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Re: How long in game? You can look at the first and last line of msglog.txt, for example my character Nousia:

Code: [Select]
first line:
(143270):1bg8:[#]{06DF0653}      | Zooming in ...
last line:
(008000):pcgb:[=]{06EA06A9}      | Your character has been saved.

"1bg8" and "pcgb" is the key here, the format is day-month-year-hour, and the numbers start using letters after 9, so I started the game on the 1st day of the bth month (11th = November = Dead month) of the gth year (16th - the character is 16 years old) at 8am, and now it is the pth day (9+16 = 25th day of the cth month (12th = December) of the same year, and it is b o'clock (11am).

My character Pekka started on the first of April (swidden) year 16
Code: [Select]
(143270):14g8:[#]{06700281}      | Zooming in ...
And now it is the 17th of November (dead) of the same year
Code: [Select]
(008000):hbga:[=]{06080060}      | Your character has been saved.

January 19, 2020, 09:51:30 AM
Flooding I live near a river and every spring the water level rises quite high, it would flood if we hadn't built such a high bank around it. If it doesn't rain for a while, the water level drops.

It would be interesting if the areas of low elevation collected water after rains and the shores of the rivers changed. It would be dangerous to build your shelter too close to the river if it was raining a lot, you'd have to build on higher ground. Valleys between mountains would also flood suddenly if there was a lot of rain.

January 19, 2020, 11:40:11 PM
Start-of-the-year post 2020, here we go! I hope everyone is doing alright.
For me, the last year started with a broken shoulder and the winter was pretty much over before I recovered up to healthy coding condition. This year starts better, with no serious injuries, and wrestling with bugs reported during my lengthened holiday season has been going on for a good while.
   The winter hasn't been much of a winter, though. We barely have snow, it's been a very few minus degree periods during the midwinter and the thin ice cover on the lakes lakes keep thawing and freezing. I've longed to go for skiing the whole winter, but that hasn't been possible. Bummer.
   But here we go, starting up a new year of game development. Minor bugfix updates to be expected first. Stay tuned.
And if you're up to sharing your own start of the year feelings feel free to drop a few lines. Cheers!

January 27, 2020, 08:30:41 PM
Re: Start-of-the-year post
I'm really enjoying target shooting in my barn, which is a 17 yard distance, and I manage to average 60-70% hits on a letter-size paper, shooting 48 arrows 2-4 times per week.

Remember you can only gain 3 skill points per day :D

 Seriously though, that's awesome. To bad it can't be used against the dreaded plant.

January 28, 2020, 02:24:45 AM
Re: In the forest cover quest: tracks in the ice and locked out of wilderness map It's taken care of now. Until the next patch is out this quest keeps providing some extra challenge.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 04, 2020, 06:36:10 PM
Re: [3.61 linux] sage's expertise are "¦" This is fixed now. It's was just that the forester cultures weren't taken into account with the sage phrases. See, sages also speak of their skills when asked, but in their own way.

Fixed - persists in 3.61.

February 04, 2020, 06:55:08 PM
Re: [3.61, Windows 10] Items are no longer showing as unpaid when I pick them up
Awesome Sami, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

Guess I'll try to zoom in less frequently.


You're welcome.
But just keep zooming, there's nothing bad with that, and it's the ultimate and challenging way to explore the game.
Moreover, things are adjusted in the next patch to overcome this kind of maintenance hiccups.

February 11, 2020, 06:47:12 PM
Re: No Finnish version? Do you think Schubert got the same questions about his UnFinnished Sonata? (hehehe)
February 12, 2020, 01:56:18 AM
Year 2019 now added to development history log Briefing of the year 2019 is now summarized up at "Development history of UnReal World" section at the homepage.

You can take a look at the since 1992 page here:

February 13, 2020, 04:46:39 PM
Re: Various questions from a new player Unless it's winter, roasting more than 20 cuts is useless, unless you plan on selling them, as they'll spoil before you can eat them. I tend to roast about 10 and roast a new lot of 10 when the previous one has been eaten, unless the raw meat has spoiled in the mean time.

In general, I try to keep food in the cellar, not carrying more than necessary. With the previous system, that meant drying/smoking 19 cuts at a time (largest possible batches with that system, where cord WAS a scarce resource for early players, and it was used up as well), and the cellar gets placed just outside of the "sauna", so it's just a matter of picking up a new lot for the new order without moving for drying.
With the new system I expect I'll go for 48 at a time, once the "sauna" is ready (my current character is hiking to the nearest village to "borrow" their sauna for smoking).

@JEB Davis: No worries, and I'm fairly sure there are no Noadi mushrooms in DF ;)

February 14, 2020, 10:35:23 AM