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Re: Wild animals suiciding on melting ice? The mechanism and possibility of animals falling through thin ice is not a bug, but a tasty feature.
From the news (and stories) we hear in Finland, it's quite common for elks to fall though thin ice.

This is news image from few years back, where five bull elks had fallen into ice.

Elks have great trouble getting back on the ice they fall through, and that's why it's often fatal for them.

Naturally this can happen to smaller critters as well. Think of dogs, for example. Given all the wits they have, thin ice isn't something they can't reason all too well - especially if running after a hare.

In my opinion animals drowning in thin ice is not too common in the game, although it's tricky to say as we often hear only a few case examples.

September 29, 2019, 10:29:27 AM
Re: Rauko Huzzah!

I always appreciated the extra effort for the pics. I'm more of a writer myself (see Novrus etc). Glad you managed to keep it.

Query: Wonder if Saami can archive the thread in such as way as to store the pics? Its a good example play for his game.

September 29, 2019, 03:26:14 PM
Re: Rafts! Raft weight shall be fixed. It's indeed way too low,  80 pounds currently.
Numerous raft related additions are also being planned, for example small raft from slender trunks.
Also, rowing the raft should be way slower than going with a punt. Moving a heavy raft with paddle should be both slow and quite a bit exhausting as well.

October 17, 2019, 03:17:29 PM
Re: Rafts! Going upstream with a raft may well be impossible, while going downstream would be fairly easy (although rapids may be a danger to both punts and rafts). Propelling a water craft against the wind is also harder than going with the wind.
Of course, these things would require elaboration of the environment, but this IS a suggestion thread...

October 17, 2019, 06:18:10 PM
Re: Cellar in building- problem smoking/drying

What I really would like to fix would be not to allow cellars being built inside - and yes, also that the smoking would require constant care of the fire and room temperature.

October 17, 2019, 08:48:29 PM
Re: [not a bug] Cellar in building- problem smoking/drying PALU's description matches to quite extent what kind of cellars we're talking about.

This is an old cellar at Erkka's place, with the old doors removed.

Coming up with such a space right under the house would require whole different approach to house building, especially if the floor was mere dirt, so the cellars were dug into mounds. It's likely that most players think of UrW cellars differently, as we haven't emphasized the building requirements/restrictions too much. But now you know. :)

October 19, 2019, 05:32:54 PM
[3.60 beta linux-1] adventurer doesn't collect his own arrows I found some human tracks near my home, the remains of a fire, some lynx bones, and a lot of arrows laying around. I eventually caught up with the adventurer who had been hunting there. I think he should try to collect some of his arrows after he is done hunting -- he shouldn't succeed at finding all of them but if he happens to be within a few tiles of his  arrow he should pick it up.

I noticed the arrows didn't have ownership on them though when I picked them up, so I guess it'd be tricky to work out which arrows he should feel free to take and which he should leave. If I leave arrows around my settlement then they are mine but if I shot an arrow farther away from my settlement and don't collect it then it would be fair if some adventurer took it.

October 23, 2019, 04:50:58 PM
Njerpez in trouble     I was hunting a Njerpez by moving carefully while hiding when I heard a cry for help: "I need a skinning tool!", after a few more steps I saw him circling a bird carcass and that indeed, he had no knife in his inventory. I wonder if I'd managed to talk with him without triggering an attack I might have traded him a knife like in that post I saw around the forum ???. He probably would have used it to poke me in the eye anyway :P.

October 23, 2019, 05:26:11 PM
Honi, Widow in the North ((AN: Hi, will be looking for a Beta. Able to send over Steam/Discord/Twitch. Please Message if wish to.)

Honi was maiden of the south, a Driiki lady through and through, maybe a little plumper than most due to her keeping her family stores and her habit of snacking on left over cuts when they failed to sell. She grew up with an keen eye for trading and values in her safe fortified village.

She never thought of leaving until she met her beloved; a handsome strong fur trader from the north. It was a whirlwind romance over a few winters when he came down to trade for nets and salt. He gifted her a superior Arctic fox winter fur and her father received fine Red Foe and Robber iron blades and bear furs; proving he could more than provide. When they spent the harsher winter nights curled around their fire, her beloved told them of his homestead he was building up north.

After another Harvest season of her holding her fox fur close waiting for the snows and with them her beloved to appear, did her father conceded that she was now 16 winters old and can head up north with her beloved as his wife. She hugged her father, knowing she wasn't likely to see him again for a year or so.

Her beloved followed the next snowfall. She told him of her father's words and soon they were packed unable to wait to start their life and family together. The first week was romantic but that soon ended, her skis making her ankles sore, the food cold and stale, the shelters cold and the dark forests terrifying. She tried to keep her complaints inside but occasionally they slipped out as they headed more north and she grew tired and sick of bland bread and meat. Her beloved was struggling to keep his own words gentle as he coached her on wards. She told herself it would be better when they get there.

It wasn't.

It was nothing like the bustling town she grew up with, it was silent apart from birds. The buildings was plain and lacking in trinkets and small things that made a house a home, the floors were still sticky from being new cut and soon a muddy mess. It felt like she spent more time scrubbing her floors than walking on them.

The worst was the dogs. The dogs she grew up with was quiet house pets, the ones her beloved kept was hunting and war dogs. Big mean beasts who stared her down like a deer. It was more of a semi feral pack her beloved kept in a pen behind the house. They were so loud! It seemed they were always barking with hunger. She was thankful when her beloved took them on his trips. It made her shiver when she had to tend to them.

Soon enough her duties were laid out; Keep the home. All day and night. Keep it warm and lit and well stocked with food and torches. To keep the dogs fed and watered. She did this quietly day after day as her husband came back from trips with carcasses and fish expecting her to prepare it. She missed her family, the busy trade route filled with strangers and friends with goods from all over the place.

One evening she woke up to barking. She nudged her beloved into waking. She heard the sounds of a fence being broken. She swore. The dogs had weakened a bit the day before but she left it. She had been waiting for her beloved to take the dogs out on a hunting trip and meant to fix it when the pen was empty. She grabbed a bit of meat by the smoker and a leash and headed out to see if she could tempt the dogs back in doors, knowing the cost of each one.

She soon couldn't see her hand in front of her face and was lost into the woods calling terrified for the dogs. She was almost in tears when she heard a small snuffling noise and one of the dogs came out from the dark. She recognised it to be Hari, a male dog who wasn't so big as the others. She managed to slip a leash onto him and fed him a cut.

She waited shivering holding onto the dog until day break. Thankfully the dog seemed to know the way home, tugging on the leash until they reached a familiar clearing... devastated.

Her home now fire and ashes and dead on the ground was her beloved. Tears fell quickly as she approached his body. She knew she had to get out, the bandits were probably still close. She quickly stripped his body and prepared a funeral pyre.

She dressed in his clothes quickly and held the leash tighter and left. There was nothing here for her now.

October 27, 2019, 02:57:15 PM
3.60 (stable) released on Steam, with Halloween sale & Kekri celebration Halloween sale is on at Steam, and our own festivities also include the release of UnReal World version 3.60 (stable) there.
You can grab the game for decent discount at UnReal World store page, and Lifetimers will find the release at the designated forum section. Now if you've been itching to start playing 3.60, maybe counting your coins, we're having the biggest discount so far to make it a little more affordable for You. Those who feel reluctant about playing connected Steam we remind that it's not a thing in case of UnReal World. You can be and play as offline as you want.

It's Kekri, not halloween, in the Far North.

Kekri is an ancient Finnish harvest festival celebrated in the fall when the annual agricultural activities were all accomplished and the harvest collected. Kekri meant the end of the crop year, which was a big turning point. It was the time when the souls and spirits of the dead wandered around and visited the living. The ancestors were respected and welcomed. Sauna was heated up for them, and meal prepared too. The living celebrated accordingly, and so do we. We have harvested and processed the bugs and to-dos since the last beta and now together with Kekri celebrations 3.60 stable is out.

Kekri Goat

Kekri time included tradition of Kekripukki (Kekri goat) figure. People would dress up as horned creatures, wearing furs or coats upside down, and went around in their disguises and were offered food and drink. So, what does a decent developer of tradition rich game do to follow the tradition?

Well, hello there, any foods or drinks to offer? Some purchases will do as well.

You can find full 3.60 changelog here and this is what's been added since 3.60beta-hotfix3:

UnReal World version 3.60 (stable) changelog:
- added: tree saplings

There are now small saplings of spruce and birch trees appearing on zoomed-in maps. Saplings are not obstacles for movement like the bigger trees but you can walk right through them. Saplings can be cut down like any trees, and they have use in making of withes.

MIGRATION NOTICE: Saplings can be found only on newly generated maps. If your character has explored the world extensively you may want to run map maintenance (key command [7]) which removes unimportant previously generated zoomed-in maps.

- added: withe - a new type of tying equipment

Withes are tying and binding equipment made from flexible, slender saplings of spruce or birch trees. Your character can make withes from [M]ake-menu under Tying equipment category.

- added: WITHE game encyclopedia entry [F1]

- added: fence building now requires two bands of tying equipment

Fences have been traditionally tied with spruce withes, which are the preferred and convenient choice, but any other tying equipment will work as well.

- added: villagers now cook their raw meat and fish

Villagers will now cook raw meat and fish in their possession. This doesn't necessarily happen instantly upon obtaining the meat or fish, but at convenient moment for the villager in question.

- added: inventory auto-filtered to show timber when birch-bark raw material requirement selection is being made

- changed: upon planting something the sprouts are not immediately visible

Only after some days you will be able to see the sprouts of what you had planted. Before the sprouts, planted tiles appear in thicker prepared soil graphics so you will be able to recognize them.

- adjusted: village dogs don't bark at sleeping characters

Watchdogs barking at restfully sleeping characters made it impossible to have good nights sleep in a village.

- fixed: using length based items as weight based crafting material got their properties modified confusingly

For example tanning with birch-bark strips.

- fixed: hunting NPCs might choose to hunt player character's domestic reindeers

- fixed: villagers rejecting traps in trading, claiming that they have enough even though they had none

- fixed: raft weight reasoned

They've been super light earlier, but now weigh around proper 1200 pounds. This makes hauling the only option for moving rafts around on dry land.

- fixed: young leaves could be picked immediately when plants sprouted

Now the plant needs to be few weeks old before picking of leaves is possible.

- fixed: double animal skin when skinning the same carcass as your NPC companions

- fixed: young animals meat yield occasionally being as high as that of the adult animals

- fixed: NPC butchering/skinning processes in the background might cause player spend times to jump or reset

- fixed: NPC owned dogs not leaving tracks in the wilderness

- fixed: tying equipment return issues after drying/smoking

If several stacks of food was dried/smoked at the same location using same kind of tying equipment all the tying equipment got returned when the first batch of food was ready.

- fixed: player crafted items occasionally appearing as roasted foods (if there was NPCs cooking nearby)

- fixed: when looking at tree harvested of its bark the tree info mistakenly said "partially felled"

Celebrate & Participate

We wish you happy Kekri time - or happy Halloween if that suits you better.
All in all, now just celebrate and participate in the festivities at this special time of the year.

October 28, 2019, 06:43:34 PM