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How badgers escape And you thought you had problems catching badgers. Trying keeping one in a pen:

December 07, 2018, 05:27:34 PM
Re: [Buoidda's mod] Obtaining blood from animals... ideas? This does indeed work - if anybody else wants to use Buoidda's mod in the current version, just replace "elk carcass", "reindeer carcass", etc with {* carcass *}  tags. It also works for the processes to extract guts, backstraps, etc.
December 19, 2018, 12:49:01 AM
Re: Man, I hate wolves!
December 19, 2018, 03:40:08 AM
Re: Man, I hate wolves! I had a similar episode myself, a few days ago.  My well-established Kiesse settler was heading to the Driik lands in winter.  The plan was to exchange furs, crafts and captured weapons for animals and high-quality tools.  I had with me my Big Female Dog "Sampo", my Small Dog "Puolokka" (Lingonberry), and my bull "Ukkonen" (Thunder).   We had earlier been attacked by a Njerpez warrior wielding a woodsman's axe... Fortunately, I am a skilled axeman myself.  I carry a Fine Battle Ax, and I am covered head-to-toe in lamellar, mail, fur and my treasured Iron Spectacle Helm.   I am not easily killed.

We made short work of the axe-wielder, but he did severely wound both my dogs.  One was walking lame and nearly bled to death.

I found a wounded adventurer in a Koivula camp, who said he had been attacked by a bear and lost his woodsman's axe.  I decided to buy another dog to take with me, this time a medium-size Dog, whom I named "Savu" (Smoke).  With the other animals tied up safely in the village, Savu and I set out into the heathlands, and discovered the adventurer's camp the following day.  We encountered the bear still hovering in the area.  I briefly considered setting a trap, but realized I had no bait... Indeed, supplies of food were getting thin.  I decided to attack the bear head-on...

I fired a few arrows from my longbow, but scored no hits.  However, it did capture the bear's attention, and it charged.

 I unleashed Savu, and sent him to attack. 

Meanwhile, I dropped the bow and pulled out my Masterwork Woodsman's Axe. 

Charging through the snow, I flung the woodsman's axe at the bear... but it missed.  The dog collided with the bear, and jaws snapped in the air as both animals reared and pounced.  Savu was swiped in the ribs, but he fastened his teeth onto the bear's throat.  This gave me time to close in, as I drew my Fine Battle Axe. 

I aimed for the bear's head, but in the tumult I struck the shoulder instead.  Nonetheless, the ax bit deep and drove the beast to the ground.  Savu continued to savage its throat, and I drew my Fine Northern Knife and cut both arteries in the neck.  Not long after, it was dead.

After resting and dunking my head in nice cold water, I turned to the bloody task of processing the bear.  I was pleased to see the pelt turned out to be a Fine Winter Bear Skin, despite the damage done in battle.  I butchered the creature, and Savu and I were able to carry it all back to town.  The adventurer was happy to see his ax, and rewarded me with a (much-needed) archery lesson.  I sold much of the bear's meat, and purchased a Masterwork Handaxe. 

This would become my primary ranged weapon... I could throw it, then easily switch to my Fine Battle Axe.

The group set off into the South-West, and in time we came to the Driik lands.  Our trading accomplished, we turned back home once again.  It was as we traveling through No-Man's Land, that it happened.  It was evening time, in Midwinter, during a storm.  Visibility was low.  Our foodstuffs - mostly bear meat - were packed onto the bull Ukkonen.  All of a sudden, I was pulled from the World Travel Map with a message of wolves.  Perhaps they had been drawn by the scent of the raw bear flesh.  Immediately, my character was attacked from behind.  A wolf lunged out of the storm and caught me by the hip, between my leather leggings and my lamellar cuirass. 

It just goes to show how different UnReal World characters can be... I once had a character, who was a female carpenter and fisherwoman who lived alone with her small dog by the sea.  One day, she and the dog were out walking, when a wolf pack pounced.  The first wolf caught her by the shoulder from behind, and dragged her to the ground.  A few short seconds later, her abdomen was ripped open and her throat torn out.  I never found out what happened to the dog.

Luckily, this time there was layers of fur over the flesh of this large man, and I was torn only slightly.  I swung around with my battleaxe in one swift movement, and slashed the animal across its hindquarters.  It fled, yelping... But I knew there would be more.

With visibility down to a few squares, with my dogs all injured and loaded down... What could I do?

I backed into a nearby copse of trees, and got the heavily-burdened bull behind me.  The dogs naturally arrayed themselves in front as a screen.  Then, the second attack of the wolves came.  2 of them lunged out of the darkness, and all was chaos as dog and wolf rolled over and over one another.  Jaws snapped and snow flew as they tussled back and forth.  Then, my time came to strike.  I lashed with long ax at one of the wolves, and laid its shoulder open to the bone.  As suddenly as they had come, the wolves fled. 

I grabbed all of my animals' leashes and backed away quickly.  Every few steps, I swiveled to look around - I could not afford to be caught off guard again.  At last, I sensed we had left the pack's hunting grounds, and we moved onwards through the gathering dusk.  Although I wish I  could have taken at least one Winter Wolf Fur for myself, I do not think the pack will soon forget us.

December 19, 2018, 10:13:30 PM
A Christmas present to the community by me Sorry if the title sounds a little grandiose. ;D

Since late November, I've been updating the official wiki, on and off.

Mostly just adding categories and structure to the whole thing (though a lot of it was good to begin with, so I had my work cut out for me, in a sense), occassionally uploading some new images for the still missing ones in articles (there are still many), expanding several articles with more detailed information and improved formatting (sections with headings, instead of unbroken paragraphs), and occassionally creating a few new articles (I did one on NPC conversations, a few short ones on terrain types (this I still want to extend), and one article on the types of "pets" the player receives at the start when they select the last starting scenario). Images are now neatly sorted into their own subcategories within an image category, so you'll be able to make sense of the images uploaded to the wiki much, much more easily than before. There's a Healing and medicine subcategory in the equally new Gameplay category, and so on and so forth.

Hope you like the category work in particular. I tried to be as rigorous and logical as possible while expanding upon the already existing categories and adding new ones. Hopefully you'll find the additions useful and quick to work with (making it easier to find inter-related stuff quickly on the wiki). I'm still working on improving some articles or finishing a few of the newer ones, but much of the planned work is done by this point.

Feedback is very welcome !

And if anyone wants to help the visual side of the wiki by providing screenshots of still missing content from the latest release of the game, that would be very welcome. For certain objects and concepts, we still only have images from pre-3.30 versions, and even though those have their historical value, we also need more up-to-date images (3.52 and higher).

As Christmas is nearly here, I'd like to wish everyone a peaceful, healthy and relaxing holiday season. :)

December 20, 2018, 07:50:56 PM
New command [FLOTATION:###] I'm working on a multiple method to make punts/boats

AFAIK right now the flotation is  fixed # x the weight of the craft

I'd like if there was a [FLOTATION:###] command. This sets the amount of capacity for a water craft.

FLOTATION would be the capacity to float things beyond the craft's own weight. This would include the character's weight, things the character carries and things dropped in the craft

Consider that a log floats at half way up without bark on it

From that 1 Tree trunk floats 500 lbs for its 500 lbs of weight (weight/float ratio 1:1)
(that weight needs to include the character)

Consider that a raft of 3 trunks 1,500 lbs would have 1,500 lbs load

(or Jeb's 3 logs of 1,200lbs floats 1,200 lbs)

Consider that a simple dug out canoe with 400 pounds of wood removed could have the original 500 lbs plus that removal for 900 lbs floated by 100 lb dug out canoe (weight/float ratio  1:9)

A flare out of steaming the side could increase that even more possibly even getting to 1,200 lbs floated, roughly the same as a raft.

Leather used as tarp over wicker framing would also have a high weight/flotation

If we modders could set the flotation we can present various technologies with their own pros and cons much better.

Another factor might be boat durability but nothing I know of can damage a boat.

December 21, 2018, 02:40:45 AM
Season's recovery greetings There went the winter solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, and we're heading towards the increasing daylight. I've also got my fractured shoulder off the sling by now, but the recovery continues. All the movements are painful, and I'm increasing the range of motion bit by bit. The official sick leave has been extended until January 2019, and my absence from the forums continues.
But you'll be fine, and I'll be back eventually. Thanks for all the warm words and understanding and wishes.

Winter Sale is going on at Steam so once again it's good time to grab UnReal World for yourself, or gift a friend into the Far North.

And lastly, huge big seasons greetings to each and everyone of you, from the tiny dev and the winter tree. Merry whatever, fellow adventurers!

December 24, 2018, 12:34:53 PM
Re: Base for Rules System Harn was (relatively) quite a bit more popular when URW began its development.  It's hard to remember for some people, but roleplaying back in the 80's/early 90's was MUCH more rules-heavy than today's games.  After all... there wasn't anything else to do, with no internet and few distractions besides reading.  If you were a socially-awkward misfit (like myself), it wasn't too crazy to spend hours poring over complex and byzantine systems, memorizing rules, and finally playing with other like-minded individuals.  Sessions might last for 8 hours or more, and if a ruleset required extra time, that was sometimes considered a good thing!  Especially if it added more realism.  Anyway, those systems were honestly far more suited to a computer program... and luckily, we have games like URW now as a result!
January 01, 2019, 01:26:55 AM
Visual clues I wish I could get clues about what I can see on a zoomed in map similar to sounds ie you see an elk to the north. I'm some times frustrated when I'm persistence hunting in a large open mire and I lose track of the prey when it runs off screen. My character is able to see that far on the wilderness map so he should be able to visual track prey zoomed in.
January 27, 2019, 08:17:47 PM
2019, here we come, slowly but steadily. The time has come for me to start reaching back into the development chambers after the sick leave. My fractured shoulder is still far from fully healed, but computer work seems doable, so here we come development year 2019. Slowly but steadily that is, as the priority remains in exercising the injured arm a lot to increase mobility - rather than to get it stiff from the office work.

Oh boy, little did I know how slowly fractured shoulders heal. In the original injury topic somebody made a remark that this might be my hardcore first hand research on injuries and recovery. :) Well, yes, going through this actually got me thinking of going through game's recovery rules in case of fractured joints. I've been of the arm sling for five weeks now but it will still take months before I can shoot a bow again, and raising the injured arm above the shoulder level is a feat I have been doing reliably only for a week or two. And there's no way I can do it with carrying load of more than few pounds, so any hard work that requires both arms is out of the question.  It also takes time to learn to move the arm 'normally' again, as the early pain didn't allow all the proper muscles to be used with some arm trajectories. It is easy to understand how easily deformed body postures are born.

But here I am, dedicated to work on the arm and the game as much as possible during the 2019.
I've gone through the swamp of e-mails lately and hopefully answered to everything urgent - but if you miss a reply, please do re-send your e-mail.
Getting back on the track with the forums will take a bit longer, but soon enough you can expect replies to pop up here and there.

Luckily my physiotherapist has also given me permission to ski, just guaranteed that I do not fall on the injured arm in any circumstances.
2019, here we come.

January 28, 2019, 06:49:56 PM