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Re: Sown plants disappearing after save
Do you think we might see something in the story section from you, Jakob?
Mayhaps! ;)

August 25, 2018, 04:02:21 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? Just checked map and found the area near my settlement turned purple! I wandered around that area and found a njerpez war camp. This is interesting because the camp is not the camp of the run away slave scenario. This made my Koivulainen man worried and now he is preparing to raid the camp.
August 30, 2018, 11:08:28 AM
Paikku and the Robber's Cave (comic style adventure)
Let me present an adventure with bear caves, angry spirits and robbers!

NOTE: Click images for full resolution (forums wouldn't resize them if posted directly).

September 02, 2018, 04:52:21 PM
Re: Game crashes extremely frequently Well I deleted my anti malware (that I never downloaded or really wanted anyway) and so far no crashes and the game runs faster even, it hasn’t been long enough to say definitively tho if it worked or not. If you don’t hear back from me within 24 hours consider the matter resolved and thank you for provoking me into thought about it being another program causing the crashes. You have been extremely helpful :D
September 17, 2018, 04:16:56 AM
Re: Playing as animals and Njerpez There is game about being an wolf.

So chase animals, eat them, avoid hunters, get killed, start again, feed cubs, fight other wolves for alpha status, lead hunt for big pray. It is pretty similar to urw actually. Except that you get killed a lot by Helicopters and planes.

September 17, 2018, 05:26:48 PM
Re: How about Scurvy? As I understand it, the eating of raw flesh wasn't a practice among the peoples of Finland, the way it has been with some peoples of Siberia or the Arctic Americas. However, we know the Sami at least were aware of the problems posed by scurvy, and had various foods they would eat to stave it off, especially during the dark winter months. Such foods would have included pine bark flour, birch sap, various plants (such as sow thistle and sorrel) boiled with the milk of reindeer to produce a cheese-like food called gompa. The roots of angelica and Cicerbita alpina were dried and chewed on throughout the year, as much for their flavor and for amusement as for their nutritional / medicinal properties.

There's more written here:

Berries too were preserved, mostly by submerging in water to make something akin to vattlingon which is still consumed today (I have also heard of preservation in reindeer fat instead of water). For preserving in water, any combination of berries could be used, but you would at least need to include either lingonberries or cloudberries or both in the mixture: they are the berries that contain the highest amounts of oxalic acid, and that would be the agent mostly responsible for making sure the berries do not rot in the water.

Currently, we do not have mechanisms in the game to preserve berries or plants or whatever. My personal opinion is that it would be a little unfair to add a disease (which would have been well-known and preventable even in those times) to the game without giving the player a chance to do something about it. Not to say I wouldn't welcome it as a possible addition to the game, merely that the decision whether and how to develop it is not something that's up to me.

September 27, 2018, 01:16:32 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? After at least 100 hours of play, I've run through over a dozen adventurers who, almost without exception, died from MY decisions. I learned some bad lessons early on. Small female bears/with cub leave one with the mistaken impression that bears are not TOO bad. Papa Bear will correct that fallacy. While the first five Njerpez may seem to be relatively soft, the sixth has uncanny skills with just his knife. Foxes can run on thin ice. Don't follow them. Robbers have a lot of friends.

My dead Father apparently took me hunting while barely clothed. Perhaps he traded most of my clothes for the Fine Kaumo spear and Fine knife? Anyway, with those, and a handaxe,  I set out.

So, the first year, mid-summer, on a new start, determined to avoid previous mistakes. Settled next to rapids on a long river. After many futile weeks of hunting just to watch my javelins run away in some wounded deer or elk, I stopped trying. It would soon be too damp to dry meat, anyway. No meat is drying, at all!

The plan was to build a cabin/smokehouse, then to trap and smoke what I could trap. I'd snare some birds, kill squirrels with rocks, and fish for daily food. Having completed building I FINALLY lucked out and killed a deer. I then wasted 180+ cuts after learning there were a few building flaws in my cabin. By the time I fixed them, the meat was spoiled. Well, another lesson learned- TEST your smokehouse, first.

Built a trap fence, nothing trapped so far. Built a shorter one. Ditto. Started building a trap fence around a small lake.

Bumped into my first Njerpez. Seen robbers once and avoided them, likewise bears. But, by this point, though, I was despairing of any success, so, I did not run. Killed him, taking 26% injury. Got his spear and some very damaged lamellar. But, the spear was the start of a good run of luck. Traded that and his iron helm for better tools. Found a quest treasure and with that and the Njerp loot, bartered for Master woodsman, hand, and splitting axes, a 'Perfect' shovel, a Fine Fishing rod, a pot, a Fine Carving ax, Master Longbow, nets, a dog, all the things I'd drooled over before.

On the way back from hiring my first companion, I found I'd finally trapped a reindeer. Huzzah!

So, I'm still working that small lake's fence, not even 1/4 completed yet. Just started the Advanced missions line. I used my rewards to improve Cooking, Carpentry, and Hideworking. ALL I have to do is avoid stupid decisions now...fingers crossed!

September 30, 2018, 03:40:32 AM
Guinness world record for "First open-world survival videogame" The second world record received acknowledges UnReal World as a forefather of the genre.


Back in 2016 we got (and proudly hold) the record for longest update support for a videogame in GWR Gamer's Edition 2017.
And now, in the recently published Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2019 UnReal World gets the record for "First open-world survival videogame". Oops, we kind of created a videogame genre, but we do not regret :)

The book happily presented at the end of this post is a Finnish edition, and here's how GWR mentions the record in English:
    "The second millennial decade has witnessed an explosion of open-world survival games, particularly on the Steam platform with the success of PC tiles such as DayZ, Ark: Survival Evolved and the battle-royale shooter PlayerUnknown's Battlegrouds.
    The genre's trues roots can most likely be traced back to the indie sandbox RPG UnReal World, first released in 1992. Set in Iron Age Finland, player's principal aim was to survive its challenging and harsh environments. Incredibly, the game was still going strong and receiving updates, as of September 2017. The game was developed by two people - head creator Sami Maaranen and programmer Erkka Lehmus (both Finland). As of September 2017, it held the record for longest update support for a videogame."
(Yeah, it's out-of-date info with latest updates as the books live in press-time info. And in case somebody wonders about the near future updates a new bugfix and balancing patch is actually to be released this month.)

Cheers and thanks to all of you for making history and taking part in creation of a videogame genre with us.

Erkka (co-designer) at the left, Sami (creator) and Alli (the cat) at the right.
And if you take a look at our previous GWR post it seems like have started a tradition with these world record promo pictures as well ;)

October 21, 2018, 12:03:14 PM
Re: What's Going On In Your Unreal World? I'm into my 2nd winter now. Last winter my trap fence was awesome! That and my smaller traps set at a small lake resulted in 11 elk and deer, 3 foxes, a hare, and numerous birds. Perhaps not strangely, since winter broke, all that area has yielded is a pair of foxes. From the 3 successful bear deadfalls elsewhere from that winter, all I've gotten since is one wolf and one elk. That's over the whole spring/autumn period. I know the Gods are not unhappy with me, so, where did my good fortune go?

I farmed a small 4x10 area that yielded about 500 turnips (had other things planted late season but I neglected them and all withered), harvested about 2K of lake reeds, gathered a hundred or so of about a dozen useful plants, some used for the several wounds I've encountered.

Anyway, I built a new settlement with a good-sized cabin and a barn, but I'm not using it yet. It's on a small island but I've built no defenses yet. I've traveled through this winter to all but one clan area, scouting and trading. Three dogs and the same small bull still accompany me, though all the dogs are replacements for their originals...bah!

I have enough food now to last a year even if I had no other hunting successes. Think I'll finally build that sauna Time to relax!

October 31, 2018, 05:58:34 PM
Re: Version 3.52 released on Steam and for Lifetime Members Villages are not shopping malls... You are getting to comfy with today's economy and logistics.
Things in village inventory are the stocks they are willing to part with but not some "for sale" displays.

November 01, 2018, 05:38:45 PM