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A Few Ideas: Agricultural help, Snake fangs and more... 1) Agricultural help from companions.

I recently was harvesting my herb patches and I had a companion. As I cut down the nettles, I wished I could ask him to either thresh the plants behind me or pick them up for me. It would make agricultural fields a lot more easier to manage and maybe even I could ask him to sow seeds for me in the spring if I gave him the seeds and harvest/thresh if I give them a grain flail. 

2) Putting branches in an ice hole to help delay refreezing.

Putting branches in an ice hole will help it stop freezing. It is annoying when you cut a hole in the ice and it freezes over so quickly. It won't permanently stop it from freezing just delay it just like real life.

Please note I know this is not going to be a popular idea:

3) Player characters shouldn't start with perfect knowledge of traps.

It would be nice if they are higher level, then they will know more types but I don't see a Driiki maiden at 16 years old with 12% trapping knowledge, knowing how to build and set bear traps.  Perhaps it can be added to the quests. A village trapper with a cold asking you to check his traps for him? Re-bait them? And in return he will show you how to build them? Could be snares, paw traps, lever, pit or dead fall.

Based on your starting Tribe you know different traps. Driiki starts off with knowledge of snares. While Owl Tribe knows about pit traps from capturing reindeer. Reemi knowing lever traps from protecting their fields from game.

4) Snakes should drop fangs/teeth.

Maybe could be a spell component. A Sage request item? 

5) Trading with different types of people should mean what items you trade with should have different values.

The Craftsmen will put maybe a 5% increase value on any boards/furs you have. Trading with Sages have increase value on herbs. Trading with Maidens put an increase value on jewelry and valuables.  Adventurers will value armour and weapons. Maybe to balance this maybe they have items they don't care for. Such as trying to trade with a Craftsmen using a sword makes them go "Hmmm I don't have a need for this but I suppose we could find a use."

November 03, 2019, 12:25:33 PM
Re: [3.52 stable windows] Stuck on river island with steep walls - need help No need of help anymore! I made a hole in the ice and I was able to move down from the island. Still a sort of a bug though  :)
November 08, 2019, 12:28:33 PM
Difficulty Scaling I believe the game would benefit from adding difficulty options during character creation. Options that will add extra challenge for those of us who want it. Without ruining the base experience for new players.
What I suggest are things that affect the entire game world such as animal spawn rates, bandit spawns, average item quality in villages, average temperature and so on. All of which intended to make the game harder only. I think it would be a fair design decision to avoid adding anything that would make the game experience easier.

Here's what the Difficulty menu should look like before you roll your character.
  • Average World Temperature( The world is becoming colder... ):
  •   Normal
  •   Cool (Base Temperature - 5 Celsius)
  •   Chilly -10 Celcius
  •   Absurdly Cold -15 Celcius
  • Bandit Spawn Rate( Outlaws are on the rise ):
  •   Normal 100%
  •   More 150%
  •   Double 200%
  • Njerpez Spawn Rate ( The Njerpez are going to war ):
  •   Normal 100%
  •   More 150%
  •   Double 200%
  • Enemy Skill ( The outlaws are well trained ):
  •   Normal
  •   Elite Raiders +20% skills
  •   Legendary Raiders +50% skills
  • Herbivore Spawn Rate( Prey is scarce ):
  •   Normal 100%
  •   Fewer 75%
  •   Scarce 50%
  • Dangerous Carnivore Spawn Rate( The wolves are hungry):
  •   Normal 100%
  •   More 150%
  • Metal Goods Cost (Iron is expensive):
  •   Normal 100%
  •   Expensive 150%
  •   Outrageous 200%
  • Food Cost (Food can't be wasted):
  •   Normal 100%
  •   Expensive 150%
  •   Outrageous 200%
  • Trade Goods Quality (Masterworks are rarer):
  •   Normal
  •   Poor

November 08, 2019, 10:52:26 PM
Re: Rauko

I always appreciated the extra effort for the pics. I'm more of a writer myself (see Novrus etc). Glad you managed to keep it.

Query: Wonder if Saami can archive the thread in such as way as to store the pics? Its a good example play for his game.

The work with the pics here is indeed absolutely fantastic. The forums don't support archival of threads with automatically fetching and storing pics (at our servers). That would be super cool option, though.

November 11, 2019, 04:04:07 PM
Re: Duplicating items by pushing them into water With a great certainty this old and rare issue has been found and fixed now.  The bug that was fixed, and what's an assumed cause here as well, was related to ice breaking in the background messing up item data while pushing action was being proceeded.

Fixed - persists in 3.60

November 17, 2019, 01:03:36 PM
Re: [3.60 stable linux] inventory weight wrong This seems to apply also to other scenarios which modify characters initial inventory.
Fixed now and the inventory weight is updated after all the initial scenario related stuff is done.

Fixed - persists in 3.60.

November 17, 2019, 03:47:46 PM
Towards end of the year, towards more updates Let's drop a few lines about the near future stuff. Let there be discussion if you feel like it.
So, the calendar year is turning towards its end and I guess it's been pretty evident that we've mostly been fixing bugs during these ever darkening days.
Luckily the bug hunting has been so succesful that there's time to slowly start thinking of new features as well. Even a little patch update still during 2019 seems like a possibility.

This might make some of you think if and when might 3.60 (and so on) to be released outside Steam, at the game homepage. Now I can assure that it will happen still in 2019, after the seasonal Steam sale periods are over. If you've been itching to buy the game on Steam but have hesitations there's this forum thread which may help you out. In any case we'll inform about the upcoming 2019 sales loud and clear to make it more affordable for some.

On our way towards end of the year update the intention is to add fistful of features that are relatively small but significant for many. For this purpose we're also browsing the Suggestions section. I guess I've said it many times that everything there is always read, even though my time for actual discussion is unfortunately limited. Well, soon you'll see that something was not only read but also coded :)
(Maybe, just maybe, we could also try running the good old "replies to suggestions" marathon before the year is over. )

Well, maybe this is enough for now. Take care, fellow adventures, and if something is puzzling you feel free to ask.

November 19, 2019, 07:07:05 PM
Re: Choosing target for attack if they're occupying a single tile Just letting you all know that this feature is coming up.
November 25, 2019, 10:33:37 AM
[Not a bug] I could not find my raft and thought it had despawned Greetings, fellow tribesmen!

So I made a raft after a longish adventure to get the necessary ropes, paddled it to the other side of the rapids, and landed. I think I loaded about 3-5 tree trunks (big and slender), some stones, and a sesta on it, maybe a few more items too, but not very much. After going away a few zoomed-in tiles to gather stones, and then returning, the raft disappeared with all its load.
I did not zoom out during the stone and trunk gathering trip, but there was a loading screen, so I guess I went to another zoomed-out tile in the process. After not finding the raft, I zoomed out and walked around a little (1-2 zoomed-out tiles), and the raft did not show up on the zoomed-out map. Zoomed in again, the raft was still not on the shore. That and the raft not showing up on the zoomed-out map makes me think it despawned, not teleported.
I am pretty new to this game, this is the character I made the most progress with, so I would really like to get back my raft and its load, or at the very least the 3 ropes it required.

I see that Sami tends to inspect the related save files, so I am sending a link to them. If Sami (or maybe someone else) manages to recover my raft, as soon as I git gud at the game I will help the cause of this game by uploading a proper let's play (probably a series, where I would show in-depth hunting, combat, etc. and attempt to pronounce the Finnish words properly, as my native language is considered Finno-Ugric too) to Youtube, as most of the let's plays I have seen are either outdated, inaccurate, surface-scraping, made by very new players who do not know what they are doing, or just bad quality (for example, one let's player said "all the names are in Swedish Nordic").

The link to the compressed save folder:!DSJkiSTZ!piiUWNAQL4uciVZT6tTptcuQ-ukf2gOYIeTLesBGVaQ
The message log entry mentioning my last raft landing is the following: (3C5A98):87ge:[:]{082304B0}      | You go on shore.
The link to the picture outlining my most probable landing location (I don't remember exacly, but I do remember approximately):!mfA0Ba7J!azuowXMWursY1gJu4w7fZ14rHZoQ8YBniXKDZRyZvaw
Thanks in advance!

November 27, 2019, 02:37:08 PM
Winter Update, Steam Autumn Sale Firstly, Autumn Sale on Steam has started, so those who've been itching to enter the far north on Steam can now do it for discounted price.

Secondly, as mentioned earlier we're also planning a small patch update still this year. It's coming up nicely. News about some features will follow next week.

Thirdly, for those who are wondering when might 3.60 (and so on) to be released outside Steam, the answer is after the seasonal Steam sale periods for 2019 are over.

And lastly, here's some winter greetings to all of you!

November 27, 2019, 06:28:46 PM