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Re: [3.83] Duplicated hide with pausable crafting And now it's found and fixed. Duplication occurs if the task gets cancelled right at the item requirements dialog. So in this case it happened when Plotinus tried if the tanning could be proceeded without the working log being present. The requirements dialog appeared and got cancelled due to missing log, and at that phase the duplication occurs.

Fixed - persists in 3.83

April 25, 2024, 06:41:26 PM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods After that, I continue along happily with using the mod.
May 07, 2024, 06:54:08 AM
Re: Make Menu only for Modded items = saving BAC and other large mods Just wanted to post on this- i think an additional key for modded menus is a good idea.

I implemented my own version in my old mod extender project, using the ~ key would bring up an external menu with mods and their designated key. then, when one of the keys gets activated, it would get the menu def information and write it into the games menu def files, save, and then macro the keys into that menu, so you dont need to manually open up the crafting menu and all that, allows for infinite menus, as you're able to exchange mod menus with a single key (i used Z)

Could probably be done with a simple keyboard/autohotkey interface if you want to avoid UI, which is the way i had mine setup.

Idk if this is useful to anyone, but to give you an idea of how it works in code:

Code: [Select]
private void ModManager_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) // Hide/Show extended menus
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape)
                foreach (Keys k in AssignedKeys.Keys)
                    if ((e.KeyCode | e.Modifiers) == k && !PlayerM.IsViewingRecipes && PlayerM.IsViewingWorld)
                        string GameKey = AssignedKeys[k][0].Split('-')[1];
                        string Menu = AssignedKeys[k][0].Split('*')[1];
                        File.WriteAllText(DefaultData.GameDirectory + Files.DefaultMenudef, AssignedKeys[k][0]);   // <---writes selected menu key to menu def then performs macro to access menu
                        switch (Menu)
                            case "MAKE": // Shift M, +
                                WindowHandling.PostMessage(RWMain.TargetProcess.MainWindowHandle, WindowHandling.WM_CHAR, '+', IntPtr.Zero);
                                WindowHandling.PostMessage(RWMain.TargetProcess.MainWindowHandle, WindowHandling.WM_CHAR, GameKey.ToCharArray()[0], IntPtr.Zero);
                            case "COOKERY": // alt C, s + c
                                WindowHandling.PostMessage(RWMain.TargetProcess.MainWindowHandle, WindowHandling.WM_CHAR, 's', IntPtr.Zero);
                                WindowHandling.PostMessage(RWMain.TargetProcess.MainWindowHandle, WindowHandling.WM_CHAR, 'c', IntPtr.Zero);
                                WindowHandling.PostMessage(RWMain.TargetProcess.MainWindowHandle, WindowHandling.WM_CHAR, GameKey.ToCharArray()[0], IntPtr.Zero);
            }// else if ()

May 08, 2024, 06:10:37 AM
Re: Antlers and bones
I recently got a fine pair of Reindeer antlers and was wondering if there was any way to hang them to the walls of my cabin.

There’s no dedicated mechanic to apply them to your cabin, but you can push them in to a wall tile.
Tried that out and I am satisfied with this. Thanks alot dude.

May 26, 2024, 06:37:43 PM
Re: BAC looking for new caretaker
A customer coming into a store having a staff tell them its a "battle" and how "little" the customer means the staff is an asshole.

I 100% agree with that. But I must admit that I haven't seen that happen in the context of this discussion about "please add a new hotkey for modded crafting recipes". I have seen Brygun making that interpretation, and then sticking with that feeling. Okay, I think that is natural for humans, so not going to continue more on that theme.

So, the way I understand it, this is what we have at the moment:

1. The discussion and considerations about adding a new key for modded crafting recipes is still open, a final decision has not been announced. I haven't seen Sami saying that the suggestion is already rejected, I have seen him saying that before making the decision it is good to think about it from many different perspectives to make a balanced and well-grounded decision.

2. Currently there is no-one actively maintaining the BAC mod. And if anyone / some people want to continue maintaining it, they are free to do so.
(And, both there in the forums and in the community Discord I have seen players mentioning that they'd like to have an updated version of BAC compatible with the latest version of UrW, but maybe those players don't have the modding skills themselves, or then they somehow perceive it as "a ready-made project handed down for us", or, somehow perceiving some distance between them as players and mod creators, while the fact seems to be that mod creators are players, and players can be mod creators, and that the magical "someone" does not exist, but it is always this or that person, you, me, them, everybody.)

June 14, 2024, 11:21:55 AM
Re: BAC looking for new caretaker  UW mod making used to be about adding a thing or two that I felt were needed IMO in a version, or in my specific game play.
I've not played the last couple versions so I am uninformed as to what has been added.

 Even though I put out the menu mod, I've never been of the mind that consuming every slot was a valid mod method outside of a specific version. We are only boroughing the keys that aren't used.

June 17, 2024, 07:31:29 PM
Re: BAC looking for new caretaker
A customer coming into a store having a staff tell them its a "battle" and how "little" the customer means the staff is an asshole.

I 100% agree with that. But I must admit that I haven't seen that happen in the context of this discussion about "please add a new hotkey for modded crafting recipes". I have seen Brygun making that interpretation

Those are quotes from Saami's words not an "interpretation". Not facing the issues only made you look worse.

"a battle you can't win" was in Saami's original responses.

Not an interpretation. A quote.

So here's the thread so everybody can read it and make up their mind:

If somebody is till puzzled about what I mean with a certain phrases it's best to ask me directly for a first hand opinion.

July 29, 2024, 08:04:05 PM
Re: Discontinued
A customer coming into a store having a staff tell them its a "battle" and how "little" the customer means the staff is an asshole.

I 100% agree with that. But I must admit that I haven't seen that happen in the context of this discussion about "please add a new hotkey for modded crafting recipes". I have seen Brygun making that interpretation

Those are quotes from Saami's words not an "interpretation". Not facing the issues only made you look worse.

"a battle you can't win" was in Saami's original responses.

Not an interpretation. A quote.

Brygun, it sounds like you had a really strong reaction to Sami's post in that thread, but did you see in another thread where he said he's making some preliminary progress towards implementing your suggestion? I think actions speak louder than words here.

July 29, 2024, 08:44:11 PM