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Re: NPC hunters gone wild Sounds like a nice piece of ownership logic.
May 24, 2019, 12:12:38 AM
Re: [3.52]Big Boar(d) This has been reported and a fix will be in place, the problem does remain in 3.52

June 04, 2019, 02:25:04 AM
Re: Magic Berrys! Thank you! I just updated to 3.52 it is presently winter i will tell you sami if it happends again next spring !
June 21, 2019, 12:46:04 AM
Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities Snagged it on steam during the sale, big thanks for the years of entertainment :)
June 30, 2019, 09:09:09 AM
Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities I've played this game for a few months (again after so many years) - I just recently installed Steam on Linux to buy the Mount & Blade bundle, and while I was at it, I bought this game, too. Listening to the newly-released album by Heilung and playing Unreal World just feels... natural.
June 30, 2019, 09:55:13 AM
Finnish bear fight sorry if this does not hyperlink I'm not very good with computers. Saw this video and it made me wonder. I have witnessed predator prey interactions, but what about territory disputes or fighting over mates? I would enjoy seeing two bull elk duking it out during mating season
July 03, 2019, 06:31:58 PM
Throw of life So, after getting back stapped by stupid njerpes warriors or mass gang mauled by wolves in two games with great starts, I was having it rough. After a well deserved break to calm my nerves, repeating over and over in my head: "Take it easy this time cowboy", I tried again. I chose a chilled scenario, made a good character and went at it again!
Eagerly checking my startup items "Rough Handaxe" and "Rough Knife". My enthusiasm was now lowered. I really don't like rerolling my character, but admittably, I was on the verge. I got to check the body lying dead besides me (as per the scenario), exact same items.... WTF "#=%Ì"&=".... On top of it, i had a total of 1.8 lbs of food, so barely one days worth. A mate teased me into soldiering on, so I didn't reroll the character. I head out hunting without building a base hoping for a stupid squirrel or something.. nothing.. It's spring way up north in the mountains, so no water either. I finally find some, but at this point the food had run out.
As i'm crawling helplessly on the world map, cold, starving and extremely tired I see a bull elk. I imagine that this is some code left behind to give me the finger for funsies, kind of a "now that you're basically a corpse, I'll show myself so you can smell what i would have tasted like"...! Actually believing this, I figured that I'll at least face the troll code head on and die with dignity. I threw my newly crafted javelin at the fucker, and this happened....?
This game gives you an experience you don't get anywhere else :)

July 05, 2019, 02:50:40 AM
Re: Summer Sale, Summer opportunities Very interresting event Sami  ;)
July 09, 2019, 11:26:06 AM
Re: Messing with measures I am trying knot to make any puns.
July 11, 2019, 05:06:22 PM
Re: Dog leash disappeared
When making camp I tied my dog to a tree, spent the next day fishing just a few meters away then as I wanted to leave I noticed that the rope had disappeared. Normally it's on the same tile as the tree you tied the dog to but this time it was just gone.

The dog is still shown as being "tied in place". Tried cutting down the tree but no change. Tried applying a different rope but it just tells me the dog is already leashed. Looks like I have no way to untie the dog so I'm just gonna lose it...

Three things...
1. Is this with the latest version 3.52?
2. You spent the next day just few meters away,  so you didn't zoom out from the area at all? (This may be important detail)
3. zip up the character folder and send it over to me. I'll fix the save for you - and try to reproduce.

1: yes, it's the latest version - I have it on Steam, which always keeps it up to date.
2: it's been a while, but I'm still like 95% sure that all I did was fish for a whole day and then rest, next day I wanted to leave but found the rope gone.
3: The character has since died and I don't have the save folder any more. Thanks a lot for the offer though :)

Btw, this seems to happen only very rarely. I've been playing a few hundred hours by now (not all of this time with dogs of course) and this fortunately happened only once.

July 26, 2019, 04:59:19 PM