east, west).
I knew these files and used them for lookup but completely forgot about them - thanks for the pointer! I have updated the OP to point to this post instead.

For anyone interested these below are the exact filenames:

July 03, 2021, 08:37:08 PM