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Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities
Hi Sami,
How lifetimers subscription will be managed regarding this?



Same as always; lifetimers for get everything ie. every version, on any platform or distribution channel, free of charge for ever (ie. lifetime of the game.)

July 03, 2019, 07:15:18 PM
Re: Improved trading system Thanks for all your input on this, but I don't see how life in the early middle ages having been "inconvenient" has to mean that trading in URW today needs to suck. You can perfectly well realize a primitive bartering system in a way that doesn't make you want to plant your face into your keyboard on a regular basis and still have it be realistic. I'm not talking about changing the basic idea behind it, like I said it's perfectly fine, just the interface has been done horribly wrong. By the way - we do also get precise information about item's weights and their condition in form of a bar.... I'm not aware of there having been any precision scales around at that time, so how come that's okay but information about an item's value wouldn't be? The exact weight (down to fractions of pounds...) wouldn't even be available to you *at all* as a real person in this setting, but the value of items would be.

If your character should learn values of items first before you as the player see it I suppose that's fine, but this is a lot of extra effort for something that I believe wouldn't add much depth to the game. Dynamic prices would be along the same line as haggling (again, you are just modifying static base values that still need to be there), and I agree it would be awesome but it's not a critical issue, just a bonus for when trading is actually properly usable with the current, static prices. It's just icing on the cake.

If informing the player about values is out of the question for whatever reason, we need at least a trading screen that informs us about how far the current offer's value balance is off of a fair trade. Do it with a scale or thumbs up / down if you have to because you don't want numbers for some reason but convey it somehow. And please for the love of the spirits allow offers to be adjusted without having to start over every time. This alone would already go a long way to making it properly usable and fun.

July 04, 2019, 02:08:19 PM
Messing with measures So, the length property has been added for tying equipment, and I've been working on to update item conversions and crafting requirements to accept this brand new addition.
Adding measure of length is a perfect example of seemingly simple, yet fundamental addition which extends all around the code and has brought up numerous related features.
Here's where we are at now with tying equipment additions, and now I hope to be able to catch up with more NPC stuff - where I was before getting entwined by ropes and cords.

 - added: measure of length for tying equipment

         Appropriate items, such as ropes, now have a length property. The unit of length we use
         is foot (ft), and should an item have a length property it is displayed both in inventory menu
         and when looking at items on the ground. This addition foremostly affects to crafting material
         requirements which can now be length based.

  - added: new crafting category under [M]ake menu: "Tying quipment"

         This category contains the usual ropes and cords, which are now removed from their previous
         location in "Utility articles".

 - added: Join and shorten options to manipulate tying equipment lengths

         Under "Tying equipment" category within [M]ake menu there are options for joining and shorterning
         ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired. You may not want to spend full length
         rope on something that requires only a short piece, or you may need to join cords together to
         come up with long enough string for a specific craft.

 - changed: tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based

         Instead of requiring certain number of cords and ropes all the tying equipment requirements
         are now length based.

 - reasoned: required tying equipment types in some crafting recipes

         For example:
         When making arrows, previously you could use any "tying equipment" in the process - including
         ropes. Now arrow making requires "cord", a little finer and more specific tying equipment.

 - added: tying equipment used in cookery do not disappear in the process anymore

         You can pick your ropes and cords back after the smoking and drying processes are done.   

These are future additions, not yet functional in current version 3.52.

July 10, 2019, 01:40:01 PM
Re: Messing with measures
Will there be any loss off length due to the knot or is it so small as to be negligible, is there reduction in quality due to multiple knots, can we choose cord length when crafting or will it be a set length that we will then add to or shorten?

In many cases knots are a bad solution, so we imagine joining is done by opening and untwisting the strands and twisting them back together with reasonable lenght of the added piece. This of course should lose some length, but not so much the quality... But in order to get things done and not to stay in loop of perfecting mostly trivial things the loss of length and quality changes are not featured (at the moment).

When crafting it's said eg. you need "10 feet of rope" and sometimes you can come up with this from smaller pieces, and sometimes you need the full length. When crafting nothing is cut or joined automatically.

This all may be fine tuned in the future.

July 17, 2019, 12:10:52 PM
Re: Improved trading system There already exists in the game a mechanism that provides a pretty accurate system of valuation- that used by the Foreign Traders!

It is made very clear what they believe is a fair trade, i.e., 'x' number of those furs and 'y' number of those furs. If you've traded much with them, you'll also have noted their valuation sometimes is merely a starting point. That's because your available furs are insufficient in value for the trade items you desire.

Anyway, I'd suggest, if it is possible, that the player has something like a 'trade blanket' (an inventory section) upon which he'd lay out all that he desires to offer for trade, from which VILLAGERS could determine what items they consider a fair trade. That would also put an end to villagers saying they'd be happy to trade for the Masterwork items I'm wearing/using, never gonna happen!

So, the 'Trade Blanket' would display, say, a dozen wooden bowls, ten paw-board traps, a few furs, some dried meat, jewelry, extra weapons, etc. Then, instead of the method described by the op of laboriously adding/subtracting items, the villager would give a quick initial valuation of the desired item. 

July 17, 2019, 12:51:56 PM
Re: Trip to Finland Hi,
surprise, I'm back and... I'm going to Finland! Yeah! :D Once again thank you all for support, it was VERY helpful.

After almost a year of brainstorm, trip plan changed a little bit:
1. I'm going alone. Mainly because we can't leave our child for so long and my wife is a little affraid:)
2. Destination: lake Saimaa, start from Lappeenranta. Why? Because I have quite good, cheap connection(direct flight from Berlin). I leave more unaccesible and distant regions like Hossa for future. Maybe next year we will plan longer trip and travel there by our old trusty volvo.
3. I rent a kayak suitable for water area THIS size. This time I was a little affraid that my funny rubber kayak will not stand waves of Saimaa. I even tried to buy kayak on Tori site but this is another story... 
- rental service(very kind anh helpful people)
- kayak model
4. I'm going there for 10 days, 9 in kayak. I will be very very happy to see Savonlinna but I realy don't know how much km/day I can paddle so I don't make any asumptions right now. The trip starts on 16th August, ends on 26th.
5. Camping: mainly in deserted areas, islands. Sleeping in good sleepingbag on hamock with tarp
6. Cooking: Trangia stove for liquid fuel/suitable fireplaces. Food supplies will be bought in S-market near kayak rental area. I will also bring fishing rod. But it's unlikely that I catch something because I never hold fishing rod in my hands before and I even don't have one yet :D Maybe I will use fish trap mentioned by Erkka.
7. I will try to shoot some pictures on my trip and of course I will write word or two when I come back.

Wish me luck and take care!

July 24, 2019, 10:44:55 PM
Summery summary in the midst of upcoming version hype Yes, yes. Yet another version is cooking up. That's not news. That's how it goes with UnReal World.

But what it will be about, and when to expect a release?
That would be more like news. And that's what this post is about.

Summer is always a busy season. There's so much happening that it's hard to even summarize what's happening. Many of the warm days and nightless nights get spent on recreational activities, but working hours in the development chambers have been also been busy and sweaty. Now lets take a look at what has happened, and to where all this is taking us. Some of this stuff may have been announced already, but it doesn't hurt to drool once again.

The main focus of upcoming version is laid on NPCs. This applies to both companions you can hire for yourself, and wandering woodsmen you may meet in the wild. But that's not all. I'll cover some of the upcoming new features in the chunks of text below. I won't add screenshots this time, but a few selected historical image sources from Finnish museums and archives. Some of these may not be era-accurate, but mood and theme suitable nevertheless.

Wandering NPCs will actively hunt animals, based on their cultural preferences, and also utilize the kills the best they can.

This opens up possibilities for numerous exciting incidents to take place as the woods with hunters and their game now becomes far more alive and complex than before.
The very act of NPCs hunting is propably rarely witnessed by the player character but traces and remains found in the woods can tell a story of another human hunter at the area.
Wandering woodsmen and adventurers may now also occasionally have dog companions with them. And just like the dogs owned by player characters these will also protect their masters.

"Hunter with his gear"
Photographer: Sirelius U.T. 1898
National Board of Antiquities / Suomalais-ugrilainen kuvakokoelma / SUK36:263
License: CC BY 4.0

Companion usefulness gets boosted with several new tasks they can do on demand

New companion commands are:
* butcher and skin carcasses
* roast meat or fish
* make logs and boards
Companions skills naturally affect to outcome of the tasks so their expertise can be sometimes used to obtain higher quality goods than what the player characters could produce by themselves.
That's cool, you might think. And you also might think of few other tasks companions could do. Indeed. Same here. We actually do have a few more things regarding companions still under construction. Currently we're working on mechanisms to allow unoccupied companions automatically to help you with laborous tasks (eg. building) thus shortening the working time.

Well, we haven't concentrated solely on living things. Here's a few of probably the most interesting additions and features regarding item galore;

Harvesting and utilizing birch-bark

It will be possible to harvest and utitilize birch-bark in crafting. Birch-bark is peeled and removed from a tree in long strips which are then wound to a ball for storage. (As a trivia, this kind of balls are called 'Sommelo' in Finnish.)
It will be possible for player character now to craft birch-bark shoes, caps, boxes, baskets - and also birch-bark ropes.

Ball of birch-bark, 'Sommelo'.
The National Museum of Finland / Yleisetnografiset kokoelmat / VK5354:11
License: CC BY 4.0

Measure of length for tying equipment

Tying equipment such as ropes and cords now have a length property, and tying equipment requirements in crafting are now length based. There will be also options for joining and shorterning ropes and cords as sometimes specific length is desired.

Armour and cloth quality having impact on their protective values

High quality armours and clothes now provide more protection, and the low quality ones provide less. In most cases this covers more than one coverage aspect, but always at least the most important aspect for the item in question.

Footwear wearing out in use

Shoes and boots now wear out in use ie. when walking or otherwise moving around by foot. Footwear material determines their durability.

Reindeer fur boots, 'Nutukkaat'.
The National Museum of Finland / Suomalais-ugrilaiset kokoelmat / SU4724:35
License: CC BY 4.0

Let this be enough for summery summary about what to expect. Now then there's that other question...

When we're done with those "few more things" still pending to be added it is time to start wrapping things up for a beta release. I'm quite reluctant to set or mention any deadlines as they usually don't keep, but if we think it out loud then...
It shouldn't take more than few weeks to finish the most urgent pending to-do's. Then a week of extensive testing and adjusting the latest additions, and then if everything goes fine it's time to start final packaging.
...we could be seeing first beta of the brave new version in early september. And from there on, what has been laid in there will still be evolving and growing, stabilizing and multiplying.

It should be noted that the beta version will be released on Steam, and for lifetimers, and standalone (donation-based, free-of-charge) installers will follow after significantly longer time than what we have used to in the past. This is because the donation-based distribution has been receiving very marginal and insufficient support for years already, and I have to reason things out how to balance with the current distribution models. I'll be happy to answer possibly puzzled questions of relatively recent of near-future intending donors but that will have to await until next week - but don't hesitate to even e-mail if you feel like it.

August 05, 2019, 11:53:54 AM
Choosing target for attack if they're occupying a single tile ...because now there can be multiple creatures in one tile, I had split my dog's skull in half instead of finishing off the fallen reindeer. Luckily she got better.  ;)

This has also been a problem when attacking a njerp village - there was a pile of unconscious fallen men, and I could only attack the one standing on top of them all.

A simple menu: "Attack which target?" please!

August 19, 2019, 11:03:55 PM
Re: Desire for more Maybe someday I can finish this;

August 27, 2019, 07:14:47 PM
Inspired by URW, I bought for my dog... ...canned food made of reindeer and of elk, to eat like his in-game namesake  :D

The reindeer smelled like any other dog food, but the elk was SO gamey that my family complained. The dog absolutely loved it, though.

Now if only I can find canned bear for him to try  ;D

September 06, 2019, 04:56:44 PM